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Posts posted by Mikuto

  1. Vidoll Vo.樹??(jui) new album "XI" will be released at 2011/04/20 (2 TYPE)

    limited edition (3,800yen) will include CD (10 songs)+DVD (including PV+off-shot), and regular edition (3,150yen) will include CD (11 songs) only

    That was quick. I wonder if they've been planning this since Jui had "voice problems".

  2. I actually tried the bose and couldn't stand the way they sat in my ears, and I could hear EVERYTHING around them, I had to really turn them up to try and be able to hear the music.

    I eventually went with the Klipsch, also a pricey brand, but the phones actually go into the ear canals, which I prefer.

  3. btw Ba.ラメ(rame) has performed / will perform sessions with several ex-Vidoll members like Gt.HIDE & Gt.Ayano, and imo they might form new band soon

    Gt.シュン(shun) & Gt.ギル(giru) have also performed together as continual session

    Are they going to comeback without Jui as VIDOLL?

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