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Posts posted by Mikuto

  1. Oh man, not sure I even want to tell where mine came from.

    Antique Cafe, Duck no Magical Adventure. They all introduce themselves while Miku quacks like an idiot. When Miku introduces himself, he speaks in stilted English and says "My name is Mikuto/Miku to (something unintelligible)". And since this was 6 years ago and I was ALL ABOUT Antique Cafe, I snagged it as a username. Kept using it because it was convenient and I'm too lazy to change.

  2. Pierrot, or more specifically, Kirito. When I was first getting into Japanese music, around 10 years ago, Dir en grey was my favorite band and I found that Kirito's voice lacked the intensity that I liked. However, giving Angelo a listen recently made me have to reconsider that.

    Also, embarrassingly enough, I hated hide the first time I heard anything by him. With as much as I love his music, I can't imagine why I hated him so much on the first listen.

  3. I like them quite a bit, definitely because of Otogi's voice. I also like their aesthetic, it's dark and simple instead of being over-designed and it suits their music a lot.

  4. I don't need a clarifying introductory sentence:

    I thought I would be disappointed, and I wasn't. this shocked me to my very core due to the fact that I didn't really like the singles MUCC has put out for the last year. Imagine my surprise when, suddenly, MUCC can do other things musically! Sure, it isn't their strongest effort(far from it), but KARMA showcases the fact that MUCC is more than just another drop-D tuned VK band with a chip on their shoulder and a contract in their hands.


    This. Certainly not album of the year, but I've been enjoying it quite a bit.

  5. - KYOKUTOU GIRL FRIEND - Katte ni shiyagare

    You know, when that came out in January I thought it would be my album of the year. December 23rd and I haven't found anything better.

    Katte ni Shiyagare for sure.

  6. Dir en grey, for sure. I used to be the most annoying Dir en grey fangirl, but I haven't found them listenable since Withering to Death.

    More embarrassing? I used to listen to Prince and Culture Club in my teens (I was born in the 80's, in high school in the mid-90s) and I can't really even listen to either of them now. Not sure what I thought was so impressive...

  7. I didn't talk much, but I had some discographies uploaded; Merry, Sendai Kamotsu, Sadie, Ayabie, and Spinning Q Factor. If anyone needs those re-upped, I'll work on getting that done.

    Otherwise, that's pretty much it.

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