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Everything posted by seys

  1. seys

    Klaha is 50 years old today! Wherever he is...
  2. seys

    You mean like an alternative to buyee.jp?
  3. seys

    i will let kyuho speak for me
  4. seys

    Ah, that makes sense.
  5. seys

    How did they manage to put out Kowareta piano to living dead, and then... whatever this is.
  6. seys

    Final Fantasy XIV. Also just bought FFXII, one of the few mainline FF's I haven't played yet, but I'll wait to play it until my sub for XIV runs out in a month.
  7. seys

    yeah they're reasonable.... if you think 3700 yen is reasonable. >_>
  8. seys

    Hey all, I'm making an account on GBS to, well, buy stuff, but something has left me a bit confused. Usually when you're buying something online and you need to fill in all the shipping stuff etc., there's a separate space for "Billing/Shipping Address", and a separate one for "City". Well, GBS doesn't have that, it only has one "Address" with 2 lines. So do I put my address in the first line, and the name of my city in the second line, or just leave the second one blank and don't mention my city anywhere?? EDIT: Got it working.
  9. seys

    I've seen some people put "fancams" of mostly BUCK-TICK in the replies of popular tweets, in the same fashion as all the kpop stans do One of the videos has like 50k views or something lol
  10. seys

    yup, online store or something
  11. seys

    no idea what this is other than it's definitey retsu's lets's shenanigans. clothing brand?? (DIMLIM account RT'd it)
  12. Shibuya Womb Oneman canceled, i guess
  13. seys

  14. seys

  15. seys

    ...are people taking this seriously?
  16. seys

    they're just playing old lives? what even is this lol
  17. please keep that banner in the rotation

    1. Zeus


      only once a year!

  18. seys

    that album is literally older than me
  19. seys

    don't forget Tsuuzetsu
  20. seys

    Are they ever going to surpass Homura Uta?
  21. seys

    A lot of them aren't actually in Japan, from the top of my head the church/chapel in Dir en grey's Yurameki and Akuro no oka is somewhere in Europe.
  22. Has anyone used japan-discoveries.com? Did everything go smoothly?

    1. seys


      Ah, thanks.

    2. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      I had two positive experiences and one negative when they just straight up forgot to send anything. So yeah not recommended

    3. Axius


      Does anyone know where i can get VK t-shirts. The selection on japan-discoveries is pretty decent but dont want to buy from them for reasons mentioned already. 

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  23. seys

    Ah, thanks for the clarification. I google translated the Japanese post and I thought they'd show a documentary of the This Way to Self-Destruction tour... (seriously you had like 6 cameras recording at some shows ) Well, this is cool too. So behind doors live concert means that there's just no audience? I look forward to waking up at 7:30...
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