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About 123Sandman321

  • Rank
    Wataru's Punching Bag
  • Birthday 12/31/1997

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    Czech Republic

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  1. I gave quite a few spins to the majority of NAZARE's full length, and I gotta say, the potential is there, but the inexperience of anyone but Issei kinda shows. The album itself is nicely written and varied, but...although the guitarist has the (quasi)-technical department down, he lacks the ability to write any compelling solos, it's just "basic" guitar-wankery. The vocalist is good and the potential is there, but someone should really hit him over the head whenever he tries those highs and refuses to stay in his range, he ain't Sho or Akane. No complaints on the bassist, he's just there, quality rumble from down under. It's a fun record and I'm excited for what's next.


    Let's just hope they are given the time to evolve, before someone fucks it up, and stop being just a poor man's D.I.D.

    1. Kyo_Toriko


      Could you please share the album for people to download to listen ?
      I am really curious about how they sound like... but can't found it everywhere.
      So if you have it, Could you please share it ?

      And also, I remember few days ago, you said you listened FIXER II,
      Do you have the album? If  you do have, could you please share it too?

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