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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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    monkeybanana4 reacted to spockitty in What video games are you currently playing?   
    I'm usually rotating between 4-5 games, depends on what I'm in the mood for.
    Divinity: Original Sin 2 (I'm stuck on that fcking final fight jfc), Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (when I'm in the mood for reading), Borderlands (when I want to mindlessly shoot at shit, also trying to finish them all before the 3rd one comes out XD), a random otome of the day (tho after Hakuoki all of them seem cheap and boring) and Hexcells Plus (a numbers puzzle game, when my brain needs a tickle).
    I'm also trying really really hard not to fall into an MMO hell again, because I finally kinda have a life now and mmos are NOT conductive to maintaining a life outside of them... 
  2. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to Paraph in The Obi, an enigmatic Japanese music staple.   
    kind of a completest with this sadly. something feels off if i get a used cd and the obi is missing. i too keep all of them and usually lay them flat up against the booklet in the case.
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    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from secret_no_03 in The Obi, an enigmatic Japanese music staple.   
    Haha, same here! I kept every stamped Brand-X point card they sent to me, hoping I could use it one day (which can never get used sadly ^^;) and the random free magazines/flyers. Receiving packages is kind of like a treasure box, lol.
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    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from Kuro in The Obi, an enigmatic Japanese music staple.   
    Haha, same here! I kept every stamped Brand-X point card they sent to me, hoping I could use it one day (which can never get used sadly ^^;) and the random free magazines/flyers. Receiving packages is kind of like a treasure box, lol.
  8. LOLOL
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from spockitty in The Obi, an enigmatic Japanese music staple.   
    Haha, same here! I kept every stamped Brand-X point card they sent to me, hoping I could use it one day (which can never get used sadly ^^;) and the random free magazines/flyers. Receiving packages is kind of like a treasure box, lol.
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    monkeybanana4 reacted to spockitty in The Obi, an enigmatic Japanese music staple.   
    Dude, I'm not they only freak around! I do the same ^^;;
    Obviously I also keep the obi and any unrelated trash they feel like throwing inside the CD package (one notable trash I keep is an unused balloon that came with Miyavi's Shindemo Boogie-Woogie Single+VHS package). Obi itself makes the CD feel more special for me, for whatever reason.
  11. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to Kuro in The Obi, an enigmatic Japanese music staple.   
    I'm very careful when it comes to my stuff from Japan (but actually also for books, so it's not just this).
    And yeah, I also keep everything inside, stickers, those tiny flyers for upcoming tours, even those stamp cards shops like Brand X sent with the order. 😅
  12. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from Miku70 in General KPOP Thread   
    Late I'm glad he got to sing as a solo artist. I love his voice ^^
    I was peering through my Korean music collection, and I re-discovered this catchy song~ (The PV is also pretty hilarious with the guy.)
  13. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to ambivalentideal in The Obi, an enigmatic Japanese music staple.   
    I like obi! I've always kept them over the years. I used to keep them all together tied with a rubber band lmao but now I usually just keep them inside the CD along with the booklet. I feel like they're part of the release as a whole so it's nice to have them so it's complete, but it's not 100% necessary for me. I'll still buy a CD even if it doesn't have the obi. Just a nice bonus to have them. 
  14. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to Miku70 in General KPOP Thread   
    I love this song so much 😍
    And this :
  15. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from Komorebi in The Obi, an enigmatic Japanese music staple.   
    I love obis, and keep them with every CD I buy. I also tend to buy old/used CDs that include obis. For some reason, I feel it's incomplete without the obi, lol. Also, I like how some obis are aesthetically incorporated into the cover of the album/release (i.e. a part of the album's artwork will be on the obi, etc.). Makes it feels like it's a vital part of the release.
  16. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from ambivalentideal in The Obi, an enigmatic Japanese music staple.   
    I love obis, and keep them with every CD I buy. I also tend to buy old/used CDs that include obis. For some reason, I feel it's incomplete without the obi, lol. Also, I like how some obis are aesthetically incorporated into the cover of the album/release (i.e. a part of the album's artwork will be on the obi, etc.). Makes it feels like it's a vital part of the release.
  17. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to Gesu in Last Thing You Bought   
    I bought a new top on my last day of college (so, July 5th). I hadn't bought any new clothes in aaaages because I rarely treat myself to stuff like that, but I was with a friend and he told me I should go for it. Besides, I deserve it for getting through my boring-as-fuck media class my first year of A-levels, righ? I hope I do. Depends on how well I did. 😕
  18. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to Jigsaw9 in METROPOLIS de ONELIA new single "天国への扉" has been released   
    I knew that YT thumbnail looked familiar...

