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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Friday? I thought that they will sell tickets at Saturday ...Anyways I will still buy a ticket - I can actually return my money back if I won't get satisfied or so Anyways thanks for your lil piece of advice Now, fellow dutch people, lemme know that setlist please after that first EU gig (not Wacken lol)... I just want to hope that they got rid of their basic 2007-2009 setlists (MOAB + UROBOROS songs...)
  2. Is there any actual setlist (or setlists) for EU gigs at all? I just want to know if this Helsinki gig is truly worth paying for Just wanted to assure that I won't attend another lame-o gig...
  3. Pretsy

    I would take an alka setzer. What would you do if you find Maria Cross banging your little sister/brother?
  4. Pretsy

    trying to play tekken 1-3 and 6 Oh good times when there werent any sickass one-hit-KO-juggles...
  5. Pretsy

    Well thats too soft for Deathgaze Whatever, waiting 4 a nu SINGEL
  6. Woaah no Opeth thread, I am scared right now guise D= //// I am bored. wiki: Current members: * Mikael Åkerfeldt – lead vocals, guitars * Fredrik Åkesson – guitars, backing vocals * Martin Mendez – bass guitar * Martin "Axe" Axenrot – drums, percussion My first Opeth record was actually "Ghost Reveries" but I like other records as well (especially Orchid) Their longs tend to get boring sometimes, mostly because of their "abnormal" length (13-20 mins etc) But there are still many great tracks. for eg. 0UxS6r49OlY Anyways, enuff said. Opeth fans around here?
  7. Pretsy

    Leda, Galneryus won't accept you this time HAHA. Not gonna miss em.
  8. Pretsy

    Waiting for a new album - I won't spend my time/money on listening to that Shine-ish song... They should try some new styles out there - like in Lunacy for example (its kinda decent album but I give it a big plus for experimentality)
  9. Pretsy

    o63tvDCgfWE Is this even real or fake? 1yr5d3ckXis IN MY AUTO (WITH TUNE) - Actually most of LS tribute songs sucked a huge cock. =( -JK-wSbOfrA&feature=related Better than original, just saying. Enuff.
  10. Pretsy

    My feelings hurt =( 8/10
  11. ;S Yeah, sucks to be me. Anyway, even if this is too early to say, but people can come to say hello to me. (Even though I know... one or two persons from here who I'm going to disturb there, even if I'm sure they don't want it. *insert trollface here*) I guess i will hide in the booze zone normal zone scares the shit out of me /i have no issues
  12. Pretsy

    Is that Anette Olzon? EWWW SAD FACTOR anyways for my finnhomie 8/10 I am sexy.
  13. Uhh MH meeting ?- how many forum people are gonna gather around then? I guess i should go all sneaky (aka angsty groupless/small group) - I am too embarassed of my jailbait look Hmm, I think... 5-7? D; Maybe more. We'll see. I think I'll go with my friends, but let's see later if I would like to come to meeting. I'm not also sure what should I do after the gig - will I go to Omenahotelli too, or will I be the whole night in the city. Oh I forgot that you are living far away from da Capital...Well good luck with Hotel/city adventures then I might go with friends as well - or stick to angstiness and meet old friends in that gig lawlz Too many gigs in my to-do-list gaaasshhhh
  14. Uhh MH meeting ?- how many forum people are gonna gather around then? I guess i should go all sneaky (aka angsty groupless/small group) - I am too embarassed of my jailbait look
  15. Oh, forgot to mention ferries, they are much cheaper than flights haha - thanks allisapp!
  16. I am also considering attending in finland since there's no swedish date Do you know how much it costs to travel to findland? lol Hmmmm I heard that Gotlandsflyg has quite cheap-ish flights from Visby to Helsinki /unnecessary But if you are gonna order flights thru Flysas for example, then it will cost about 2200 SEK from Stockholm to Helsinki
  17. Pretsy

    Only 2 fans around here? Wow, I guess I shall rip my Primus cds sometimes so people can listen to them.../not really
  18. Dat video...3:09 part wwwww "STOP TRIPPIN DUDE" Yeah, that's MM's Tetsu's and A+D's Yayoi's birthchild with downs.
  19. visual kei shoegaze plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  20. Pretsy

    Someone asked about Yayoi's current doings - According to vkdb he is currently in retirement, dunno why. Anyways, what happened to Shun (ex-Kuroyume)/ SUPER DROP BABIES? They haven't released anything for a long time...just curious to know what happened to them
  21. Pretsy

    Deep Throat. it sucked.
  22. Pretsy

    Psychosocial baby
  23. Pretsy

    You probably mean this. AO3wneBtx4I Did I see She-ja...and Kenzi??? Woah, so is this from the beginning of 90s? (Dynamite Tommy looking cool ) EDIT: Are there any other good VK shoegaze bands like Atmos*Note?
  24. Pretsy

    Screw screw each other
  25. Pretsy

    yes wtf things, post here.../unnecessary x8nMOUxhydY Thanks seneddy...I won't ever say gosh again. NEVER.
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