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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Status Updates posted by sleepy coffee

  1. i wonder how many more scapegoat mv's we'll have to go through until haru starts killing his gf's again 

  2. Looks like that jack+mw is disbanding

  3. Bought both types of the new kizu and gulu gulu singles cause I'm bad with money, also copping new scapegoat. Sadly gonna have to pass on new razor mostly cause I gotta set some limits + that mv spot was underwhelming 

  4. Dir en grey 1 month from now wew

  5. Thinking about how idom@ster had one of their loli idols cover x japan for their game. I love japan.

  6.  yuuki from unsraw really needs to come back 

  7. super early prediction but i think NICOLAS is gonna be my favorite band of 2020 (assuming they actually make stuff available to purchase for us) 

  8. Everytime I see yuuki post a new instagram story or post in general I get the smallest bit excited but so far no actual music career updates lol

  9. gonna need that new MV from The THIRTEEN asap considering how stunning their new look is 

  10. Looks like the band that came before rakuxgaki, amanjaku is having some sort of "revival" show

  11. ex. DIMLIM bassist Taishi and some Canival members have a sessions band going on for anyone who cares

  12. So who here is planning on going to see dimlim in Mexico? If I end up going I'm probably gonna only make it a 3-4 day trip but be cool to meetup with some people there (my spanish fortunately is decent)

  13. New rands, dimlim, the thirteen, and labaiser all coming out within the same time period, gonna be a good start to 2020 for music 

  14. Since no one here knows about it because the band only ever mentioned it like twice, theres a new Shiva single that came out at the beginning of the month, available everywhere digitally 

  15. Death Note coming back in 2 days and NIGHTMARE is also back this year. how about we get a good old reunion here and have them do the theme song if the new Death Note story gets an adaptation 👀

  16. I kind of wished certain bands would stop overcharging for mini albums at 3000+ yen because I've come to terms with it probably being my preferred length/format when it comes to vk releases. Singles are just too short in general and when a band is really good 2-3 songs just doesnt cut it and idk I just dont think theres alot of bands out there capable of keeping my interest for 45+mins/10+ tracks.

  17. I've become readdicted to league of legends so I think this is the end of any free time I used to have 

  18. Kizu making an announcement that theyll have an announcement at their concert in december if they're disbanding or not, like what's the point of waiting lol

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