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Posts posted by BrenGun

  1. Its not only the reason why they choosed tape over CD.

    Don't forget that many people didn't had a CD player yet...japan never was a country of getting the new highteck stuff, even if many was discovered and made in Japan. Nowdays many people don't have a laptop or PC... I know a few who only use there phone for internet...

    Anyway back to topic

    "Demo tape" "demo CD"

    Since the tag was used for demo cd too, it was getting confusing.

    You actually could have renamed demo into tape, and kinda retagged those "demo CD"'s.

    But its still splitting hairs...

  2. Quote


    My interview with the darkwave/gothic band REMNANT

    Interview REMNANT official fanwebsite: http://remnant.netii.net/

    Taken by: me


    – How do you know each other?

    Marie: Takmi was looking for band members and a friend of him knew me and so we came in contact.


    – Why did you decide to call your band REMNANT?

    Marie: (asking Takmi); Because the pronounce of the word REMNANT is very beautiful.


    – Why did you decide to play this genre of music?

    Marie: Because of our love for Horror (movies) and love for Gothic.


    – Marie you write all lyric’s isn’t? Do you write first the lyrics before Takmi compose a song, or does Takmi first compose the song before you write the lyric?

    Marie: Takmi first compose the song and then he let me listen to the song, so that I can write a lyric to the song.


    – What is the most difficult thing for being in a band?

    Marie: The need to be always creative.


    – Did you  have thought of joining a music label? Or do you want to stay independent?

    Marie: Some years ago we joined Velvet Eden label “Panther Pink”. But that didn’t work out that well. For the future we want to stay independent under our own label Clockwork records.


    – If REMNANT could make a movie, about what would it be about?

    Marie: It would be a beautiful scary sad horror movie with children.

    I want to thank REMNANT for making this interview possible.

    Also a big thank you, to Kimberly (AVO STAFF) with helping me a little bit!

    I want to thank AVO for letting me taking this interview.


    PART 2 - 2015/05/11

    What are the day steps of preparing for a live gig?

    Marie: Regarding of a gig of Europe tour we took six month steps of preparing


    What is the most difficult thing about creating an album or single?

    Takmi: It's very important to create the right atmosphere for REMNANT. The lenght of the duration of a song and the lyrics should fit to the image.


    What is your favorite place in Tokyo? and why?

    Takmi: I really like Shibuya. Sometimes it's important to me because it has everything I need.


    What is your favorite live venue to play at? and why?

    Takmi: I like Shinjuku JAM. The obsolete atmosphere is good. It's the venue of a our upcomming organized event.


    If REMNANT could be the opening act for any band in the world, which band would it be?

    Takmi: There are so many, so I cannot choose. But if REMNANT would do an opening act for an outdoors event, it will be fascinating.


    MisanthoroPia - was released at the end of 2013. Its a very nice album with a nice dark atmosphere. What was the biggest inspiration source for this album?

    Takmi: There is much reflected inspiration in the production of MisanthoroPia. It's difficult to answer it specifically. But I can give you one of our inspirations; The horror movies of the film director Guillermo del Toro director where big inspirations.


    Your favorite song of "MisanthroPia" and why?

    Takmi: [Death wish] is my favorite. I think it's a song which worldview only can be expressed as REMNANT, including the production of the Show.


    Marie, how do you get your inspiration for writing your lyrics?

    Marie: At first I hear the made song and I bound the view of vampires sometimes or my experience and horror movies world view etc


    I know your real age is a secret, but since you are not from this living world what is your undead(vampire) age?

    Takmi: I reply that there at least 100 years passed XDD


    Marie has studied in France, what did you study over there? Only the language?

    Marie: In France I have studied in French at the school I stay in Paris and go to the school everyday The school was teached language but also French culture and communication and express what I mean in French


    Marie and Takmi you two have both a dog. what is his/her name? And do you have more pet's?

    Takmi: I have a chihuahua and she is called a Sally. Sally is my only pet.


    What is your favorite alcoholic drink? beer, wine??

    Takmi: I drink almost no liquor. But I like plum liquor.


    Is anybody in the band a good cook?

    Marie: it's me haha


    Do you like Kabuki?

    Takmi: I didn't saw any kabuki show yet. It's a Japanese traditional entertainment, so I'd like to see it sometime.


    What is the best memory of the short European tour?

    Takmi: I really feel happy about that I could meet the fans of REMNANT of all countries which we did visited this time. It's really reliable to have many people who say that they like an underground band like us in foreign countries.


    Netherlands, Austria and Greece, what did you surprised the most, of those countries?

    Takmi: I found that the air of every country was moderate and dry, and the good sound. I was surprised at the good meaning.


    Is there any song which you would like to cover?

    Takmi: For example, it would be exciting if REMNANT could cover and arrangement a song of Madonna.


    Your Japanese favorite band?

    Takmi: LUNA SEA is my favorite of all the time since the past.


