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Everything posted by uirosos

  1. uirosos

    I have 127 items in my collection on vk.gy with about 98% of them being CDs. I’ve been collecting since I was 14 and I’m 23 now so I’d say it’s a good collection for someone that is consistently broke 😂 Take a look at my collection and see if you find anything interesting, I love talking about music and collecting in general.
  2. uirosos

    Really love the vibe of this song. Good work 👍🏻
  3. uirosos

    If you like König, the vocalist has had a few other bands and projects. You can see all the bands he’s been in here. Vall’na racill is pretty old school, but Sugar is amazing and worth listening to.
  4. uirosos

    You look so familiar to me, I thought I must've seen you online somewhere, but I must be mistaken!! The artist I'm going to recommend might not be too similar to the bands you listed, but I really enjoy it. No worries if you don't.
  5. SCREW is pretty nostalgic for me, so that could be part of the reason why I find KHRYST+ a little lacklustre. I also think KHRYST+ isn't really anything new to the scene, they don't sound as unique to me as SCREW did. KHRYST+ only being active for a year though doesn't really help either, it's not enough time to get established in the scene and really find a unique sound.
  6. KHRYST+ really didn't hold up as well as SCREW did. I know RAZOR is doing very well but they're pretty underwhelming to me after BORN, but they were fizzling out. Everything they released after THE STALIN -666- really didn't do it for me. I have to second this. I didn't listen to Sugar while they were still around and while I did enjoy Konig a lot, everything Loki did after that didn't grab my attention the same way.
  7. uirosos

    Hi! I think I've seen you on Facebook, either in a visual kei group or we have mutual friends. Welcome! It looks like we have a few favourite bands in common. 😊
  8. I really liked it!! It wasn't what I was expecting but I can't wait to hear more.
  9. uirosos

    I love them. I have 3 and think they're really unique, but they're don't really go with my other CDs or cassettes. I wish I had more so I could make a space dedicated to just 8cms since they feel like an outlier in my current collection.
  10. uirosos

    Let me know if you like them!!
  11. Not my favourite thing from Dir but it is really nice to have on in the background. It's quite soothing.
  12. uirosos

    Welcome (back)! Have you listened to marlee? I think musically they'd fall in the same category as ADAPTER, but with less electronic elements (if that makes sense) and they're female-fronted! I saw them and ADAPTER at the same con so maybe I'm the only person that think they would fit in the same category. 😅
  13. uirosos

    -COBRA- / Devil Kitty 不幸自慢 / Devil Kitty 「我、悪魔故。」 / Devil Kitty Desperate... / 弥叉 我神昌嘆 / MADARA Explosion Showcase (omnibus)
  14. I wish I had plants. My partner won't even let me get a succulent 😔
  15. this is the cringiest shit I've ever seen. I need more of it ASAP.
  16. I used to really love 7up as a child, but it’s become really hard to find in Canada now, at least in my province. I voted for Sprite but I haven’t actually drank it in probably a year or two.
  17. L'horloge Mebius~答えなき問い~
  18. You're very welcome!!
  19. Requested by @IGM_Oficial!
  20. (SEEK) キラリと輝く うるんだひとみ (GOMA & NAOKI) フン フン フン (SEEK) ムニュッとしまった りりしい口元 (GOMA & NAOKI) フン フン フン (SEEK) 髪の毛なびかせ 歩き続ける ハリのある 硬く柔らかい素肌 (SEEK) みんなで歌おう 元気にほどよく のばしていくぜ (全員) フェルマータ (SEEK) みんなで叫ばう 元気にほどよく のばしていくぜ (全員) フェルマータ (全員) フェルマータ x3 (SEEK) ah~ (SEEK) プリンとはじける すてきな胸元 (TAKO & AYAME) フン フン フン (SEEK) キュッとしまった ウエストライン (TAKO & AYAME) フン フン フン (SEEK) 髪の毛なびかせ じっとしている すじの通った 高く低い鼻 (斗愁貴) みんなで (AYAME) 歌おう (HIDE) 元気に (紫修) ほどよく (YUSUKE) のばして (KAYAKI) いくぜ (全員) フェルマータ (斗愁貴) ひとりで叫ばう 元気にほどよく のばしていくぜ フェルマータ (斗愁貴) フェルマータ x3 (SEEK) ah~ (全員) フェルマータ x3 (全員) ちいちゃな頃から悪ガキで 十五で不良とよばれたよ ※部分はサビどなっておりますが、フェルマーとは一切関係はございません。* (PARTICIPATING MUSICIANS) Seek (ex.THREAD WORM) GOMA (ex.THREAD WORM) NAOKI (ex.Carry On) TAKO (ex.GELGOOG) AYAME (MIRAGE) 紫修 (Lavender) YUSUKE (Lavender) 斗愁貴 (Distray) HIDE (ex.EVE) KAYAKI (GOMA's Friend) *This is not a part of the song but it was written in the lyric book.
  21. Are there any lyrics anyone would like me to get the kanji for? I'm pretty limited to my own collection (which you can peep here), but I'm more than happy to do so ☺️

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Hey, can you do vellaDonna's "Fermata no Fermat"?

