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Everything posted by nick

  1. Welcome to the community! A long-time Japanese music fan like you won't be disappointed joining MH I'd say.
  2. It's nice to see a small long-time active band like them still around.
  3. Seems they have more budget to film a PV than Girugamesh. XD
  4. nick

    Nice drawing. The eyes look so beautiful. <3
  5. nick

    ^ Technically, It could be possible, but not recommended. However, you can try installing a portable version with a different skin on each one.
  6. nick


    Nice music taste. And welcome to MH! ;3
  7. Their music is good but why it's so hard to obtain. T_T
  8. nick

    There is a small problem with the forum license key I think. I'm sure Kai will get it solved as soon as he comes online.
  9. nick

    Welcome to the forum! Feel free to visit the chat room to talk with us sometimes. x)
  10. nick

    if the band name were E, there would be up to TYPE-E each single. Can't imagine if the band name were Z. Anyone get the idea? ROFL!!
  11. nick

    YAY, MACABRE LIVE IS THERE!! and even JEALOUS-reverse-.
  12. the participating artists make the album even more interesting.
  13. nick

    Awesome! I really like their recent live dist, Ryuusei Dive. I will definitely be looking forward to these ones.
  14. nick

    Can somebody teach me how to download a broadcast streaming video from YouTube please? I want to save the 720p version. Edit: NVM, I'm downloading it now.
  15. nick

    Nice drawings! I like them especially the 2nd one. <3 You have potential, so keep practicing. x)
  16. nick

    Interesting so far. I watched the crappy Oresama once but this time it's Hollywood. O_o
  17. nick

    There is a small weakness in the current mod team from my perspective not mentioning what being said above. None of them live in Asia which means there will be no mods active for 24/7 or at least in Asian daytime. Sometimes I see a misplaced topic or something that is not right on MH (including my own mistakes), but I can't report it to the mod team immediately.
  18. nick

    ^ You can get it here. The resolution is 4000*2670 px, so you may have to resize it to fit your desktop screen. :>
  19. nick

    I wonder if the ratio will be 4:3 just like the trailer.
  20. nick

    Thank you a lot for what you've shared so far, and have a good moment living in Japan.
  21. This is simply a good introduction to Japan.
    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      interesting side note that this seems to be already the third installment of this series...

  22. nick

    ^ that's the most power saving wallpaper provided by M$.
  23. Awesome! The preview sounds so promising.
  24. nick

    MH sure has a lot of interesting artists. You're one of them, Jigsaw. 8D
  25. nick

    Trying to code a CMS in OOP. Pretty a humble beginning, though.
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