    What is your own biggest inspiration to be creative?

    Takmi: When I encountered the regrettable situation in daily life, it's imagined.


    I'll thank the band again, that they where so kind to answer a few more questions.

  3. We have always lumped these together because not enough people ripped tapes to make it worth the new tag. If more people are now sharing demo tapes we can make a new tag for this.



    Yeah I thought that..

    but since nowdays more and more people are sharing tapes, so maybe it's time to separate them?

    So maybe when you are doing the next MH maintenance?

  4. I know this idea is MAYBE very very useless.


    But since more and more people are SHARING their TAPE rips, it might be an idea to have a "Tape catogory"?

    Now they are kinda tagged as "DEMO" even if the songs are actually no "DEMO's". and than "DEMO CD" will be not mixed with "TAPES" anymore.


    Or are tapes always been seen as "demo tape"?



    And maybe also Tag for video's?







  5. I got 4 tapes 1 VHS.  not that much.

    3 Tapes rips you already have. 


    Well I hope to get the rips soon enough kinda before my stuff arrive at my home. but will take 100% 5 workdays or more.

    But one light thing for ya guys.. I found my old TAPE PLAYER and that one is still working... so if not, then I'm still able to listen to it :D

    But I also cannot wait to make a Japanese fan happy with some rare tape rips from our dear Yabuki :D


    But anyway keep your head up and don't overwork yourself.

    And keep us updated about the tape/VHS encode mastering.




    Anyway Thanks VAL for email.

    There are 11 more orders that we need to ship out, then we will rip and endcode your VHS

  6. @@kyoselflove

    I can imagine why you are angry about it. However I saw Val and panda writing in this topic that we had to wait a bit longer.



    I'm sorry there's been such a delay in getting shipping quotes out to people this time. Panda and I have had some life issues come up suddenly, and preparing for/dealing with those has been consuming most of our waking hours.
    We'll hopefully be able to send out some more shipping invoices in the next few days.
    Keiju asks for your patience



    Other things are finally out of the way now for the moment, so we're working on packing up orders and sending out shipping invoices in the order that payments were received. Hopefully that means you'll be getting your invoices soon :'3


    Of course they needed to update us better.  since they where only talking about a few days.

    And after all we needed to wait 4 weeks in total.
    4 weeks...

    It sounds long, but it's still faster than I ask one of my Japanese friend, who did let me wait one year for a freaking MANGA which I did even pick up in Japan. haha.

    And rarezhut feels like, getting stuff via "friends". Can take longer than normal webshops.




    However I guess Val and Panda did learn again from this. And that they will have things better organized before doing a new show. 

  7. Maybe buying lesser from JAPAN would be an option :P


    But the streaming time is simply a problem because of the WORLD time differences.  at week days, Friday/Sun included many need to work the next day.

    That's also always a damn thing. since time difference with center europe is about 8-10+ hours. 


    I for myself enjoy to watch a full stream. There is always something inside which I like.

    But there are still people who are only looking for SOMETHING spectacular.

    Maybe to publish a "band name list" would do wonder too? then it's still a surprise for us WHICH CD/DVD it will be. and then there are still comments like  OMG PANDA are you selling that?!!



    For real? 40 BUYERS... it only felt like that only about 10-15 people bought stuff.

    if having 40 buyers to make a Stack is simply to MUCH.  But yes keep the sold items separately from the unsold items. NEVER change that :P



    But you already made the most important point for you and val.

    That you have to check ALL items first before doing a stream. So that everything can be put in the box without need to be ripped first.

    Simply don't be too hasty.



    But don't dare to stream between August 28 and September 12. (laugh). Then I'm in freaking JAPAN.

  8. I've just paid as promised.


    And yes to sell 400 items, it's insane!

    It was way to much for doing it in 2 times.


    Next time do only a streaming from only 4 hours?

    Be sure to have ripped everything.


    And I know its a gamble for everyone, BUT even at those BIG real AUCTIONS a list will be always GIVEN before the auction which items will be sold.

    Makes it also for people more easy to know if they should BE there.

    (Aka then it's still a matter of WHEN it appears in the stream of course :P)

    And maybe maybe... it's more easy to make a stable for every person who bought something directly from the stream.  Or to put the sold CD's on a different stable than the non-sold CD's.


    Anyway I'm looking forward to a next stream or shop update. wanna throw more dollars from my paypal. but now there is nothing interesting left at the webshop. so I ended up to get a double copy of YUKIYA with Kreis Project - BROKEN e.p.

    Nya just kidding, it's the first press (I guess 2x first press), so a bit more rare version than the 2nd press  :P. but yes gonna have 2 copies. :D

  9. Haha playing while metallica had to play. Yeah no wonder why almost nobody showed up.

    And bad weather too...

    Just bad luck and a fuck you to the guy who created the schedule.

    But lucky they were nice enough to play in front of a few people. (〃^ー^〃)

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