    2. uirosos


      Sure can!! I'll get on it tomorrow. 

  22. 魔法のような時間はね、あと少しで終わりを迎える。 幼いころ心の中で決めた夢に "さよなら" しなくちゃ "キミにとっての宇宙がね、どうかボクでありますようにー。"と 晴れそうにないこの空に願っていた。祈っていたよ。 世界中の人が敵になったあの日も。 こんなボクの味方をしてくれたキミに心を込めて、「愛してる」って。 手のひらからこばれ落ちた涙達を 土に還えして花を咲かせたいよ 生きてゆくことの意味やその理由を 探し疲れて 眠りにつく もしこのままボクが消えて。そのなっても時間は止まらない 少しづつキミの中から薄れてくの?そんなのは嫌だよ。 "忘れることを忘れられるようは魔法"が使えたら… ボクは死なないよ、ずっと"キミの一番"でいられるのに。 手のひらからこばれ落ちた涙達を 土に還えして花を咲かせたいよ 生きてゆくことの意味やその理由を 探し疲れて眠りに… "人は大切なものを失ったとき、その悲しみをどう乗り越えるのだろう" ボクは今もそれをわかれないままで また憂鬱に呑まれてゆく… "生まれたことの価値"はキミに委ねて、ボクはそろそろゆくことにするね。 ありふれた人が溢れるこの世界でボクを見つけてくれて、ありがとう。
  23. わ、わ、猥褻ディスタンス? ふ、ふ、震える夜にーー。 か、か、懐古にポジティブ‽ ゆ、ゆ、憂鬱にデスタンス し、し、嫉妬に馬鹿です あ、あ、愛想に笑え ち、ち、チックタック止まらず ①,②,③,for,ふぁぁぁぁ,イブ→⑥⑨ み、み、未来にディスタンス。 あ、あ、明日が描けず… つ、つ、積み木のレンガ あ、あ、頭打ち付け き、き、君色キャンパス。 さ、さ、最後に描いて あ、あ、明日が来ない こ、こ、この手で君をーー。 怖い宣戦ション→呼吸戦線ション→足掻く先占ション→堕散る千銭ション 殺す宣戦ション→縛る先占ション→港む戦線ション→『地獄千銭ション』 「ずっと怖かったよ。」 「僕にはとても無理さ。」 「きっと逃げてるだけ。」 「全部、分かってるさ。」 歪むクラクラ 君の声がまた聞こえない 沈む夕日にまた逃げ場(=安心)を目つけてしまう カジるグラグラ あのヤブ医者 「大丈夫」だと 君もそう思う? 僕がダメか? 僕がおかしいのか? 「僕は産まれてくるべきじゃ、なかった。」 怖い宣戦ション→呼吸戦線ション→足掻く先占ション→堕散る千銭ション 殺す宣戦ション→縛る先占ション→港む戦線ション→『地獄千銭ション』 歪むクラクラ 君の声がまた聞こえない 沈む夕日にまた逃げ場(=安心)を目つけてしまう カジるグラグラ あのヤブ医者 「大丈夫」だと 君もそう思う? 僕がダメか? 僕がおかしいのか? I listened to this song about 20 times whilst typing this out because there were so many weird characters. I'd like to thank @cvltic for helping me with deciphering a few of the characters!! Also, out of all the symbols, I've only left in the arrows. I think they look cool. *The numbers (1, 2, 3, and 69) are English **(=安心) is not vocalized at all through the song and is only written in the lyric book, however I left it in because it gives context to that line in the song.
  24. everytime i try to close itunes it opens back up again... _(:3」∠)_ why...

    1. Zeus


      do you have last.fm scrobbler active?

    2. uirosos


      Yes, I did!! I managed to get it closed through task manager. Does the scrobbler do weird stuff like that?? I've never had an issue with it doing that in the past. 

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