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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

    EDIT: check the first comment of mine
  2. Sounds like 20+ other heavy D tracks that we've heard for years or so Nothing new Waiting for the single so I can grasp that third (funny) b-side track
  3. Pretsy

    It seems that M.E.R.R.Y -lovers, jazzsters and bluesters are definitely going to hate this record Anyways, before reviewing the whole album, let me review 5 single songs (including the remake of Cry Against) first: (brief overall review) Nice alternative metal/post-hardcore - songs from Merry. Despite the fact that those are quite commercial songs, Gara's voice is still able to encapture the feeling (...yes Kyo, we are talking about your fail-ish clean singing) of those songs + Nice riffage and bass audibility Not sure if they really fit into the album tho :/ 9/10 as singles/separate songs 8/10 as album songs (Yes I am srs, since I always liked their Japanese Modernist-ish songs) Now, to the real business: (romanized) -choral- : Deep, atmospheric intro -good Merry starter, as usual - 9/10 finale: Basic Modern Garde-ish hard rock song - I didn't care for vocal effects, Gara pulled everything quite well. Not sure if this would fit as a second track, since I expected something new - 8/10 Zaa Zaa: Nice throwback to Nu Chemical Rhetoric-era - catchy and beautiful, digging the biss audibility once again - Old school awesomeness 10/10 -sabbat- : Yes yes yes, very good SE!! It's time for a wilder phase of BF Nero getting wild here as always, which is indeed, awesome! 10/10 Fukinkou Kinema: Gekisei-meets-basic-ska-number , I always liked VK ska songs and this is not an exception! Quite danceable tune imho - instant 10/10 Zetsubou: I thought that they would pull off Finale once again but all of the sudden, Post-hardcoreish "vocal hooks" came along ("Default default default default"?) - Normal song, but nah, they should have chosen either this or Finale for the second spot - it kinda ruins the flow of album after teh gorgeous FK - as an album song 7/10 - as a separate song 8/10 Skull: Long time no see, Skull! Gendai Stoic-ism shines in this song clearly, which you can notice in Gara's weird vocals and eroguro punk-ish approach (lol @ Gara attempting to growl like Kyo at some point) - Merii is back 10/10 Shoudoku: Hameln pretty much gave a hint about nice numbers like THIS - It's pure and raw "Merii-punk-in-your-face" pretty much! Definitely loving this, yum yum yum 10/10 Identity: Decent punk-song with Yuu shouting out loud in the background all the time - Wish he could just shut up at some point, its just pure annoying 7/10 Swan: Typical VK goodbye swansong with overused strings and kids' choir - UNGH 4/10 -dawn-: Gloomy & mystical closer - 9/10 without Swan/ 7/10 with Swan (I facepalmed after Swan and paused the SE in the middleway) Conclusion: Pretty much, the passable album for Merry-punk/metal lovers with quite formulaistic song approach. The only downsides are Swan and the lack of "structurability/structurality" (sorry, can't choose the right word D:) - Those songs work very well as single "shuffle-random" songs but most of them (especially single songs) are just not able to uphold the onmoving soundscape and "structure" of this album The context/idea of this album is not clear for me But as the title says, it's all about separate tracks, without any plot nor theme Rating: As separate songs (together): approx. 9 points out of 10 The album itself: approx. 8,5 points out of 10 Sorry for my fucked up English, I'm just all confused about DSS and BF - might give them a better listen sometimes later
  4. Pretsy

    I liked Gimmie Gimmie, IDK WHY D: Stupid title, but I can wait for it...
  5. Pretsy

    In my opinion, Merry is more bluesy than jazzy as well (does "Visual kei blues" even exist? LOL) I'm not so fond of VK jazz due to constant fake-brass & horn -sections + "vocalists-that-sound-like-SADS-era-Kiyoharu-on-helium orgasm" Hope somebody could recommend me some vk jazz bands without the stereotypes that I mentioned above (okay 8-eit and Jikkendai Marmot are familiar, how about the rest?)
  6. Pretsy

    Well this is my pre-judging review but Every song sounds quite messed up imho They either fail at being artsy or they are trying to combine all styles they have explored in vain... 7/10 for now, I might change my mind after awhile
  7. Pretsy

    Now, Macabre-Kisou era pics in HQ, plz thank you
  8. Pretsy

    Japanese White Stripes? Melikes.gif
  9. Pretsy

    I liked Fable in the cold bed and Nightmare rerecording Lover hasn't changed that much The rest is generic 7/10 - nothing against the vocals though, I'm a huge sucker for "bad" vocals (a la Kagerou's Daisuke and etc. )
  10. Pretsy

