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Everything posted by cheesy_VK_Freak

  1. cheesy_VK_Freak

    ok. ok. this really is just the derangement-inside beast hybrid song like I said when I heard the samples. They kind of failed giving it their own touch. I guess the only reason they made that song is to broaden their fanbase. I listened to it from beginning to end, but...eh, This is bad.
  2. the new emoji is life, from now on I‘ll only use that


  3. cheesy_VK_Freak

    the hammering chords take away a little bit of the pleasant melody, but hey its a) Rach and b) an etude.
  4. ok, so there is a comment under the youtube vid of the full song where someone states that kaoru and shinya had two songs and Kyo decided to put them together. apparently die said so during an interview.
  5. Don’t know, I thought his drumming in Arche was brilliant.
  6. You are so right, Saishu. I love Shinyas drumming, but he just shows no variation whatsoever... I know people have been ‚complaining‘ about him already during TIW and stuff, where I kinda didn‘t agree, but here... man the whole drumming sounds bored
  7. cheesy_VK_Freak

    The song is cool, but it definitely does not need the length it has. The ‚musical message‘ comes across kind of sloppy that way, I don‘t feel a development, climax or break or anything that would ‚justify’ the length. The piano part, atmospheric part etc. are cool, the ‚freak out‘ parts are so much out of place and do not fit. Thats my first impression at least, will write here if my impression changes after more listens.
  8. cheesy_VK_Freak

    I could never imagine Metallica (being able to) enjoying Dirus music...but I guess I underestimated them then 😮 lol, James Hetfield at their show, sounds unbelievable to me 🤣
  9. cheesy_VK_Freak

    omg I didn‘t know the story about Metallica watching Dirus show at Rock am Ring and asking whether Kyo‘s mouth was okay from bleeding afterwards hilarious
  10. why is it so short I was nicely soaked into the atmosphere of the video, and then - cut. well, gotta wait for four more days until the whole thing is released.
  11. I thought the single release was today because of the youtube event😂 So I was kind of bummed. The bullying theme is something I never get bored of, but it is kind of...outworn, I guess... There is a lot of Arche in that chorus, which I love
  12. cheesy_VK_Freak

    @R/O I feel this so much, Bara no seidou was one of the best discoveries this year for me, I love this album so much, it really feels like you’re captivated into another world, and thats a feeling I got with old Cradle of Filth albums the last time. and Klahas voice is amazing (but I love Gackto 🥰). his vibrato is really something
  13. cheesy_VK_Freak

    the Aizo no Tsuki track gives me anxiety, amazing vocals tho
  14. my expectations are high
  15. cheesy_VK_Freak

    ok, now it sounds like a inside beast - derangement hybrid at least it has their piano signature sound somewhere in the background BUT: Like it! Looking forward for the full single and I‘ll definitely rock out to this.
  16. cheesy_VK_Freak

    they tend to be gazette rip-offy sometimes, this preview gives me some inside beast vibes.
  17. cheesy_VK_Freak

    @itsukoii sorry for the off topic, but what‘s the source of your signature? I love it when someone is so intimate with his/her guitar🥰
  18. cheesy_VK_Freak

    lol at the existence typo I’M READY DUDE! Great freaking news!!!!! Visuals, although not cheesy, ABSOLUTELY ON POINT!
  19. cheesy_VK_Freak

    Always loved this song, but hearing the lyrics, it is even more touching.
  20. cheesy_VK_Freak

    Arche is amazing, the ballads touch your heart right in the feels and uroko needs to be exhibited in a freaking gallery, because its a genius piece of art TIW is sheyat for me
  21. lol, someone help this guy, he put some effort!
  22. I‘m shamefully late, but I have finally watched Malice Mizer‘s Dracula-Remake. It is amazing! I love the overall atmosphere, and Mana is like...WOW what a nun😍

    1. saiko


      I know, but it's so low-budget is SO cheesy... I can't but to get a bit of cringe...

    2. cheesy_VK_Freak


      @saikoInteresting, to me cheesy and cringe are two different things. I like cheesy (I mean, look at my user name LOL), but not cringy stuff (I feel that often in second-hand embarassment) 


      It has this old typ of gothic esthetic and that is soo amazing, plus the music 😍

  23. cheesy_VK_Freak

    Cool! I like the song! Always appreciate an enthusiastic guitar solo, too in VK-songs. So little girl is held captive by evil mouse and flees with circus clarinetist asagi, weirdly appearing in her room after distracting evil mouse with cheese xD LOL
  24. cheesy_VK_Freak

    I stopped paying attention to the lyrics, since roundabout they keep on describing the complexes of a whiny woman, afraid to be left alone. edit: and sexual excesses, to be fair.
  25. cheesy_VK_Freak

    I am a outside-japan-fan, who is definitely liking their stuff so far, although very limited music is accesible of them. I have no chance to really get to know their music since so much is live-exclusive. I hate this about japanese bands. I see the attraction of it as being ‚exclusive‘ or ‚rare-item‘, I mean at the end of the day it might be to the fans as collecting items, just like stamps. To a certain extent, it is okay and it is part of the VK-culture. But the bands that hold on to that method to extreme extent just suck. Their paranoia of losing money through accessible distribution is not legitimized, because that way less people get to know them / stumble across their music, etc. And with that, a percentage that would be willing to pay for their music, go to their concerts, etc. (here, you earn money through the quantity!) Of course you can probably live off having a smaller, but ‚loyal‘ fanbase that keeps on buying your stuff because of the ‚exclusive‘ illusion you create, giving that sort of underground feel. It‘s cool for everyone who is around. But for all the others, it feels like you‘re not invited to the party and your crush gives a shit about you. I‘m all for digital and international releases. If you stan, you will pay. But bands - such as this lovely one - just cut you off
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