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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

    Ah ~Noseband, the savior of Gazefandom~
  2. Pretsy

    Stratovarius Luna Sea TesseracT (thanks Vurtox) Boom Boom Satellites Kuroageha (thanks Senedjem) Everything by Devin Townsend Everything by Mike Patton Sydän, Sydän SADS etc.
  3. Pretsy

    It seems that they are having some sort of 'glamorous' fashion thing going on with their recent single (and album) covers Looking forward to this since all of their recent singles grew on me after awhile Anyways, their OHP also has a new band pic - a goodbye kiss for vk years is soon to be expected, except when it comes to Uruha *cough Sugizo is calling cough*...
  4. Pretsy

    Woot O_O I so excited!
  5. Pretsy

    THIS. It seems that gaming industry is running out of fresh new ideas as well...hum.
  6. Pretsy

    Well, at least it's my hand an my arm. You troll
  7. Hmmm, I don't think Irokui's drumming style fits Aicle at all, unless they are going to make more Hirari-like songs...
  8. Pretsy

    funny =/= random crap, so yeah Well, at least we have a highly decentralized three level publicly funded system of health care and etc. etc. - profits of being an inhabitant of welfare country! As you can see from his other videos, he tends to analyze some "hot topic" events thru the christian perspective (for eg.his "gay evening scandal" - review, which is just plain annoying and stupid) I think that's what they call "Christian witnessing", IDK
  9. Pretsy

    http://www.youtube.com/user/UncleSamPatriot Basically, every video off his repertoire is worth WTFing Examples: jGzXwZG3MmM bxej3fNlhgQ _5fQZhv0poU
  10. Pretsy

    Again?! Wow Well, they are pretty much dead after the tragedy called Black Parade
  11. ...so Yune is Dekith, amirite?
  12. Pretsy

    Non-vk romantic music...ummm Definitely NOT going to second nekkichi's post since that I never liked that...plastic woman bah. But that Boris-guy is pretty flawless imho Anyways, my turn: V7iCZQgK0SQ One of the few good "non-british britpop" songs SYn4S4aHyDA CIt5twRnT_0 Pretty mainstream but yet still, it's cool and chilly track 83311LLvgsg Forgotten pop gem, stay pressed Justin & Enrique! dznuAGGa-y0 Stay pressed *NSYNC ! TAyvh0nX8Yw [2]
  13. Pretsy

    Heilong is one of their most flawless b-side songs Definitely looking forward to this
  14. ^ I guess you are right - I am going to give a "proper" review on this single right now: (Reviewing this while relistening to the WHOLE single) 1. Remember the Urge - starts off with a Lynch-ish feedback, which is quite nice! Also digging the intro solo, but when Ruki starts singing...it's just so awkward that he has no emotions nor soul in his verse vocals and same goes for the chorus... it just doesn't hit the "wow"-spot in my rating spectrum. Breakdown is somewhat similar to their earlier heavy tracks a la Leech for example - Uruha's solo pops up and saves a few seconds of this "emotionless" song but it cuts off awkwardly before the acoustic pre-chorus...yeah, Gazette - we've heard this already - I am quite kind today so I will give this 7/10 2. Clever Monkey - RTU's Distorted Daytime with Headache Man-ish parts. HMMM the intro riff sounds pretty crunchy but when the chorus hits after a half minute...it's just bland. Ruki should take a note in this: stop repeating the same stupid title, it's just plain annoying...Uruha's mini-solo tries to save this song in vain. Briefly put, this song just didn't impress me at all - 5/10 3. Chijou- ChizuruDIMSCENEmutant sans flawless synth/violin, sounds pretty much like a simple angsty nu-metal song. No impressive parts, again! Agreeing with some people right here - it truly sounds like a Pledge-ish b-side...I will give this 4/10 (once again, I AM KIND PERSON ) Conclusion: RtU was the only diverse track off this single, but it didn't help that much when it comes to impression...wow, Gazette - are you seriously trying to promote your new album with LEFTOVERS? 5/10 !
  15. Pretsy

    AND sound is actually based on Gazette's repertoire if you ask me (note: roadie effect)
  16. Pretsy

    I don't get your "same neo-vk rubbish " comparisons this is, imho, a homage to late 90s fun-fun-fun-visual rock with "new era" influences (PLC came to my mind at some point, dunno why! ) Of course its not better than "Arc I" but I am looking forward to them.
  17. Pretsy

    Midori I have succeeded with "J-music infection" by recommending that to friends Luna Sea I know many "stadium rock" fans and they will surely love this band 9Goats Black Out Why? Listen to them and get mesmerized by the magic of their sound! La'cryma Christi Exotic soundscapes...but I would have to make them newcomers stay away from their post-millennial albums caliDOESNOTEQUALgari Read 9gbo comment...
  18. An art rock / experimental band from Helsinki, noted for their bass-y tracks a la Primus and different ways of Mr. Bungle-ish experimentation (hint: one of their albums is completely midi-based) Lyrics (who cares if no one understands them? Whatever) tend to be quite absurd, but all of them do have some kind of a meaning, usually related to such events as breakup etc. Their visual appearance and behavior during lives tend to be quite strange, but funny (some members are noted for absurd crossdressing habits) They are currently reuniting and releasing a new full-length record sooner or later (I am going to attend one of their gigs ) d34m-Bb25pE juq4JbJ71Ec 5kocqp2KbMk Uum222D85cg WK72EVUbPfE
  19. Pretsy

    Blood type: orc blood Cigarette: e-cigs without batteries Favourites: pornpornwaypornporn bio: N/A
  20. Pretsy

    Thoughts? EDIT: not bad, it kinda grew on me after awhile Sads-ish vibe is quite fitting...for them tbqh, digging songs like that-long-ass-title and moselle no pistol...and Jesus grew on me (lol @ it being in 3 different releases, Kiwamu take a hint!) 8/10 Keep it clean guys then, if you want to give some negative reviews on this album
  21. Pretsy

    It's like vk-ized Capsule...
  22. Pretsy

    Well folks, what are your favorite Gazette releases? Just asking since I am going to delete the most of their stuff in my library, and perhaps I might leave some releases by them...
  23. Pretty much most of Kiyoharu's solo songs (yup, way more chord-based than Kuroyume's music) Also: Buck Tick's post-millennium acoustic songs @Seiji: Well, All new Girugämesh songs have easy-weezy chords...(listen to "Beast" for example, you will get tired of it easily)
  24. Pretsy

    Forgot to add All Satoshi Kon's series/movies have great openings/EDs/soundtracks
  25. Quoting this just because I am speechless about this record right now - in a bad way 2/10 for no effort sorry Generic-a-zettE.
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