    Why did he die? I am all shocked right now, 2011 is getting more horrible than ever, first - Taiji, then later - Norway bombing witnessing (yeah) and then this? Not a casual listener of Kagrra but still... DAMN RIP BRO
  11. Okay now I'm back home Thanks everyone for your support...and oh, why do I keep repeating the same thing all the time? p.s. is sumostig okay? His frands, reply please
  12. Pretsy

    My first languages are Finnish and Russian. (btw, for some reason, I understand Czech, Ukrainian, Belarussian and other slavic languages very well, it's good to be a half-slavic!) P.s. ever since my first cyrillic comprehensions and practices (back in da 2002), I still can't write some sentences correctly - Quite difficult language, I must say D: I've studied English since the kindergarten and Swedish through the relatives and school (pulled all "necessary" courses immediately, I can feel free without it for now) - Currently improving my German, some French, Korean (friend's idea)...+ currently trying some Japanese (I've been raised by two "Asiaphiliacs", btw + quite obvious hobby for a weeaboo, eh?), Mandarin (once again, another friend's idea) Also: I might try German-related languages as well (a la Dutch, Austrian (?) etc etc)
  13. Hello folks (I am still in Oslo, just made another visit in hotel's comp room...) As you might have heard about it, Yesterday's massacre shook Oslo for hours . Apparently the main suspect was some Norwegian fundamentalist/christian/psycho in cop's clothes, what a douchebag. How about me? I am all fine with my family here (yes, it was a family trip ) I witnessed the hot-spot case from like 400 meters away (it was quite dim due to the constant smoking after the sudden bang (that sounded like a huge wall falling down with a full force) - I shall report about it abit later, all I can say for now is that it has become a Ground Zero-ish zone, with barking guard dogs and special forces.... So you don't need to worry about me! Thanks everyone for your support and care - and btw, I congratulate the new mods of MH, you were the right nominees - keep up the good work ^^ I'll be coming back to Finland sooner or later - see ya in da shoutbox! Pretsy P.S. yo Disposable/Blumbe - did you enjoy your time @ Tuska open air ? Folks seem to be quite happy about it
  14. So yeah, I am gonna leave for Norway tomorrow (on Wednesday).... *insert a lame joke about sumostig's homeside etc etc here* (honestly though, I have no fricking idea about current location of sumostig, and I don't give a heck about it since I am visiting the capital side (Oslo) + some place called Holmenkollen ("the birthplace of "Black metal okkvltism" ") Mayhem/Burzum fans might know the whole idea behind this okkvltism-thing (p.s. I had a free place for friends of mine but no one accepted my offer or so, bleeh, you can travel freely with me if you want to, I won't mind ) And I might come back next week, see you around then MH folks! (P.S.S. I wanna apologize for my trolling/insults here, I am quite sarcastic guy you see - gotta do something with it )
  15. So yeah, I am gonna leave for Norway tomorrow (on Wednesday).... *insert a lame joke about sumostig's homeside etc etc here* (honestly though, I have no fricking idea about current location of sumostig, and I don't give a heck about it since I am visiting the capital side (Oslo) + some place called Holmenkollen ("the birthplace of "Black metal okkvltism" ") Mayhem/Burzum fans might know the whole idea behind this okkvltism-thing (p.s. I had a free place for friends of mine but no one accepted my offer or so, bleeh, you can travel freely with me if you want to, I won't mind ) And I might come back next week, see you around then MH folks! (P.S.S. I wanna apologize for my trolling/insults here, I am quite sarcastic guy you see - gotta do something with it )
  16. Pretsy

    http://metalassault.com/Interviews/0714 ... n_Grey.php So yeah, new interview Apparently the Zan pv is going to be reshot (d'ya remember those creepy-freaky shots/scenes from the original pv?)but this time, there won't be any vk gimmicks there
  17. Pretsy

    Where's Butterfly? Cherry King? Whatever, I want a new release from them - even though it would surely have heavy Kannivalism influences, due to the obvious reasons.
  18. Pretsy

    Merry at their best.
  19. Pretsy

    Dunno if I should really follow them anymore since the last single sucked ass... But good job Yasu for keeping the fast pace in terms of singles/album releasing, hope you will make a double album out of it, inb4 "gazette's new album with singles and SE fillers *cough*"
  20. Pretsy

  21. Pretsy

    My favorite X member... (the best member imho) RIP bro
  22. Party party party streets party streets hangover party Enough?
  23. Pretsy

    Romero's Creepshow anthology (based on Stephen King's writings etc.) Damn you Romero and your twisted humour D;
  24. Nothing new But I am waiting for the full single.
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