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Status Updates posted by cheesy_VK_Freak

  1. bro before this forum shuts down you need to tell me which artist is on your profile pic! cause it looks dope

    1. patientZERO


      It's MALISEND.


    2. cheesy_VK_Freak


      thank you! just from the visual aspect I was expecting more br000tality from the sound, but thanks for solving the mystery! I just could not find it myself!

    3. Yukami


      I'm glad you like it, it's just magnificent, thanks to the colleague for adding the video. ^^

  2. the google song recognition function is so much fun. I‘m trying it with VK songs, of course. Hey, it recognized me humming Obscure! Still needs improvement tho.

  3. I hope you are doing well. I hope you are sane.

  4. I love the fact that Ali Project reliably releases a new album every summer,  every year. Arika-sama my japanese diva 😭

  5. the new emoji is life, from now on I‘ll only use that


  6. I‘m shamefully late, but I have finally watched Malice Mizer‘s Dracula-Remake. It is amazing! I love the overall atmosphere, and Mana is like...WOW what a nun😍

    1. saiko


      I know, but it's so low-budget is SO cheesy... I can't but to get a bit of cringe...

    2. cheesy_VK_Freak


      @saikoInteresting, to me cheesy and cringe are two different things. I like cheesy (I mean, look at my user name LOL), but not cringy stuff (I feel that often in second-hand embarassment) 


      It has this old typ of gothic esthetic and that is soo amazing, plus the music 😍

  7. Waiting to suffer a CREEP SHOW TRAUMA🤪

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