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Posts posted by Sparrow

  1. 2 hours ago, ricchubunny said:

    Their live is something, like, its different and the FANS are amazing, but the band itself is so bad i can't even. I was really disappointed cuz i really enjoyed their music in CD.......

    I can forgive them not being very good live because of the performances. They are just so damn fun live! 


    Granted, I'm also a huge Alice Cooper fan and have been since elementary school...everyone knows you don't see him live for the singing XDD you go for the experience

  2. There are a couple of reasons why re-recordings sometimes make sense to me. For VK, the first few singles are usually made in extremely low quantities and are difficult to come by. I think in cases like this, bands feel weird releasing the exact same track again so they either re-record or remaster it.


    For other artists who have had a very long career, their style will usually have shifted dramatically (possibly even a few times) so re-recording their old songs can be a way to show what that song would have sounded like, had they released it now. For example, Alice Cooper released an iTunes EP in 2010 called Alice Does Alice, where he covered five of his early singles from '71-'75. While I was ambivalent to most of the tracks, I actually love the new version of I'm Eighteen just as much as I do the original!

  3. Catching the towel at CANIVAL's birthday live for Kosuke and Luvia was the first time I'd ever caught anything at any concert! I actually suspect it was thrown to me specifically because I had recently been at the Xaa Xaa live where no one responded when Kazuki asked if people were having fun and saw how devastated he looked. When Kosuke asked the same question, I waited but no one did anything at first and I got worried so I started cheering (once I started, everyone else started). After that, I caught him smiling at me a few times during the set and then he threw it where only I could catch it. I might be imagining it though!



    So many Nero ones! At the M-ology CORE listening event, I got to meet them wearing my Nero shirt and he hugged me! Then at an instore the following week, he remembered me! Unlike a lot of foreigners in Japan, I don't stand out very much because I have black hair/eyes so I'm always surprised when people remember me, let alone a bandman who I met for like 10-15 seconds. Then, at the signing before the Shizuoka show a few months later, I was really convinced he wouldn't remember me because I had cut off all my hair. I should have had more faith in Nero because he still knew it was me right away and this time he asked my name so he could sign it to me. He misspelled it but I don't care; I felt really special.


    Getting to meet You from Gosan...I know a lot of people don't like him but he was so nice and really wanted to talk to me and ask questions. I mean, the guy doing the chekis was gone for some reason and I didn't want to be presumptuous so I was patiently waiting for him to come back but You called out to me and started a conversation. When I've met other bandmen, sometimes it's kinda awkward and I don't know what to say to them but he was easy to talk to. When we took the cheki, both of us immediately did the Zombie's Love Letter claws, and it was the perfect final experience before I left Japan.

  4. On 2/11/2018 at 1:26 PM, suji said:

    Damn, I didn't know that! I'll be sure to get it asap!!


    Yeah, mine's got the past flyers and interviews~

    Yep. The red one has the song Sakashima End Roll which completes the maxi single of that name (if you've ever wondered why that single didn't have a song with that name...that's why XD)


  5. 2006 Dir en Grey (Family Values Tour Dallas)

    2017-3-17 MERRY/sukekiyo/犬神サーカス團 (Misono Universe)

    2017-4-30 ザアザア (Osaka Muse)

    2017-5-5 MERRY (日比谷野外音楽堂)

    2017-5-14 摩天楼オペラ (神戸VARIT)

    2017-5-24 ゴア/素晴らしき日々。/アザナ/ゼログミ/一輪は瓦礫の隙間から/チャイルドプレイ (心斎橋FANJ)

    2017-6-7 0.1gの誤差/ザアザア/SCAPEGOAT/Chanty/Neverland (高田馬場AREA)

    2017-7-21 0.1gの誤差 (新宿RUIDO K4)

    2017-8-7 ゴア/素晴らしき日々。/SCAPEGOAT/REIGN/HOLYCLOCK/KilloneX (大阪RUIDO)

    2017-8-19 exist trace (恵比寿club aim)

    2017-8-26 MERRY 渋谷www

    2017-9-8 ゴア/グリーヴァ/グリモア/REIGN/ THE BLACK SWAN/GREEM (池袋EDGE)


    2017-9-18 ゴア/CANIVAL/BabyKingdom/シェルミィ/ビバラッシュ(梅田ZEELA)

    2017-9-24 MERRY (静岡Sunash)

    2017-9-27 0.1gの誤差/甘い暴力/REIGN/MORRIGAN (池袋EDGE)

    2017-10-7 0.1gの誤差 (池袋CYBER)


  6. It's strange, I keep hearing this horrible stuff about Gosan and I did not experience or witness it once and I saw them four times in Japan (2 taiban and 2 oneman). After the last oneman I stuck around for the mini talk and polaroid meets and Yuu was a total sweetheart to me! He even dropped the yankee accent so I didn't have to struggle to understand him.


    The crazy furi is a huge part of why I love their lives so much and I go all out, even if I make mistakes in the more complicated parts.

  7. This is a question for anyone who is living or has lived in Japan and gone to lives here. Have you found yourself listening to songs for the first time and heard some part of the music that makes you think you know which common furitsuke movement happens there? Just today I was listening to an old Gazette B-side and thought at one point, "this part feels like oritatami." It's been happening a lot in the past couple of weeks for bands I've never even seen live before and I'm curious if others have experienced it.

