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Everything posted by Seimeisen

  1. Seimeisen

  2. Seimeisen

    - the GazettE's new album will KILL ME - DIR EN GREY will announce a new album, and maybe a single to go with it - Royz, 己龍, and コドモドラゴン will all release new albums, one week apart from each other; the コドモドラゴン album will be pretty awesome, the Royz one will be br00tal but also boyband-ish, the 己龍 one will kind of suck and be obnoxious with the synthesised bullshit; there will be a formula to these albums - More on BP Records, their sound engineers will take the loudness war and The Art of Garbage Production Quality to a whole new level; they will not be fired for the atrocities they have been committing since ~2015 - THE NOVEMBERS new album/mini-album because they have to - New lynch. album because they have to - New 凛として時雨 album; Miyoko and Pierre will not shine enough on this album, TK will wrongfully hog the spotlight - Plastic Tree will release something, they might announce an album - Think NoGoD can't get worse? Think again! They can, and will
  3. Seimeisen

    I still can't wrap my head around the logic of announcing a release before it's been recorded (or even written). I want a new GazettE album more than any of you, but dude, what were they thinking?!
  4. Seimeisen

    7/11 - I would have rather gotten a pathetic utaboomy-ish DEG single than the announcement for VESTIGE OF ASSES, but at least they're [supposedly] working on a new album, sooo... - R指定 was technically 2 singles and a mini album - lynch. was only a mini, but still a great release, and honestly much better than BLØØD THIRSTY CREATURE - Plastic Tree did release a single, but it actually sounded different for once - I'm giving DEZERT points being consistent and releasing awesome shit, even though they just did one single and one live-dist track, but おやすみ is probably the most beautiful song released this entire year.
  5. Seimeisen

    Am I the only one hearing Mamo growl "MISTLETOE" after the chorus? It sounds like he's saying "mistletoe" Huh, so that photographer was just some detective. Are the mother/daughter gonna kill him too? They'll make a rather interesting serial killer duo. I'm guessing the mosaic'd parts are the girls chopping up the rapist boyfriend's body. Also, 3:06 is a whole new level of fucked up.
  6. Seimeisen

    Why was that guy taking pictures of a little girl getting beaten up? Was that the PV director's way of saying "this is Mamo in 20 years?"
  7. Seimeisen

    I usually don't care for djent, I hate it's over-saturation in metal and how any band that 'djents' is automatically labeled as "progressive metal" (bitch no ur not). But, I dunno... djent-y GazettE? I think I'd be down for that! I don't think it's something they need to do, though; I think their DARK AGE era shows they don't need seventy thousand strings to be heavy.
  8. I actually enjoyed a lot of 漆黒の闇, surprisingly. I know the previews for this album are only 5 seconds long, but I'm not as into them. Curious to hear「脳内抹殺」though. I cringed at リストカットして [2]
  9. Digging 90% VERSUS, but I still think Shangri-La is a pile of garbage

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Listening to it at work atm. I'm really only half-listening, but I haven't skipped anything and it's been enjoyable background music.

    2. evenor


      agreed on the shangri-la comment


  10. Seimeisen

    So I just got the limited edition of VERSUS, and it comes in a super thick case (like the standard edition of INCOMPLETE). This right here is the cover on the booklet inside: Why didn't they just go with this for the main cover? Somebody has been lying to this band telling them that the other covers they've been promoting are better than this one right here. Still haven't listened to the album in full, but I still have high hopes for it. Still not sure if I'll like Shangri-La or Noah when I do listen, but I'm not expecting them to be as bad as I thought when the tracks were released back in May. REM will probably be my favourite, and maybe is DEAD (that song kinda gives me a suicide ali vibe).
  11. Seimeisen

    Was the part at the end with the girl gagging in front of the mirror in the original PV from 2011? I'm sure it wasn't included in any of the YouTube fan uploads. Adds to the fucked-up-ness of it all
  12. Seimeisen

    Stupid thing is, this guy should have just put a ¥20,000 buy-it-now price on GAUZE and I would have surely bought it
  13. Seimeisen

    So down for that!
  14. Hard to judge with the bit-crush sound quality (which I hope we aren't dealing with on the actual CD), but my fave previews were 屍を越えて and Dearest Actually, Dearest is enough to make me consider buying the album
  15. Seimeisen

    Super tempted to bid on GAUZE (the $100 one of course), but FJ requires full deposit of maximum bid, and yes I'll get it all back if I lose the auction, but it still feels like a huge commitment that I don't really want to make... Ugh, I wish I could just bid without any bullshit shopping service Also, if the guy selling GAUZE for $100 had a buy-it-now for $200, I would have snatched it already!
  16. Seimeisen

    Or rush production and it ends up sounding like it was recorded in a dumpster. They should have waited on announcing an album until they finalised the song selection, then it'd be easier for them to decide if they can release it in March/April as hoped, or if they'd have to push it back to mid-summer.
  17. Seimeisen

    ^ 上京物語 definitely counts in my book. I know it's just a MIDI + vocal track, but I still really enjoy it.
  18. I don't even really follow KAYA and I am TOTALLY FREAKING OUT rite now, guess I need to make a trip to LA next year...
  19. Was hoping we'd have heard b-side previews by now, but the full single should be up on iTunes/mora/etc. in several hours, so whatever haha. I'm really digging this track, although it does feel on the short side. It sort of has an "end of the album" vibe, but I hope they don't stick this at the end of the next album, because again, it feels very short.
  20. Seimeisen

    I was completely ready to skip this album and renounce DIAURA after the Noah/シャングリラ single, but this might be a good album! Definitely NOT AOTY material, but not something I'll skip! Noah and Ares or Thanatos both sound bland as fuck, though. I think the album would be more promising if they replaced both Noah and Ares with ENIGMA, and maybe シャングリラ with 月光 (or maybe UNIVERSE?).
  21. Seimeisen

    Disjointed. I wonder if hayato from コドモドラゴン ghost wrote it... Not digging the b-sides at all. Satisfy sounds exactly like Maze Gear in a different tempo, and the bonus tracks are just meh.
  22. Am I the only one who finds it cheap af for an intro track to just be called SE? Especially on an album (or mini-album)?
  23. I was just thinking that!
  24. Seimeisen

    THIS VIDEO WASN'T REGION BLOCKED WHAAAAAAAA, nice of Sony to ignore this one (haha) Still wish cali≠gari picked a more interesting song I disapprove of 大嫌い so much, gimme original 2003 version or nothing Libra was good surprising 溺れる魚 sounds unrecognisable, just kinda sounds like a KEEL track with muffled vocals, but I dig it DO NOT WANT: 謡声, 暁闇, CLASSIC, フライト, NIRVANA, or Brilliant World, keep 'em! I'm in for 15/22 of this, that's pretty good for me
  25. Seimeisen

    I wonder if the new song will sound anything like what we hear at the 1 minute mark of the new song trailer. Way cool! Although I gotta say, making a trailer for one song, several months in advance? Really dude? Also, I was actually expecting the new album to be released around 3/10
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