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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

    I think the band forgot that there are two ways on "getting back to the roots/loved era": 1) retaining some ideas from the past, while leaving enough room for new, fresh ideas and concepts 2) Doing the same shit all over again for the sake of pleasing DIM fanboys/girls I don't want to be a party pooper but the probability of them doing the latter is way too high. Could someone please pinpoint a few examples from their post-DIM era where they actually bothered to churn out something *fresh* (or "out of their book", a.k.a. definitely not INSIDE BEAST)? The biggest flaw in the said era is Ruki's stagnant writing w/ ideas that would have deserved a better turnout - as a case in point (thank you Stallion for reminding me): Untitled - Dripping Insanity - Last Heaven: SAME KEYS, ALMOST IDENTICAL CHORUS MELODIES, VERSE STRUCTURE...and no one emphasized this issue earlier?! Back to the topic: the problem mentioned above concerns this live song as well - I find spazzing over an amalgamation of LEECH and Ibitsu quite silly, so to speak.
  2. Pretsy

    If I were you, I'd rather question the "cultural/historical correctness/appropriateness" of that LUNATIC FEST ad/poster they are spreading throughout the web, with atomic bombs and other grim, taboo subjects (did people forget BT's PARADE fests? They had random lineups too and everyone was all cool and okay with it!). edit: http://lunaticfest.com/here As it was pointed out in DEG thread: #maximumedge
  3. Pretsy

    Stuck Man had a name like that due to the fact that fans noticed the name @backstage setlists back in DEATH OVER BLINDNESS tour (2008, Spring-Summer tour btw) - here's its pre-Uroboros live version btw http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm7716125 w/o Kyo growling (for the most part) THE FATAL BELIEVER on the other hand was, as far as I remember, a song that they literally made from scratch while touring around US (so count that as an "overseas touring-inspired song" if you will, *cough* like most MOAB songs anyway) CONCEIVED SORROW had a demo too back in the day, e.g. Despair in the Womb version (2006) studio version I really wish I could delve into the "leftover" subject/topic, seeing as DEG has a penchant for leaving tracks that didn't make the cut for later ventures (e.g. Ain't Afraid to Die is from MACABRE sessions, CLEVER SLEAZOID is from WtD sessions, DOZING GREEN is a MOAB leftover) - but I bet most people don't care about that kind of stuff so I will shut up for a while @DogmanX: I think "The Inferno" still takes the title of being hands down the "worst DEG track ever" - and speaking of which, "S" (known for being their "worst song" among many fans and whatnot) is not even that bad anymore imho, lol.
  4. Pretsy

    ^ Harada's actually causing controversy (again) during pre-"final arcade version" promos with his new characters (I will spoiler the rest for convenience):
  5. Pretsy

    Favorite unplugged versions: Undecided + Higeki blahblahblah (Rose Trims Again versions) The Pledge (I don't dig "copypaste Kyo's vocals onto piano/other "acoustic" instruments"-idea that much tho) Conceived Sorrow (read above) Namamekashiki (read above) Red Soil The Final (aka "disneytastic version", lol) In terms of remixes: Decayed Crow (remix by NARASAKI) (ps. I am not kidding) Jessica -wave mix- (dir en bossa!) Both remixes for "Ain't Afraid to Die" Embryo Uteute Boogie-woogie Elegy (very Spaghetti Western-y) Taiyou no Ao -mix- (so random, lol) Macabre -Tears of Scorpion mix- [KR] Cube -K.K. Vomit mix- Rinkaku Eternal Slumber mix Vanitas Los Awkis Folklore ver. (counts as *remix* btw) Rasetsukoku Za downtown funkmaster remix (so random, lol [2]) Makes me wanna go back to Kai someday... Also, speaking of "masterpieces" - Uroboros is a nicely done album, yes. But in terms of *smooth* flows and lack of awkward transitions (Uroboros had this weird "Glass Skin - Stuck Man" transition, do you remember? Not as noticeable as say, Mazohyst -> Yokan for instance) and possible fillers, I have to go with their major debut for now
  6. Pretsy

    First of all, I am not really getting this idea of "highly unusual pattern" that most folks were speaking of (not to mention that I half-expected that ITM song they "ripped off" tbh) - another rushed, stagnant mid-tempo song that Meji churned out in a sec (read: we can name a huge number of tunes that suffered the same fate, e.g. most of their b-sides) and forgot afterwards, nothing new :/ When it comes to b-sides (that are usually meant to "diversify" the single in most cases), they are not helping much either! "Ningen" would have had tons of potential if Mejiguys managed to cut all the out-of-place oogabooga and metalcore cheese that comes after a minute, and do a nice, mid-tempo riffagefest w/ more digestible vocalwork that *actually leads somewhere* (not in the vein of "Eiki" that literally gets stuck in the A-part). Unfortunately this didn't really happen, and what did we get? A clusterfuck of insta-crapped, unfinished ideas? This must be the nth time when Mejibray are doing the exact same mistake. Apply my "exact same mistake"-sentence to my overall thoughts on another b-side, "Mukade", as well. It's cool that Tzk is capable of being a wacko in the vk vocal department, but man - toning down your vocal frills won't hurt your performance, but otherwise... It's a bit of hyperbole to claim that this single is "a flaming bag of feces", or even "a bag of flaming feces" - w/e. To clarify, I didn't pop up in here for the sake of just fueling Mejibray's high-profile status with more shit-and-fit throwing, naw. Instead, I will side with these people, who used to enjoy a handful of Mejitunes (in my case: Sadisgate, Hakuraku's both versions, that hunger-red song, BOWWOW, Killing Me...etc etc.), but began to experience a certain degree of disappointment after witnessing this band churning out low-quality stuff non-stop like some effing factory. Let that sink in for a moment - just how many songs do they have so far? How many potentially good, but either a) unfinished or b )effed up ideas and frills do they have so far? Summary: This band needs a break - or a kaisan if there is no hope for them to man up and think where and what they should improve. Measure twice (or thrice in their case) and cut once.
  7. Pretsy

