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Manji 卍

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Posts posted by Manji 卍

  1. Yea, right from where grieva left off, couldn't ask for something different, and to make it a bit more  "tasty" ,I bet that they gonna add some cool electronic sounds on the production (or not) like we heard in the end of the sample.  Let's wait for the whole thing, too early to judge.

  2. couldnt believe it was Karma when i saw this pic of him,

    he looks like another person.Now im curious to see how hes going to look like in the next MV



  3. Well, that's a lot of dates,and honestly ,I see them as a formal band already.Hope they leak at least one track at one of those events,cuz I don't wanna wait till the middle of the year to see what this is about.


    I have the feeling that their sound won't be too different from what KTK used to sound like...

  4. I'm not a musician,but I know very well that you don't need to have a specific technique to be brutal,but to STAY brutal you gotta learn it properly or take care of it,if you have a natural talent, otherwise you'll get fucked up. Some people think that we are "praising" Deviloof just bcuz it's a VK-deathcore band.No.actually, I don't even like Jiluka or Nokubura. That fact is that deathcore became one of the most forgettable subgenres ever,and thanks to KEISUKE'S vocals,I'm back at this kind of music again. Of course there's plenty of bands as brutal as Deviloof,or even better than them,no doubt,but like Keisuke,no, he's unique.

  5. Keisuke's guttural/death growl techniques are on point,if you compare him with the most famous deathcore bands in the world.All the "unusual" things he does on his vocal performances is what makes each track a memorable thing and at the same time a "love it or hate it" band,if you get what I mean. Furthermore he's NOT a clean singer, definitely not.The muddy, sloppy and kinda amusing aspect of his clean singing is done on purpose,since he has a very funny personality.

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