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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

  2. Pretsy

    I just didn't like it in the first place, but it eventually grew on me after awhile Whatever, you still don't like me and you won't ever understand me, d00d
  3. Pretsy

    ...alright, I think I am starting to like this. *Clap clap* Furik.
  4. Pretsy

    Toxic isn't an "awesome" surprise for me since I sense some possible fillers in that album (you folks can judge it like that too just by checking those singles w/ b-sides - decent, nothing new) RtU isn't that good - even though, they seem to try other tunings, digging that. About pv: "Gazette goes lynch", perhaps? Since they are going to drop their vk gimmicks for now, will Reita give up on wearing his "trademarked" noseband? Can't wait for the sudden outrage from the fangirl side
  5. Pretsy

    I miss old school gazetto and its craziness, not the USA-zettE I am honest and srs right now.
  6. FMjZHGBJgmk FIN-JAP-CONNECTION MEEEEEEEEEH you might ask: who's that? answer: AeOXuhq1OQc DOUBLE MEEEEEEEEH
  7. They are not going to shit rainbows anymore... BAAAAH!!!
  8. Pretsy

    Maybe he couldn't drop his qt-pie-bling-a-ding-oshare-wut gimmicks from Kannivalism, I suppose? + Honestly tho, it still looks like a clash of Boogieman and Kannivalism, everything's like vk-ized from head to foot I want to see them with casual clothes ffs...like back in da 2003-2004 era
  9. Pretsy

    Police academy and yes, I watched all series in a row ...
  10. Pretsy

    Can't wait for Penicillin and Cascade covers trolololo.
  11. Pretsy

    I presume that it was a right deed to place the PH into the "vk rarez crap" - thread with their most horrendeous song ever Ungh, Izumi. Just drop your IT-cosplay gimmicks already.
  12. Pretsy

    MICHAEL MONROE? WOOOOT Kiyoharu is gonna cry as well
  13. Pretsy

    TROLOLOLOLOL @ Dum Spurdo Spärdö (it's a finnish meme folks ) But, yet still, as an old farmer-friendly countryman, I have to post this again: My thoughts for now, thanks scoozie.
  14. Pretsy

    Kaoru should really stop meth overdosing if he is saying such complicated and stupid things... Maybe I should look up again for those pre-Uroboros Haiiro no Ginka interviews where he described the whole repertoire of Uroboros as somewhat "acoustic" and "easy listening-ish"
  15. Asagi goes lolita, (once again, i suppose? Not a fan of looks like that) But that cage thingy + font + composition is an instant turn-off for me x(
  16. Pretsy

    Alright, its time to get srs http://www.last.fm/user/Psychodissex
  17. Pretsy

    That's not a good way to advertise the album
  18. we look soooo 可愛い together ~(>w<)~ (un)QT!
  19. What Herpes said. Tr00 facts.
  20. ^ I am afraid to say this but you won't be able to save this thread Wish someone would eventually post some groove metal bands here (other than Gojira or LoG)
  21. Pretsy

    are you sure you mean experimental jazz? because it's...not what you might think. Free jazz maybe? Free-form jazz let's say so...
  22. Pretsy

    Alright, since shoutbox wasn't treating me well... Can anyone recommend some good experimental jazz acts for me?
  23. Pretsy

    ^ Honestly tho, Asagi looks oddly handsome in that old school D pic, I want moar pics of him from that era
  24. Pretsy

    Added some cover pics.... Hitoki hasn't changed at all - stoned as always...
  25. Pretsy

    Someone compared Amon sample to 304 goushitsu blargh argh here I think I have discovered something relevant: Akatsuki really references to Aoi Tsuki (similar-ish titles + Die's weirdo melody line sounds a lot like one in Aoi Tsuki (tho, in some parts only) )
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