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Posts posted by Mikuto

  1. My body doesn't take kindly to piercings, I think I have some sort of metal allergy. I got my ears pierced and pretty much for months while they never hurt, there was always constant pus or bleeding that needed to be cleaned out. I gave up and just took em out and let my ears heal. I want to get a metal mouth like Hitsugi but if my ears freak the fuck out then probably not a good idea to stab up my mouth haha.

    This is exactly what I was going to say. I had my left nostril pierced, twice, and reacted very badly to the metal both times. My ears are still pierced, but I can only wear gold or else instant-infection, even if I sterilize the earring before putting it in.

  2. Takanori Nishikawa (Abingdon Boys School & T.M.Revolution)


    Except when he first started out in Luis-Merry. xD Oh god. LOLOL.

    Everyone starts somewhere :D

    Compare Sakurai in Hurry Up Mode (1987) to the way he sounds now on Razzle Dazzle and it's like a totally different person.

  3. Well, two of my favorite Plastic Tree songs are Dummy Box and Fiction, which are both on Utsusemi, so I'd say that's a good place to start. Also, I think Gestalt Houkai is a best album, and if you're just getting into them it might be a good idea to check that out and see what songs are considered their best.

  4. dead in a ditch :D

    It would have happened if you were alone for too long. The streets of SF(by the piers) were EMPTY after the concert and I was sure that we were going to get jumped.

    I was in Starbucks the entire time. Not terribly dangerous, and makes a worse end to the story than "dead in a ditch".

  5. Just the largest economy in the US. Thank you very much.
    Speaking from experience, California seems to do "crazy guy shouting on the street-corner" really well.

    Or maybe that's just San Francisco...

    That's all major cities... SF sure does have a lot of "honest" beggars though. I did not see one beggar who was not asking for drug money. :/

    When I was in San Francisco on holiday I saw a business class man taking a homeless for lunch. That really made an impression on me.

    Last time I was in San Francisco, my roommate lost me and was terrified that she'd have to tell my parents that I was dead in a ditch or something. :D

  6. That "Apogee" guy/band? sounds great. I'll have to check it out.

    I tend to like higher pitched male vocalists.

    Give me a man who can falsetto and I'm happy for life, see Ryo, Apogee vocalist, Flumpool vocalist. To lesser extent, Alibi vocalist.

    Do you want Apogee? I've got their albums at least, I could post a partial disco.

  7. My roommate is an IT consultant, and when my hard drive failed on me he actually held it in one hand and thumped the side of it with his other hand. I was pretty aghast about that too, but that's apparently his go-to reaction for drives that won't start up.

    It's true you only really have one chance if you try putting it in the freezer, so if it's not clicking or screeching then I probably would hold off on that just in case.

    The data recovery is possibly your best bet, but keep in mind that depending on what's wrong with it they might not be able to get anything off of the drive.

  8. I'm on a quest to find the best sounding in-ear headphones. What kind do you use, and what kind would you recommend? I have the Zune premium headphones, and some Sony ones for school, and the volume and sound quality is really different.

    The Sony headphones are have thumpy bass, but you have to turn the volume up three times as much to hear anything. The Zune ones are good, overall, but break at the drop of a hat.

    Any other brands I should be considering?

  9. Fuuuu, that sucks, I had a hard drive do that a while back, and it was pretty much dead for good.

    However that might not be what's going on with yours. I know it sounds weird as hell, but try putting it into a plastic bag, then toss it into the freezer for an hour or so, then trying to plug it in and see what happens. If it starts up, you can try to get your stuff off of it. If not, you've got a paperweight.

    Edit: Additionally, shock, as in dropping, won't make you lose the data on a magnetic storage medium, it just screws up the hardware. If the freezer trick doesn't work, take the hard drive to the data recovery people. You might get lucky.

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