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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. >his I think it's Firewall div. (more or less) that is running this Kyo's "bawww angsty lil' shit"-gimmick for years *tips his tinfoil hat* (if you pay a little bit attention to his later interviews outside of DEG, you'll notice that he's actually quite a bubbly chap lol)
  2. I think Pho's post needs an extension (Natalie.mu had some footnotes etc.): (thx to ryusenkai @arama for translating) Also, everything inside the quote box above explains the title as well - "es" being a German word in this context and whatnot.
  3. Kiyoharu is just not really that eager/willing to give up on his sole cash cow, huh?
  4. Hope it will be much better than their later singles.
  5. Pretsy

  6. Pretsy

    Lol @ that gig title and yes, they need a new album ASAP (frankly speaking I could care less about new Kiyoharu (Kuroyume is dead, long live Kuroyume!), I want him to revive Sads again )
  7. Pretsy

    An addition to my previous post: Capsule - L.D.K. Lounge Designers Killer Whenever you go and have a peek @ what Nakata fandom or just standard Capsule enthusiasts have to say about their favorites, you'd might rarely (even VERY RARELY these days) stumble upon someone bringing this up as their no. 1 choice. I think each talented act has a certain album in their repertoire that works as a "median" in their possible style transformations (the jury is still out on what exactly counts as DEG or MUCC's "median" for instance) - and in Capsule's case it's this album: LDK is the first Capsule album to introduce house-y/dance-y elements that they will cultivate even further and eventually embrace completely in the long run, AND the last album to showcase (unfortunately) minimally missed "Shibuyaisms". One might imagine that such feat might only scream mumblejumble, but no - as my fellow enthusiasts might be already aware of it, Nakata garnered over decade-long experiences in making electro albums akin to the experimental/progressive concept albums (YMO influences showed their worth), and not just some odd collections of bangers to pop your pills and start raving to. Despite the fact that in LDK songs tend to work weakly when played separately, but as an entirety it's truly intriguing achievement. In case you are more of an album listener, and have enough time and desires to explore electro-based works with precision, jot this into your to-listen list SPECIAL MENTION: Dir en grey - The Marrow of a Bone - Perhaps the only album that doesn't sport overwhelming "smorgasbord"-ian attributes (e.g. their first albums that lack aim/"goal" despite having many elements worth sympathizing to) - Not Pro Tools'd to death (looking at you, post-Uroboros releases) - Tailored for live performance-related purposes (highly appreciated) - Risky, intriguing move (especially at that time when they were on the way of garnering their old fans back with friendly alt. rock -isms in WtD...and of course, that Dynamite Tommy arrest scandal) - Even with the vast amounts of anti-bias, no one still ruled out the fact that most memorable moments (aside from radio hits @Gauze) stem from this album, OOGABOOGABOOGA. - Punchy arrangements (despite being ridden with "boo nu metal" and coreistic ambitions) - Kyo sounds fittingly "raw" in this one, when compared to his nasal doom @pre-Vulgar releases and glory of 3 Pro-Tools vocal layers @post-Uroboros releases.
  8. Might as well post a sneak-peek on Cool Japan's usual committees (you MIGHT see a few familiar faces there, e.g. that azn dude from "Heroes") - Gackt might be a bit too much but he has his points there: http://www.dannychoo.com/en/post/27269/Cool+Japan+Strategy+Committee.html ...It has been one heck of a mess straight from the beginning lol Also: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/culture/2013/07/09/general/can-metis-%C2%A550-billion-fund-unfreeze-cool-japan/#.VZxNJ_ntlBc (evil signs from the past, boohoo!)
  9. Thought someone would find this worth noting: http://en.rocketnews24.com/2015/07/03/gackt-lashes-out-at-cool-japan-almost-no-results-of-japanese-culture-exported-overseas/ Ruh-roh.
  10. I am not aiming to affect your picks but here's a piece of advice (and I am speaking from my personal experiences in terms of Towa's stuff): Older Towa Tei: "Sound Museum" (most Towa fans tend to choose this one as his "most definitive work") Newer Towa Tei: "Sunny" and/or "Lucky" (doesn't matter which one of these you choose first, they are sorta similar in terms of catering various "quirky aspects") In case you want to go for further "risks", you can give his earlier group - "Deee-Lite" (might ring bells), a try (note: Western act )
  11. It's actually one guy xDD You ought to give his earlier outputs a try too, in case you don't mind a bit quirkier "Shibuya Kei-isms": Lol @ album leak. This sorta sounds intriguing so far (might be even a bit better than that "LUCKY" album or w/e it was)
  12. Pretsy