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  20. LOVE!
    monkeybanana4 reacted to shiroihana in The increase of skill within VK indies   
    I'm sure many of you older VK fans have also noticed this, unless I'm imagining things, but I don't think I am.
     What I noticed is that the indie bands of the current VK era are playing at a level that they didn't about a decade ago, and I mean in terms of sheer skill. Bands of the present day are blowing bands from about 10 years ago completely out of the water by this metric. They are playing faster, heavier, and more complex riffs. Vocalists have become much more polished singers, and the ability to growl has become much more common in a vocalist's skillset, whereas 10 years ago there weren't many decent growlers in the indies scene, and most of those who were, still didn't perform at the level of guys from bands like Deviloof, Nocturnal Bloodlust, DIMLIM, DEXCORE, D.I.D, etc.
    I'm wondering if anyone has noticed this, and what the reason may be? Has the VK scene just gotten much more competitive? Are all the average bands simply not being noticed? What's causing this massive skill increase? Another thing I've noticed is that band members don't have zillions of past bands in their resume anymore. It's as if they've reached a high level much more quickly than they used to. Back about a decade ago, the best musicians would usually work their way up to reach a high skill level, having played for years in previous bands before finally reaching a more major status, and continue to improve from there. Nowadays, it's very common for musicians with little to no known band history to play at the level of those with years of history behind them.
    So I'm just curious to know what you all think, but I'm sorry if this has been brought up before. I have no doubt that this has been on people's minds, especially jaded fans who have been involved for a decade or longer, and have noticed several shifts in the scene within the current era. Lastly, I don't think the skill increase is a bad thing, although I did enjoy the slower, simpler sound that bands used to have. It wasn't as impressive, but the tunes were fun. I don't think bands with my favorite type of sound will ever emerge again, but it doesn't bother me. I still have those bands, and they still exist as a part of history, with music that can still be obtained. Everyone has different taste and I'm happy w/ the scene.
    Here's a random song I just dug up to show off my taste, just for the fun of it. 
  21. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from Anne Claire in What are you listening to 2?   
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    monkeybanana4 reacted to -NOVA- in DIAURA New Single 「FINALE-Last Rebellion-」Release   
    DIAURA will release a new single titled 「FINALE-Last Rebellion-」on 2019.10.02 and it will come in 3 types.
    TYPE A:

    TYPE B:

    01. 2019.07.13 Footage from the live
    TYPE C

    03.Mind Mirror
    Additionally the band will release a live limited single titled 「GARDEN」on 2019.09.03. It will contain one track.


  23. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to Paraph in Your top 10 favorite visual kei bands?   
    current that i'm getting enjoyment out of (no particular order)

    Marvelous Cruelty
    Scarlet Valse
    La'veil MizeriA
    Frantic EMIRY

  24. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to AoiMoon in Hello, It's me...   
    Hi guys!
    So I finally decided making an introduction topic here... I'm not good with this but, let's go:
    You guys can call me Aoi, I'm a eternal 24 years old veteran fan VK. As you can tell I like The Gazette, and Jiluka, Kiryu, NoGod and I'm into Nokubura these days too!
    I started a variety youtube channel specialized in VK with a friend this year. You can check it out here.
    The name is VK Onee san.
    (Our inicial idea is creating a bilingual channel, but until now the videos are only in english ^^')
    Also we have accounts on Twitter/Instagram: @vkoneesan, please follow us^^
  25. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to Chi in What are you reading?   
    Currently reading Frankenstein for the first time lol
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