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karai · ebi

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Everything posted by karai · ebi

  1. karai · ebi

    After many delays I've finally got the BW digital versions cleaned up...there is a regular black one but I think I like the inverted one more. Also made a new page id from an old photo
  2. karai · ebi

    i'd sell my kidney to get a kuro yuri version of korn's beat it upright
  3. They're both used and were bought secondhand, so they had some wear before I got them. I'm pretty much only selling since I've been buying so many higher price cd lately and need to compensate for it, that and I am really running out of space lol. Here's a photo album https://imgur.com/a/2Kax6GR I have played and ripped both of them with no issue. I can only ship within the US, as I use 1-3 day priority mail bubble packs and international shipping price has gone way up. I'd prefer if someone bought both together but individual is fine too. Shipping is 4$, solo or together. (it's really 7.50 but I always eat the price out of sales.) Schwarzschild 14$ 或いはアナーキー 20$ I will send you an invoice, you don't have to cover pp fees. Thanks 🤗
  4. karai · ebi

    I used to work there...and I'd be more worried about all the crusty rotten milk residue that I saw left in mixers / cans / pitchers, and dust / skin particles left on the dried fruits and powders when I wasn't the one on cleaning duty. That and the mystery stinky glop from the back that goes into all the fraps, that's supposedly the 'magic' ingredient. Really nasty stuff I'll never drink or eat from there again lol. Sorry it's probably some unwarranted input, but anytime I see things about Sfux I go a little bananas. 😔
  5. karai · ebi

    For me it's almost an anomaly, since despite that it is pretty much the same formula each time...somehow they still make me enjoy listening to each one on repeat, and I normally really hate any kind of repetitive stuff.
  6. karai · ebi

    If anyone is still looking for 死因:わからん there is at least 3 or 4 confirmed stock here https://ebay.com/itm/MAMIRETA-SHIIN-WAKARAN-JAPAN-CD-E25-/273208377384? I had an out of stock refund from them for 無視 last time, so I emailed them before purchasing this time to check if they actually had any in, and they said they did.
  7. karai · ebi

  8. I really like the opening and the glitch noises, the echo parts...but I don't really like the midi sounding piano, feels stiff. Hope with his voice it will come together. Hope it's not high pitch _ノ乙(、ン、)_
  9. karai · ebi

    Haha I had that problem the first month I started playing too. I'm finally stuck though, which I guess is a good thing, because I can only participate in events lol. Here's my line up and FC if anyone wants to add, I got a lot of space on the list 222,529,218
  10. 99% of the time for me when I try to share music with a 'regular' person this is the first thing they complain about. Even if a translation is available, or I can explain to them, nope ''it's just a Japanese song''. I've asked then why not pretend it's instrumental and just enjoy the beat...nope. I don't really understand but I guess it depends how you grew up and what you had exposure to. Strangely I have gotten the same kind of people to listen to German songs, so somehow to them Japanese is some other lower tier or something not worth listening to. I probably would've got the same response to Mandarin songs but I just turned them on without asking.
  11. karai · ebi

    This was the first time I've ever bought something in good faith without hearing it beforehand...and I ain't disappointed. Can't wait to listen to it with actual bass. I love Batsu's voice and his really fuckin goofy dancing, I hope that never changes.
  12. Well I like のろいうた、影 is fine too if I could get into that mood...but I'm not really jumping outta my seat for this. Edit: so glad のろいうた was fuckin good...i'm just not gonna bother with previews anymore.
  13. karai · ebi

    Yoshi and Tomo sync really well (and I actually like clown stuff so..) but Takashi and Yusuke...idk kinda looks like they dove in a thrift bin. I guess stand alone they look ok but it doesn't really mesh with the clown gothic.
  14. karai · ebi

    pretty sure I got approached by a hobo in Chicago dancing like the Belgium vid. but worse than him is that there are people waving their arms around to it
  15. karai · ebi

    Hope it's less like the newest single and more stuff like 理由, or 汚物 Or really anything from the first album, I don't think there's a song I don't like on there.
  16. karai · ebi

    Rap session...I am now filled with fear but I'm sure it was just goofing. I also came to this thread to vent, someone bought all 20,000¥ something worth of Mei cheki that was left on closetchild...so much for bookmarking for the future lol.
  17. karai · ebi

    This is a real weird connection my brain is making...but those high pitch parts instantly made me think about Utada Hikaru lol. And real specifically I think a song from Ultra Blue, but it's been so long since I listened to that album. I like it, and the millipedes.
  18. For anyone who's been waiting for me to upload 死因:無視 this week,

    (Tl;dr have to wait another week or so)


    unfortunately yesterday after almost a month I got my 4th refund trying to get ahold of the CD lol.

    But today I made one final order...since it's through Amazon it should be guranteed. So have to wait a bit longer, sorry maybe someone else will have it before then though ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ)

  19. karai · ebi

    Being from a deep south state I can relate. Though I've only managed to have one casual LDR for about a year, but when he moved to Japan we decided the time difference was too much and he wanted to see how guys were there. So RIP that lol. After that I spend all my time alone. I do have a best friend I've known since pre-K, but aside from past jokes we have absolutely nothing in common in interests or aspirations or anything at all. What I learned to accept was the solitude, and my advice is to never go out looking to force friendship or even acquaintanceship. Chances are both parties will be very irritated after awhile and it won't be a fulfilling experience. It seems that the people who will want to hang around or chat casually will come to you, when you're just doing your own thing, it's best for it to happen naturally even if it's rare. (For instance my ex started out as someone I hung with every night on an MMO, thought he was just some rando I'd never see again, but eventually then he wanted to know me more and we moved to things like skype and LINE.) I'm not sure how or if it's even possible in these areas to just go outside and 'make' a friend lol, and I hear Utah can be a lot like the deep southern states too? Lot of Mormons or something. I've seen people do it but when I listen to them talk it's so superficial it makes me tired. I think it's not worth bothering with if you can't be yourself and share your interests. Sorry not too good at organizing my thoughts, but I think if you stop thinking about it too much then eventually people will come to you when you don't expect it, be online or offline...(usually online lol)
  20. karai · ebi

    Yeah I'd cancel, bank transfer is a pain even within your own country. I recommend https://www.facebook.com/Moonsparkle-Chriss-Sales-508371462671699/ He's really quick, and his fee is cheaper than a lot of those shopping sites, he's bought a handful of things for me now. Only way you might lose out is in currency conversion, so if you're paying with dollar or something around the same rate, the GBP is painful right now. I'm not sure if he does independent websites since I've only bought from Mercari, but it's worth a check in.
  21. karai · ebi

    Just please not pop. Or worse some awful engrish rapping. Surely they wouldn't go that route though- famous last words.
  22. I really hope they'll be good. I'll be stuck at a wedding the day any sort of recording / sample could be out. _ノ乙(、ン、)_ ……♪♪
  23. karai · ebi

    I now understand @Aferni's post of listening to ピンクマリオネット on repeat 32487h times, can't believe I went so long without listening to this.
  24. karai · ebi

    My cousin has hooked me up with a cool venom collab at a con, if all things go well. It's all new to me never being a fan artist, but so long as I'm still drawing monsters it's all good ┌(┌゜⊿^)┐ Still working wip
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