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Posts posted by Mikuto

  1. hm, something like brighter verison of The Candy Spooky Theatre?

    That'd be awesome!

    Seconding that. I love carnival/circus themed stuff, and I think SuG's style would suit it really well.

    And seriously, can you think of anyone who would make a creepier clown than Takeru?

  2. Speaking from experience, California seems to do "crazy guy shouting on the street-corner" really well.

    Or maybe that's just San Francisco...

    That's all major cities... SF sure does have a lot of "honest" beggars though. I did not see one beggar who was not asking for drug money. :/

    I'm originally from Michigan and I didn't hang around in Detroit long enough to see if there were beggers or not :oshi:

  3. It is recorded, but the quality is terrible and there are illegible subtitles taking up half of the video.

    I wish that Kyokutou Girl Friend and 8-eit would do a two-man live in California.

  4. What site are you downloading 7zip from? If it's the official site, it's likely that the spyware/adware warning is a false positive. What type of anti-virus do yo have? Some are more likely to have false positives than others.

  5. My favorite sample's for now Double check, sounds great !

    Definitely. The re-take of Boku Toiu Yugai Na Youso sounds great too. If I had to guess, I'd say Perpetual Check will end up being the weakest song, but it's so hard to tell from little samples.

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