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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

    New Kannivalism album pls. (I bet that Yuchi has enough time for two acts too tbh) Baroque's nothing more but those two flogging a dead horse during the past 2-4 years (not to mention that they are not capable of showing relevance in the midst of ongoing neo-vk booms and whatnot)
  2. Pretsy

    Might as well post this despite the fact that the band in question has "merely 2 known fans" in this community so far (um, me and Jig I guess? Seeing as this is not meant for "(hip hop) traditionalists" in all honesty): ...we might never know if this is gonna be their swansong album for real (inb4 American CARRYGARRY in terms of trolling) but AAAAAWWSHIIIEEEEET
  3. Pretsy

    http://toro.2ch.sc/test/read.cgi/visualb/1420851641/l50 Idk what happened to the thread with LEECH comparisons but here's the general "Gazette thread" (I think) with fresh-ish reports also: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ryo30612/e/885526fb29129bdf845dc5401161daf5worth checking out as well
  4. Pretsy

    Just checked live reports and most attendees happen to agree with general thoughts around here (even after listening to the whole performance) E.g. 2ch (I can link if someone's skeptic tho) already hinted that the whole song was VERY DIM-influenced and was somewhat reminiscent of LEECH (with lots of shouting/screaming w/ Aoi supporting Ruki in that ALONE) except with mellower and more melodic passages (there was even a piano break?)
  5. Pretsy

    Maaaann this is gonna be much better than a lackluster album that was "11"!!!!
  6. Pretsy

    do I even need to explain this lmao
  7. Pretsy

    Those electronics at least sound a bit better than their earlier stock wubs, e.g. those tracks where Ruki had a "bigger" hand in production than his bud TeddyLoid and so on (some DIVISION SEs...) Also, speaking of tour merch: I usually don't take anything that goes inside Ruki's usual 'buzzword lexicon' ("RAD", "VENT" etc.) on his Black Moral stuff literally, but https://instagram.com/p/0B6v57QOfB/?modal=true ...I don't know about you, community but my guess would be him actually hinting at their current, ~auditory~ (HA!) direction? Just theorizing :V Edit: Speaking of their latest gig (10/3) Setlist: 01. 13 STAIRS[-]1 02. INSIDE BEAST 03. VORTEX 04. Worthless War 05. Psychedelic Heroine 06. 赤いワンピース 07. Crucify Sorrow 08. Sugar Pain 09. reila 10. QUIET 11. 虚無の終わり 箱詰めの黙示 12. MY DEVIL ON THE BED 13. VENOMOUS SPIDER’S WEB 14. ATTITUDE 15. HEADACHE MAN 16. DISCHARGE 17. Filth in the beauty Encore 01. 春雪の頃 02. TOMORROW NEVER DIES 03. 関東土下座組合 04. LINDA~candydive pinky heaven~ 05. 未成年 Double Encore 01. New Song Source: vif-music
  8. Pretsy

    Looks like they are ready to embrace the sound (even though the debut song was a "ballad") they explored on BD's "Devouring One Another" ? That new Marilyn Manson-esque look and their new Golden Age of Grotesque-insipired logo + poster are leaving some serious hints...
  9. Pretsy

    Really? Mods are freely letting canuck divas (who are trying to show off their internet relevance by poor trolling, uhm) to feed their irrelevant "privilege drama" here? (not to mention them terrorizing through PMs - hence me blocking) Lycaon trolling issues aside - let's get cunty : @nekki: must be very cool to be a part of trendy, brainwashed diaspora, huh? Check your privilege and history first before shitting at and lecturing people with your kind of ethnicity due to non- conformist tendencies, boo. Not to mention that you are as big of a racist prick as I am, don't deny that! As someone said it, the idea behind this thread became truly absurd these days, lol.
  10. Hint: They made their "standard tunings" (D tuning/Drop B ) ~permanent~ since Ruki's vocals have suffered due to various factors in the past - you could name a few in your mind (as it shows in e.g. lives where members incorporate songs with keys of E-minor, B-major - Shunsetsu no Koro, Zetsu's Decade ver....) - I didn't mean to miss Ruki here, but it's clear as day that his octave range is VERY LIMITED (Uruha + Aoi have made many vague remarks on that one, e.g. here) @Sei: Yes, each member actually contributed at least ONE song to BD (e.g. Aoi did "In Blossom", Reita did "Karasu", Kai did "Redo"), but at the same time - they demonstrate Ruki's usual habits of "eliminating stuff" (idk what he really meant with that but he always talks about this during each recording process - guess he "compresses" songs way too much?) And speaking of longer songs, I really hope that they would get their "best known" traits back - as in being not afraid to move on with "epic, long" numbers in the vein of "legendary" tracks like Chizuru, Dim Scene, Nakigahara, Bath Room, Reila, Taion.../I might be just dreaming in vain so don't take me seriously, rofl.
  11. Just a bit of "sneak peek" into their current doings: According to some of his instagram/twitter posts (gazettenoura has translations for most tweets/instas in case you are curious), he has done a bunch of songs already (by himself - the jury is still out on when or whether other members will join in or not, seeing as the latter situation led to the trainwreck we know as "Division" these days)- and even some "longer" ones (and "another punk banger"), quelle surprise... With that being said, I wouldn't go and bet on them posting any release news during this month - or even this season (unless it's about BM/lives again...or in case I happened to ignore other members completely) I really hope that Uruha gets his main spotlight (as the "second lead writer") in songwriting back. Gazette's songwriting process really demands some "new blood" as far as I see it - or "new brains" if you will.
  12. Pretsy

