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Everything posted by Messenger84

  1. After AvelCain gig...so average

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      Really? I always thought they were pretty nice live. Although not my favorite, but definitely worth seeing more than once.

  2. Went for live gig in Tokyo, A9 Hiroto sat three rows behind me o.O'

    1. yakihiko


      One friend of mine had Keiyuu (Kra) on her side. And meto (mejibray) in other occasion is normal to see sometimes jrockers. But they like to be far from stage and normal clothes.

    2. Tetora


      Jealous of Keiyuu sighting especially.

    3. yakihiko


      Lol Tetora

  3. Messenger84

    Band's web: http://doukoku2007.com
  4. Definitely going to see my Glacier in May
  5. Messenger84

    Thank you all for comments. Going to 0801弐209XX6 then
  6. Messenger84

    Yup, I find out there will be a signing session and photo session with 0801弐209XX6 members ..yay!!
  7. Messenger84

    I haven't seen them, I must admit Re:Make was one of my fav !! Yukari's vocal is just ..ehh. That's why hard to decide. Otherwise Im affraid that MORAN could not survive untill next year
  8. Messenger84

    Hi I have a pat situation here, what should I choose, both gigs same day!! 0801弐209XX6 Last Live @Shibuya REX or ---------> MORAN @高田馬場AREA HELP!
  9. Messenger84

    Need any lyrics.
  10. Looking also for CANDY (キャンディー) items (cd's flyers, photosets, etc.)
  11. roadie + support = amazing
  12. Messenger84

  13. Messenger84

    I loved them when they started, when MIO using different masks and played great Next period when those jazzy sounds was involved I abandoned them. Lately I've wathced few clips from 2014/15 and woaa they back for good...but now disbanding would not help the scene (which collapsing). In the end I feel sorry for them....
  14. Misclick, copy paste in rush..sorry all BTW but you must admit was funny looking for white sexy here on MH
  15. Messenger84

    JUN JUN JUN..maybe I'll go for their first live, fingers crossed
  16. PM me if you have it for sale (or any other WITH SEXY stuff) Looking also for CANDY (キャンディー) items (cd's flyers, photosets, etc.)
  17. Yes yes yes...I hate them but It's sad when VK scene falling.
  18. Messenger84

    Kiwamu's DVD-RW broke that's why is limited to 50.
  19. Messenger84

    any live performance dates?
  20. Messenger84

    Same here. Im with Temari over 14 years now and must admit he is one of most underestimated vocalist (or unlucky to stay on the top). I've met him personaly twice in my life and need to say he is very kind person (he signed my copy of Ruvie last live DVD on the front of AG guys - Kaname's face = priceless. I'm going for Amber Gris last live at Blitz to say goodbye (again) to my friend who accompanied me for most of my life. Take care Temari.
  21. Agree! Ekhm..what I just watched? one of thousands bands from west scene. Oh I get it, modern Japan need that kind of western crp now. They should do coupling tour ..hmm maybe with Beyonce or Black Veil Bride, doesn't matter. Please turn back the time or stop producing that kind of lame music. That remind me the end of Eliphas Levi. Im done VK is dead! I bought time machine and going for VK party with Vasalla and With Sexy...and not coming back.
  22. Im going to Japan twice in May then..mad!
  23. Messenger84

    Just came back from London gig. Kamijo saved tour by performing Fuyu Tokyo. Wish you all same setlist!
  24. Messenger84

    Moscow setlist: 1. Rose Croix 2. Aristocrats symphony – Versailles 3. Sacrifice of Allegro 4. Royal Tercet 5. Metamorphose – Lareine MC 6. Phantom – New Sodmy 7. Shout and Bites – Versailles 8. Moulin Rouge 9. Romantique 10. Ano hito wa aishita hoto nara – Lareine 11. Masquerade – Versailles -SMC- 12. Death Parade 13. Dying table -SE- 14. Fiancailles – Lareine 15. Ascendead master – Versailles 16. Louis ~Enketsu no La Vie En Rose~ 17. Bara wa utsukushiku chiru – Lareine 18. Adagio of the full moon 19. Throne Lack of major tracks of New Sodmy and Lareine...very disappointing as for 20th Anv. tour .
  25. Messenger84

    Hmm, maybe I will order one for me later
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