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  1. LOVE!
    shane reacted to fruitfork in How do you prefer to consume music?   
    ..Not very sentimental are you. I'm pretty much the same as you when it comes to organizing my  library but this take and your whole post is inducing schizophrenia so I am looking away

    I use slsk and private trackers, before those I used to go through old blogspots for dls and still do occasionally, but more often than not I keep things I can't find immediately in my wishlist on slsk. I like collecting records and cassettes too.. does me going to shows count as consuming music..? I don't like the word consume used in this context.

    I avoid spotify like the plague (as with most streaming) but I have a lot of music saved on there from over the years, as much as I'd like to never touch that app again I use it when I'm out in public or at work sometimes, but once I get an ad I usually close out >_>
  2. LOVE!
    shane reacted to Total Saikou in [REQ] Noir fleurir – Gin-iro Basha / 銀色馬車 (English translation)   
    I'll get right on it! I will be a little slower than usual because I'm back at work but it should only take me a few days. I hope you'll enjoy it when it's done!
  3. I feel ya..
    shane reacted to Total Saikou in random thoughts thread   
    Also just found out that the "corona disinfectant" my mom sprays on our clothes, groceries, and packages that come into the house is literally just holy water with essential oils so feel free to nominate our family for the Darwin Awards 😤
  4. Like
    shane reacted to Total Saikou in POLL: Best time to take a shower   
    I know a lot of people think baths are gross, but I take them way more than showers. Nothing beats a good bubble bath and none of y'all can tell me otherwise. I take baths at night, so I can go to bed all clean and not dirty my sheets faster than usual. Sometimes my bubble bath has a nice scent that helps me go to sleep, too. When I do shower, it's either in the morning or afternoon. 
  5. Like
    shane reacted to Total Saikou in Cursed VK Images   
    I made a joke about the new X Japan album (and he just recently made another tease at it too) featuring BTS on every track in another thread but I really wasn't prepared to deal with the fact that this image is real