    Don't mind her sis I still wonder why mods are literally letting such schizoid attention whores like hitsuji-hime (is your diagnosis more severe than that of rocketeer's?) linger a bit longer around here (oops, not my bad)...
  13. Pretsy

    I haven't found them yet but THE NOVEMBERS informed that they played the backup for track 7 (plus they wrote it too).
  14. Pretsy

    Niice review Tets as always :> Speaking of the album itself, I liked it a lot - even though: am I the only one who hears Limp Bizkit's "Nookie" in "Night Market" (lol)? I thought I was hearing things until I read Takeru's take on the album where he mentioned the said band...
  15. Also, I apologize for being too eager around here but I highly recommend folks to try out Morrie's latest 2014 album (in case you didn't) - a real shame (or not?) that it didn't leak at the moment it got sold in lives...
  16. Pretsy

    LOL @ Tetsu in that teaser The sample sounds fine so far, yeah.
  17. This is where "casual listening vs. listening with strong, pre-existing expectations"-kind of juxtaposition in Ringo's current fanbase is worth mentioning. With that being said, unfortunately most people here (incl. me) always had some far-out expectations when it comes to Shiina's, or the hell - anyone's recent releases. And these "expectations" I am speaking of stem in my case from phases where I used to spin *core albums* (take a guess) on a regular basis (read: even more often than most Ringo aficionados here altogether). *shrug* just my random theory/blabber, gomen.
  18. Salaryman-kei made me miss you guys </3 #SpArkLiEsreunionwhen
  19. Tracklist 01. It's Alright! 02. 10/10 03. Jerassic 04. 風花 05. 十二単 06. AB LOVE LOVE 07. JAPANESE SPIRITS pile-up 08. ELE!!! cover:
  20. A nice lil' teaser for an upcoming Ringo Expo '14 DVD: http://www.jpopsuki.tv/video/Sheena-Ringo---Ketteiteki-Sanpunkan-from-%2526quot%253B%2528Nama%2529-Ringo-Haku-%2526%2523039%253B14--Toshionna-no-Gyakushuu-%2526quot%253B-/15d7939ccaafb22b8ea6a92c8b7e2d96
  21. Oh la la: @Zeus: Wagakki Band - speaking of them...well, you know me already since we are on the same bandwagon, bwahaha... >:V @fitear1590: Kanon Wakeshima - I used to hate her a lot in the past but man, did she really toned down on faux-lolita frills? Might check her out :> Negoto - wish I had more time so I could delve deeper into their repertoire since they are really the band who know their shit, seriously. UNiTE. - to me, Unite was always the case of 'drastic' up-and-downs (or "hits and misses"). Seeing as the sample is much closer to the "hit" than a "miss", I might check their new single out once it gets here : indigo La End - the song you posted happens to be my prime highlight off their latest album, and you nailed it with your description. Sayuu - What would happen if you stripped Midori down a bit more? I am very curious about these two, @beni Daoko - <33333 + fun fact: according to the girl herself, she saved "the best bits of the recording session" for her major debut while the rest went to her last indie album a.k.a this release. So we better cross our fingers for stellar material <3 Kuroyuri to Kage - I can see why @Uglymouth pushed this band forth in the first place: they are certainly a band who are capable of attracting people who still grieve over long-lost heydays of 00s VK back to the scene (along with Dezert, Diaura and alike). Might not be exactly my "GOAT" choice, but definitely deserves an honorable mention from me Kanon Wakeshima - read above Ringo Sheena - It's good to see at least some positiveness in Ringo's fanbase once in a while (seeing as Ringobox is already on the verge of being filled with "rip Ringo" spams). The single itself might not be her best, but I'd take this over NIPPON any day, lmao. @CAT5: Jin-Machine - LOL this band (thx for introducing them, @Senedjem). I *might* keep an eye on them...*might*. Spookykyo...sukiyaki...I mean, sukekiyo - you nailed it with your words on them being truly "a beast of their own" (I think I shared similar thoughts somewhere around here?). Good job :V Ohashi Trio - this guy used to be way too mellow for my tastes (the first time I heard of him was through Cat's plugs, and the second time was during the spin of Utada Hikaru tribute album), but your sample convinced me to think otherwise. I might check him out as well. All in all, some positive surprises out there. Keep it up! @yakihiko: I strongly recommend their previous "dancey" albums in case you happened to enjoy their latest effort, e.g. for starters - WORLD OF FANTASY (WAVE RUNNER and this share many similarities) and (much more experimental)
  22. Important quote: Lycaon, take a note when you are going to do Akina covers in the future... Also, that Sayuri cover as an opener is so cool uuughnnnghghnghghh *keels over* ...At least they knew how to make up for the lackluster album that is their previous effort :V
  23. Previews sound great (rather surprised @ his r'n'b-ish choices - CHIHIRO??!!) If I have to nitpick on something, it'd be Nimo sounding a bit too forced @ L'arc cover (then again - he does it better than um, Hyde these days :V)
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