    I decided to take a peek @movelists for new characters, and dude - is it me or is Harada intending to replace a *wide* cast of characters from previous games? I am assuming so seeing as movelists are either highly lacking in the creaitivity department or Harada intends to make some of the characters completely absent: Shaheen rips most of his moves from Raven, Josie is pretty much a female Bruce Irvin, Lucky Chloe is a wack, button-mashing Christie plagiarizer, Gigas is a low-tier ver. of Marduk (see: video below), Katarina is a female Lee-meets-Anna's movesets, Claudio is Lars v.2... Guess post-2010 era is one hell of a fighting franchise killer (no, I didn't like MKX either)...unless VF manages to get my hopes up :V edit: massive keks @ Kazumi's storyline though
  8. Pretsy

    For those who care about album's current progress: At least based on what he wrote lately on IG and Twitter, he managed to get a handful of demos done w/ gt, B and Dr.
  9. Pretsy

    I think members at this point should become passive about folks coming from here and there to throw shit at the bands they hate DISLIKE (depends on how you interpret such reactions tho) /you love. Nowadays it's the only way to keep our forum alive in all honesty, lol.
  10. Pretsy

    ^ Gigas is basically an amalgamation of a Jack robot and Marduk (at least based on their key moves...), and wth is the point of Josie? Namco at its concept rehashing spree, it seems.
  11. Pretsy

    it's not post-britpop though
  12. Pretsy

    I think that theme is not gonna attract people that much (compared to the surprising results of our latest kpop plugging). Guess I might be in if I manage to get over my business? Urban stuff's kind of a thing I am fond of lately anyway, so...
  13. Pretsy

    ^I don't want to nitpick but I think I emphasized on the fact that people should post full songs (seeing as "openers" are not exactly limited to unnecessary SEs only) instead of intros (see tag: "NOT intros" ). This is not Japanese-limited either Good choices though!
  14. Pretsy

    I beg to differ with you guys above and post this one: Total clusterfuck of PETA trolling, Lennox/Bowie worshiping and...what-the-fuck-is-that-factor by courtesy of Kaoru
  15. Wakusei Abnormal, after a long pause, is set to release a new (yet untitled) mini-album on 22/7/2015. The sample set (3 songs) will be out on 28/5 through NYLON JAPAN magazine webpage, and those samples will be available to preview only for 3 weeks. It's been speculated that their mini-album will carry the title of their upcoming mini-tour, "人生はロマンティック" (Life is Romantic) - and that it will have a distinctive pop sound. No other details were revealed. Source: band's OHP, twitter and skream.jp
  16. Pretsy

    lol But yeah, I really can't get behind the fact that certain stans are too inclined to (ab)use their "real, given names" - are their artist names/pseudonyms too "tacky" for them, huh? This is why I went out of my way to question whether he *is* "Tooru" as wild tanukitastic DEG rumors assume...inb4 flashbacks to wild fanfictions about Kisaki stealing Kyo's hoe ensue
  17. Pretsy

    I've heard that he is not even "Tooru" anymore (as in actually changing his first name to "Kyo" thru legal means)? Of course that used to be a rumor-ridden talk of the town back in the day but I am still convinced that it's kinda true? (I suppose those who follow HnG actively might know better)
  18. Pretsy

    凛として時雨 - replica I think at this point LTS deserves no introduction among J-indie enthusiasts and perhaps even among most standard J-pop fans these days. "Replica" pretty much goes well for being a straightforward showcase of the way how TK and co. amalgamate the buzzsaw assault of whacky guitar licks, trebled-to-the-max basslines and TK's high key rage with a couple of memorable hooks/choruses. Might not be the most outstanding track in "still a Sigure Virgin?", but surely it's a great song that gets this band's tight, succinct statement across. NEXT: Towa Tei feat. Kylie Minogue - Sometime Samurai
  19. Pretsy

    This used to be a huge jam of mine back in the days when I didn't really delve into heavier rock and that kind of stuff (aside from my weeaboo pleasures w/ DEG and alike). A real shame that Squarepusher resorts to wack amalgamations of IDM and EDM for new ideas instead of letting his jazz/swing/other bass-centered influences go along with songwriting (as this tune showcases...the hell, buy/DL this album!)
  20. Enon sure likes these simultaneous release schemes
  21. They are getting staler and more predictable lately and this comes from a person who finds AAAAPURIORIBURGHUAARGHUURGHAAAAAAAAAGHUUUURGHAOISORAAAH rather charming.
  22. Pretsy

    "Bae Bae" (quite corny title btw) is decent but "Loser" is definitely one of their drowsiest "half-ballads" :/ Hoping for bangers in the vein of FANTASTIC BABY or even MONSTER...
  23. Pretsy

    RuPaul-y band doing a song with a gravure idol...? Hmmm.
  24. Pukkaan tätäkin teikäläiselle, ja moi vain meikänkin suunnalta \o Feel free to venture around MH and ask about things and stuff - i.e. don't be a stranger as togz said
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