  6. LOLOL
    shane reacted to ShanethVarosa in X Japan new album scheduled for 30th of TBD   
    Watch this stupid thing be the only album NOT delayed by Corona 
  7. Interesting
    shane got a reaction from Total Saikou in Visual kei popping up in unexpected places   
    That’s interesting! Speaking of odd music choices, they got Bowie to do the theme for the Rugrats movie too but in the end it didn’t get used.
  8. Like
    shane reacted to Total Saikou in Visual kei popping up in unexpected places   
    I was looking for a SHAZNA album cover today when I found out that Winter's Review by SHAZNA was used as the Ending theme for Japanese dub of The Rugrats Movie?!?! Now that's what I call unexpected. I saw the Rugrats movie as a kid and seeing SHAZNA play over Rugrats footage is so surreal for me.
  9. Like
    shane reacted to YuyoDrift in X Japan new album scheduled for 30th of TBD   
    Shit, now I’m thinking he was waiting for VK to get to the lowest point it ever could (bands disbanding in droves, live houses in shambles, the rich and powerful getting more exposure to the Yoshiki business model) before releasing it since nothing else would come out for weeks and promotion would be easy.
    Probably thinks he will save VK with it 😂. If he does, wow.....and now that I think of it, I expect donations to Japan’s most affected musical areas to be his targets, but for a musician to care about the places that made them big is rare.
  10. Like
    shane reacted to Total Saikou in What did you dream about last night?   
    Man, I had the dream of my life last night. There was this record store attached to a school and I had enough free time to pay a visit, so I went on in. Browsed around, saw some cool stuff but then I got to the "Japan" section and nearly creamed my pants. Man who ran the store had TASTE. No Hatsune Miku. No full racks taken up by only Perfume and Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. Just two racks of assorted (mostly old schoo)l VK CDs. Some were real albums with covers I could recognize, like Macabre (Diru) or Children (Rouage) and others were completely made up by my brain (saw this Zilch one with pink and white polka dots and the hide with spread beaver logo with a heart inside it lol). So I did what my unbridled subconscious would wont to do and bought them all. I spent like... Over 200$ at once? Possibly 300$. I remember just flipping through them all, overwhelmed with joy, knowing that my dream came true! Then I woke up and realized that my dream did not come true. I'd prefer to focus on the positives, like the fact that I did not just spend 300$ on a whim as quickly as that, haha! I hope I can have a dream like that again...
  11. Like
    shane reacted to Total Saikou in X Japan new album scheduled for 30th of TBD   
    These teaser announcements barely affect me anymore. I don't even think I can even physically believe in the new album being real anymore 😓
  12. Like
    shane reacted to platy in X Japan new album scheduled for 30th of TBD   
    stfu Yoshiki. Show the CD being pressed and I'll believe it then. 
    inb4 he'll make an announcement saying it's been delayed by corona.
  13. I feel ya..
    shane got a reaction from Total Saikou in "Where in the World is Yoshiki"   
    Don't tease us unless it's actually happening this time. Not getting my hopes up...
  14. Like
    shane reacted to Total Saikou in Poor use of foreign languages in visual kei   
    Basically all of Dir en Grey tbh even their band name is an amalgam of "cool sounding white people words"
    The romance squad (Gackt era Malice Mizer, LAREINE, Kamijo solo, etc.) weren't exactly fluent in French, nor did actual French people proof-read their stuff. It's strangely endearing? I mean, they're doing their ganbare best, I can't fault them for trying.  
    ju te veux, the French monologue in Mayonaka, some LAREINE songs like this one... I'm strangely touched.
  15. Like
  16. Like
    shane reacted to Total Saikou in Your given the choice to hang out with any band member of any band for a day. Who would it be and what will you do?   
    If I could hang out with anyone, it’d be whichever core member of the MM gang who’d take me (no vocalists, also I would play a Tennis match or go to Mainatron Craze Space with Kami if he was still here with us). With Mana-sama, I’d want to eat his fabled curry while watching whatever weird European Art film he wants to show me in VHS collection. With Közi, I’d sit down with him in a cafe in Paris, just talking about life and art while we drink too much coffee and overeat croissants. Or maybe we’d go fishing together, except I haven’t fished since I was seven so I’ll be absolute crap at it. I don’t think he’d mind though. And with Yu~ki, I’d want him to do Japanese calligraphy with me or just watch him draw or make jewelry while we chat.
  17. I feel ya..
    shane reacted to Total Saikou in Single People Thread   
    Whenever I show VK to someone they either ask if it's Kpop (😭) or if they are anime show promoters (😕), that's where VK is at right now where I'm living. 
  18. Like
    shane reacted to Total Saikou in Single People Thread   
    I've completely given up on hoping that anyone in a 200KM radius of me even knows wtf VK is. 
  19. Like
    shane reacted to fruitfork in What's your Myers-Briggs personality type?   
    Wow so many INFJs I don't feel so special anymore but I'm gonna pretend that everyone else is just lying because they admire INFJs so much, so thank you, it's the best personality type for sure 😌I'm specifically INFJ-A, I've gotten INTJ, INTP throughout the years but INFJ-A these days. I guess I've softened up either that or gotten more hysterical. Funny that when I was about 14 I always got the extroverted, makes me wonder when that started to change. But to be fair I always get 60/40 for I/E.

