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Everything posted by nick

  1. nick

  2. nick

    Love the wallpaper. A good one in a while.
  3. Aww, NOES. if it happens only when you access MH, i think there should be a way out.
  4. nick

    X JAPAN need more studio albums. For a legendary long-time active band like them, their compilation albums are too many compared to the studio albums they've released so far. In other words, this also proves they prefer quality over quantity, though. It'd be very awesome if they're going to announce a new studio album with the current line-up.
  5. nick

    Kameleo 1st Full Album [NOW!] -Kimi to now.- Music clip Full Version!!! with English subs.
  6. nick

    i rarely watch anime but lately i've really been into shingeki no kyojin.
  7. nick

    They're showing the packages of the limited and regular editions.
  8. nick

    just heard the preview of OZ's Dolls, it's so good. +1
  9. nick

    See you next week then!
  10. nick

    Good news! I'll be looking forward to hearing the heidi.'s part in particular. Everything looks interesting so far. <3
  11. nick

    One more from SILENT DIFFERENCE Original: Dir en grey - Unknown... Despair... a Lost This is not VK but still J-Rock related. ELLEGARDEN - Alternative Plans Original: Green Day - Basket Case ^ Don't know why the last 2 embed videos above turned out to be just normal text.
  12. nick

    Welcome! I'm glad to help.
  13. nick

    No prob! If that works fine, you can put those 7,000 songs into the same folder, and then right click on the folder to edit with mp3tag from the context menu to remove ID3v1 at once. If you're not sure if ID3v2 tags are written in your files already, try those settings and select all the files and click on the "Save" button to save them all without editing anything. It will create ID3v2 tags. Now you will have ID3v1 and 2 together, you can simply remove the ID3v1 tags just by clicking on the "Remove Tag" button. However, be careful while doing this and CTRL+Z is your best friend as long as you don't close the program. The reason why you should use ID3v2.3 UTF-16 not 2.4 UTF-8 is because it's universally supported by most devices/applications while the latter can't be read by some programs (it will be something like "blank or untagged" files.)
  14. nick

    For me, I remove ID3v1 and use ID3v2.3 UTF-16 instead, and everything will be in Unicode on every computer that supports it (Windows XP and newer). fb2k reads ID3v1 (which doesn't support Unicode) before ID3v2, so this is why I should remove it. In addition, I use the field "ALBUMARTIST" for v.a. albums to tag something like オムニバス so that fb2k can group all the tracks together. And iPod users should set the field "COMPILATION" to 1 if the field "ALBUM ARTIST" exists. You can try these settings, and test on a messed up album just by clicking on the "Remove Tag" button. It will remove ID3v1 and APE if they exist while ID3v2 still remains.
  15. nick

    カメレオ「君となう。」PV SPOT ROFL!! I can't stop laughing.
  16. nick

    Killswitch Engage - Disarm the Descent
  17. nick

    038. 摩天楼オペラ - [GLORIA CD1 #02] Psychic Paradise
  18. nick

    hyura, you look so beautiful. *q*
  19. nick

    i like it so far. yes, it's weird. they should form another band or just reunite DELUHI. XD
  20. nick

    ^ lol, i was about to post what caran did. xD
  21. Cool, I love all of their album arts so far. <3
  22. Oh, I'm happy to see them still active though these are live-limited cds. <3
  23. nick

    sai is stepping down from a mod to be MH mistress. ;3
  24. nick

    I didn't expect to get any votes. Thanks to those who voted for me. XD
  25. nick

    A song digitally released this month. 01. すーぱーそに子 - ロックンロール☆バレンタイン
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