  8. idk With a band I love, I often dislike the new album at first listen because it's different than what I'm used to hearing. Once I get past that I usually love it! I didn't have that problem with this album though. I had it really, really bad with under-world though. 

  9. 14 hours ago, BrenGun said:

    aren't handmade shizzels cute? XD

    But yeah you better can make a bunch for more fans and stand together in the rows with the fanmade stuff to cheer a band, then just being the only one.


    This reminds me! I recently found these pictures on my old photobucket account of my hand sewn Merry shirts. It was impossible for me to get legit merch in America back then (around 2007) so I finally decided to just make my own.


    Attempt 1 Front and back design:  grandmaEvaspartyandmerryshirt025.jpggrandmaEvaspartyandmerryshirt028.jpg


    Yeah, not great f(^^;) I do really like how the umbrella came out though! I am much more pleased with the second one, which is cross stitch (I am way more confident with cross stitch than embroidery) and I drafted the pattern by hand over the course of a month. The long blood drip in the logo has gotten a little crooked over the years so I think I'll redo that part when I go back to the US next week.






    Canival towel-This is the first item I've ever caught at a concert! Plus, it was at the Luvia and Kosuke birthday live!


    Merry Koseiha Blend~tasogare~

    This is, hands down, my favorite cover art on any album



    Signed: Merry Calling single (Nero, Yuu, Gara)

    I got this signed at my first ever instore last month. If I had my entire collection with me, I would have gotten something else signed, but Calling has always been one of my favorite songs of theirs so I'm still very happy.



    Signed: Merry M-ology (Nero, Tetsu)

    I got this signed before the show in Shizuoka last weekend and Nero actually asked for my name and signed it to me!



    Signed: Gore Hoozuki-kun

    I went to their live right before I moved to Tokyo so they made an exception for me and signed this at the show, since I wouldn't be able to go to any instores


    Merry CORE Limited M-ology--I was at the Hibiya Democratic live, so I love getting to relive the show with the bonus DVD&CD

    Merry SCI FI DVD--This is my favorite Merry DVD and I bought it when it came out, right before my study abroad ended

    Merry History books with CD+DVD--No particular reason besides these being very difficult to get my hands on

    All three Hyde 'coffin singles'--Really cool packaging and amazing ballads? Yes please!

    Pierrot Dramatic Neo Anniversary+Yuuyami Suicide--During my initial high school exchange, I discovered Vkei for the first time. In Shizuoka City in 2005, there were no stores that specialized in the genre or even had a dedicated vkei section. I mainly  depended on Sumiya and Virgin's Jrock sections to have the the newest releases by the biggest bands mixed in with the normal bands. Besides those places, I regularly went to Book Off and hoped for good luck. That is what happened with Pierrot's DNA, I found the single for 100 yen and thought, "this looks like it might be Visual," and bought it. I really liked it and got lucky again with Yuuyami Suicide a few years later. I'm really happy to have stumbled onto this band!



    Non-Vkei Stuff:

    Alice Cooper Hey Stoopid on Vinyl (original release)

    Alice Cooper The Life and Crimes of Alice Cooper

    Alice Cooper The Last Temptation comics (all 3 issues)

    Labyrinth OST on Vinyl

  11. I heard it at the CORE event yesterday and I completely agree, it's a great album! The only songs I didn't love were Sight Glass and Black Flag Symptom but I didn't hate either of them. They'll just need a little more time to grow on me! I loved Mass Control the most I think, and I was surprised that Nero did it (because I never did like Charlie, even though I'm a hard core Nero fan :X )

  12. Not Japanese and my reasoning is a little weird but Blue October. I don't hate them or anything but, as someone with a mental illness, I was always able to relate to Justin's lyrics (and adored Ryan's violin skills). I was very emotionally invested in them. When Approaching Normal came out, it was a generally positive album that made me so happy that things were finally working out for Justin and he was getting better. I had also come out the other side with therapy and counseling. Then everything went wrong and he got divorced, lost custody of his daughter and the next album was bitter and angry. I can understand why but I just couldn't appreciate it. I wasn't in that headspace and I was sad that he lost that peace he had found. I still love the old stuff but the new stuff is too difficult for me to listen to.

  13. As of today, I am officially a CORE member! While it is too late for me to get a ticket to the limited live, I did score a ticket to the premium album release event. I didn't see any info posted here so I did the best with my limited Japanese skill


    <Part 1>
    M-ology Album Release Event「CORE PREMIUM」Advance Listening Event
    Saturday, August 26
    Shibuya WWW
    ・Be the first to hear the album
    ・Premium Talk Session with all 5 members
    ・Premium Acoustic Live
    Doors/Enter: 13:00 / 13:30

    Standing ¥3,800
    ※Free Gift

    <Part 2>
    M-ology Album Release Event「Forbidden」Advance Listening Event
    Saturday, August 26
    Shibuya WWW

    ・Hear the album early
    ・Talk Session with all 5 members
    ・Acoustic Live
    Doors/Start: 18:00 / 18:30

    Standing ¥3,800


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