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Everything posted by Doesn'tEvenGoHere

  1. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    Ryohei from Eat You Alive speaks pretty good English and he was always fun. But I guess he's not technically a bandman anymore. I'm surprised nobody has brought up Nocturnal Bloodlust on here yet.
  2. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    I was just wondering when Byo would resurface. I'm willing to give this band a shot. Screw was always hit or miss for me though (until around their final years where everything was a miss) so I'm not sure what to expect. Too much going on in that look though.
  3. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    "敬愛なる君へ" sounds like "DNA" at times and like they didn't know where they wanted the song to go overall. Kind of makes is sound all over the place. The 33-55 second mark is nice though. They should have built the song on that. I'm feeling conflicted. Like I'm not feeling it right now, but the songs could grow on me if I listened to them enough times. They really are starting to sound repetitive though. Here's to hoping they step it up next release.
  4. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    I've always wondered how old Ryoga from RAZOR (ex BORN) is. If I had to take a guess, I'd say he's in his early to mid 30s, but I could be horribly wrong. As far as "facts" go, I just know the ages of the boys from Nightmare, Hakuei (47) and Kiyoharu (49...50 later this month) But now I'm also wondering the ages of the boys from Mamireta.
  5. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    Yikes. I wonder if they'll manage to stay together for much longer after this.
  6. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    I assumed that they were just going to come back with a new name and a new drummer too. We'll see, I guess.
  7. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    I've liked everything he has released so far. I'm looking forward to this but at the same time have a phobia that this will be the release that will just have me like "meh."
  8. Doesn'tEvenGoHere

    Will that single only be available at the event? I can't seem to find it on CDJapan. Also it seems like the support members will be Kouryu and Tetsuya from RAZOR.
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