    Kinoko Teikoku is quite often mentioned along with Tokyo Shoegazer, so I think you might dig their earlier output: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkBIb_ElLRQ @blackdoll: Try Portishead
  13. Shibuya kei powerhouse Towa Tei is back with some new jams! Towa Tei's upcoming full-length will be titled "CUTE", and it will be released on July 29th. 8th studio album of his will, as his earlier post-00 takes, feature a vast plethora of frequent collaborators and even some newer ones (e.g. frequent Tei collaborator model Kiko Mizuhara's younger sister Yuka Mizuhara...who's also a model lol)! Tracklist with production credits and featured artists below (taken from Arama): LUV PANDEMIC PV This sounds very promising!
  14. Show from Kishidan is calling - he wants his weave back I know that it's supposed to be a knock on Bousouzoku-gang/biker style, jk here lol
  15. Pretsy

    Ryuichi from Luna Sea is on the left, the guy from LADIES ROOM might be in the middle I guess Kyo looks (oddly enough) very positive in those pics - I suppose he had his own share of fun and joy while hanging around with (ex-)biases (crossing my fingers for him not shaving his hair off again like he did bazillions of times earlier) Also: Jupiter/Dir en grey live? LMAO.
  16. Pretsy

    I might be in...not sure about my schedule for the next week or weekend though, bleh Also: man, Kikkawa looks sorta handsome in that pic - dude just gets better with age?! ( ͡º ͜ʖ͡º)
  17. Pretsy

    It's been a while since he looked all happy and laughing, awwww Kyo Also, I am okay with that setlist in terms of festival-y context...at least there's no "The InferNAWWWWHELLno"
  18. Okay, things began to clear up for once (I misunderstood "stationary" in that sentence). Thank you @Trombe! Ps. Sun-Krad promo employees are surely one hell of an odd bunch with these "switching guest vocalist"-concepts...
  19. Pretsy

    Hydra? EDM influence? They've always had some odd industrial rock/metal influences (or "nuances" if you will) throughout their career, and that too is purely due to Kaoru's love towards NIN and similar acts (as a case in point, go back further @inspiration thread and see my post about Kaoru). If anything, they will most likely just move on with these "nuances" ("the peak" was during Vulgar-era, I think?) and stay in their comfort zone, rather than derail and go down the risky route (seeing as this might lead to another grandiose MOAB-ish episode and they will be effed up due to massive fanbase losses)
  20. So where exactly is this "live-orientation" and "guest vocal" mentioned? I begin to doubt @Trombe and @Wicked Teletubby's statements (sources??!!) in terms of roles that members in DECAYS share. I didn't notice this piece of information in OFFICIAL channels, a la Barks, Natalie and so on - only the fact that they will "experiment" around with this "twin vocal chemistry" (source: Barks). For the next time, I'd highly recommend you guys to get your sources up before coming up with canards (un)intentionally. Also, for the sake of explaining my doubts: why the heck would they dedicate a LARGE band promo pic (on OHP MOREOVER!!!) with ALL OF THE MEMBERS (normally Japanese acts clearly point out in case their members are purely "guests" with e.g. separate pics, small info bits) if say, Die and that MOON CHILD guy "are the only official members" (as in "non-guests" if you will). By that sense those who posted this info are either totally lost in translation or Sun-Krad/Firewall leaks some very conflicting news atm.
  21. ^it will be a double A-side single tho: Kamisama, Hotokesama/Nagaku Nijikai Matsuri - and the othee a-side is supposed to be a "Brazilian-ish dance song"... DAT MILF DOE
  22. Vocalist/guitarist of THE NOVEMBERS, read Jig's post. Die on vox?! Wonder if he will be backing up on vocals a bit more in future DEG performances too...
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