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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by Masato

  1. Ok, so I am a very stingy person and there have been only 2 bands I really spent my  money on in Japan so far.

    So where does my cheki money go?

    Fortunately Masato has done an informative post, but what do you think about that?


    MV ~ 500.000 ¥

    Costumes ~ 700.000¥

    Foto shooting ~ 100.0000¥

    CD pressing ~ 100.000¥

    Recording ~ 100.000¥

    Hair styling ~ 1x 20.000¥

    Studio ~ 1x 10.000¥

    Travel cost ~ 200.000¥

    Flyer/print ~ 100.000¥

    Website 150.000¥


    Some things seem realistic and some a bit expensive.  He does not say for which time periode though.  The website hosting probably for a year.

    What do you think?

  2. On 12/1/2018 at 12:19 AM, yuugure said:

    How much botox has he had? His face doesn't move.

    And it's even leaking out! 😱

    Can't you see all the oil/botox on his face in all his instagram videos! 


    This or he wants to add extra sparkle with this oil...


  3. 5 hours ago, Doesn'tEvenGoHere said:


    As for violence and other types of shitty behavior (sorry for the tl;dr) : I feel like this is something you're bound to come across with if you follow rock music in general (especially if a good portion of the fans are girls and the band is made up of youngish guys) , so it's unfair to single it out as a problem within visual kei. I never experienced any shitty behavior towards me during foreign VK lives, but I have experienced it during lives for American bands and they basically mirror the type of behavior that other people have said they experienced during the VK ones. 

    I totally agree! I went to LMFAO in Stockholm and was in the front and there was also lots of pushing, hitting and violence going on. I could not enjoy the LIVE and was just furious at the other "fans" being such asses.


    My friend was pushed back from front to 5th row.


    And they even had an age restriction 18+ there..... so yeah, they don't have to be teens. People in their 20s can also be assholes. Unfortunately one or two years don't make such a big difference behaviour-whise

  4. 2 minutes ago, Saishu said:

    Please post more so I can see that glorious avatar plastered all over the forum. 

    It's super hot and sexy, right? I am considering flying to latvia or russia or wherever this event was promoted to see the king of ninjas in person performing the ninja-rap of my life! 

    But this is actually OT,

    So back to Gene Wong, who is nowhere near the golrious Satsuki-Ninja-sama! 

    Nin Nin!

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