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Everything posted by Doesn'tEvenGoHere

  1. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    Sounds cool. The vocals might take some time to get used to though.
  2. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    Who helped Sakito write the titles for these songs? Why do they let him do this?
  3. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    It's nice for when you're in the mood for something mellow.
  4. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    What? Why?
  5. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    Same. I actually only like the Gackt era.
  6. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    It just looks like the snippets they upload on twitter, so the band probably wouldn't care.
  7. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    I like the idea in that it sounds more organized and it would be convenient for anyone who might be specifically looking for something new to listen to, but also I've found like 3 of the bands I currently listen to on the News section on here and I clicked on them as a whim (because why the heck not) and not because I was specifically searching for something new to listen to. I'm not sure I see myself actively going to a specific section to check out new bands as much as I see myself just clicking a new band article because it's already there anyway. That's just my personal experience though.
  8. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    Remember when Ozzy Osbourne released an album called Black Rain and it was about WW11? This is giving me major Ozzy Osbourne Black Rain Vibes. I wonder where they're going with this. And if that's the direction they're heading, do they know Ozzy already did it? Is it intentional or a coincidence?
  9. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    That preview sounds sick. I'm excited for this.
  10. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    They've yet to put out something I haven't liked.
  11. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    1 and 6 sound like they're going to be bangers, still undecided about the rest.
  12. Preview is too short, but sounds more promising than their previous release.
  13. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    For the love of god, release at least one more album.
  14. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    That is so cute.
  15. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    He's having an eventful year.
  16. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    Not an album (because they have no albums), but Oshimai by Kizu took a second listen for me to like. The music sounded great from the get-go, but Lime's vocals took some getting used to. I've been meaning to listen again to DIMLIM too and see if second time's the charm.
  17. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    Damn, do they ever stop? Are you okay?
  18. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    トラウマフラッシュバック has always been one of my favorite songs of theirs. Would have been nice if they had made an actual MV for it. lord knows it's miles better than anything on their last two releases.
  19. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    Wasn't that shirt sold by Urban Outfitters? I remember it caused a bit of a stir by his fans. Wouldn't surprise me if a few of the weird fans bought it though.
  20. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    They came for 8P-SB's entire career.
  21. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    Band: Nightmare Album: Ejaculation by Jakigan Meister Song: Ojamashimasu by Mamireta
  22. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    The previews sound pretty solid. I'm still kind of hesitant on whether I want to go into this wild purchasing spree just to have all the content again though. Depends on how convincing the material will be I guess.
  23. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    I was hoping he would come back so bad. He was my favorite member and this just sucks.
  24. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    I liked this single more than I anticipated. ヒューマンエラー and 十七 are the classic Kizu feel songs, 僕を残して死んでくロックンロール is fun and has a catchy chorus, and 繭 has a really nice summer nostalgia feel to it I can't really describe. Can't help but feel that they really should start to change up their formula soon though. I wonder if Lime or the other Kizu members have considered letting another member contribute to the writing so that Lime's style is balanced out by something else. Also I second the sentiment for the PV. Where is it?
  25. So I just noticed Mirai (Mamireta) deleted his twitter account...

    1. Aferni


      Well he may not be returning unfortunately

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