    So going by myers briggs logic I'm doomed to be alone for the rest of my life both platonically and romantically but where's the surprise
  20. Like
    shane reacted to Total Saikou in What's your Myers-Briggs personality type?   
    16 Personalities: When I first took the test like 4-5 years ago I got ENTP, which really fit my personality so I've been sticking with that. I took it like 2-3 years ago and then I got ENTJ, which I never really agreed with because I'm not a leader type at all (like, I can lead if the situation calls for it but it's far from an instinctual call for me. Plus I kinda suck at leadership in all honesty). Just took it now since then and got INTJ-A. I took it again, just to be sure, and I got the same result. I mean, it fits pretty well for me, especially these days when I don't really argue as much as I used to. All though it may appear like I've done complete 180s as the years go by, I've noticed that these three (I've never got any more than these three btw) all fit into the "analyst" personality category, which means that my overall traits have basically been immutable, which is kinda cool to know.
    John's Personality Test: 61%ISTJ, 9%ESTP, 7%INTJ, 7%ISTP, 4%INTP 
    Keys 2 Cognition: By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: INFP
    Lead (Dominant) Process: Introverted Feeling (Fi):  Support (Auxilliary) Process: Extraverted Intuiting (Ne). If these cognitive processes don't fit well then consider these types: ENFP, or ISFP
    Three different results, okay, cool. ISTJ could be true, but INFP sounds fake only because I've never tested for "feeling" before.
  21. LOVE!
    shane reacted to Total Saikou in The Obi, an enigmatic Japanese music staple.   
    Personally, I love OBIs. I love smelling the ~Japanese~ off of them and reading the special band messages on some of them (usually says shit like "Love, madness, and hatred... The sounds of life, captured within our journey. Join us, traveller-san~). Yup, I keep the little sticker on shrink wrapped releases too! Ad flyers, lyric pull-outs, posters, card print-outs, I collect and keep everything inside the case in only the most pristine condition! It's all part of the collection experience. I keep the OBIs on my books too.
    I can trace back my need to keep things pristine all the way to my childhood, where I was so anal with keeping books in perfect condition that I yelled at kids who dropped them on the floor, or got pissy with people who open books so far that it strains their spines. I've cooled down from acting like that, but I still watch for stuff like spine straining and page warping on books and smudging and scratching on CDs that I own.
    Western CDs aside, my VK CD collection is a mix of new and second hand so some have OBI strips and others don't, and the ones that do have two groups: pre-bent OBIs on the spine and unbent ones still in the case. I usually don't really think twice if a used CD comes without one at all, it's definitely no deal breaker for me. I can't bring myself to bend any of the untouched ones because I don't want to ruin its integrity, so to speak... I know that the OBI's one purpose is to be bent onto the spine of the CD, but I just can't do it for some reason... It's kind of like how some people who collect new CDs refuse to take it out of the packaging and actually play the damn thing, which is the CD's one true purpose. You just don't want to mess it up intentionally, y'know? That's also why I would never throw out an OBI under any circumstance.
  22. Like
    shane reacted to Total Saikou in Top 5 Visual Kei Singles   
    Here's my top 5:
    Sink by Plastic Tree
    Melty Love by SHAZNA
    Louis 〜艶血のラヴィアンローズ〜 by Kamijo
    Fleur by LAREINE
    Two way tie between 麗しき仮面の招待状 and ma chérie ~愛しい君へ~ (Malice Mizer)
    Also shout out to プリズム (BAISER) and Mizerable (Gackt)
  23. LOLOL
    shane reacted to Total Saikou in What are you watching (on YouTube)?   
    Because of course they are (can't believe there's kids out there who don't know of Filthy Frank's legacy... Man, I feel old)
  24. LOLOL
    shane got a reaction from Gesu in random thoughts thread   
    Think you mean Wembley live 😅 though i now have a mental image of yoshiki playing tennis... X carved in a pumpkin could've meant anything, it's not particularly halloween related, and X Japan is older than the X Files anyway, you were in the right.
  25. Like
    shane reacted to Total Saikou in random thoughts thread   
    Lmaooo I done fucked up on that one. Damn my memory's getting rusty... Tbh I could imagine Yoshiki doing tennis, it's less crazy than anything else he's done.
    Yeah, he actually messed up the logo because I remember for sure that he didn't include the "files" part of the logo, hence my question

    and I think he connected the bottom lines like the X Japan logo

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