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Posts posted by BrenGun

  1. The fun thing of the VKEI now is that there is much more various music. from screemo to pop.  Still fun to see guys dressed up in those VKEI clothes and then making brutal (any kind of) METAL music. Then something isn't right... Because Metal is still for me much more the GLAM ROCK look or simple the Black T-shirt look. (or how to call it) Yah know more the thing we are used in the west. Or those "no-visual" metal looks.

    And if visual kei goes more into POP sound... it somehow fits because the dudes are looking soo cute.

    Also normal rock music also fits for the Vkei look as it always did fit.

    But for the real METAL sound kei bands... then I always have to laugh... because REAL METALHEADS won't DRESS UP in VKEI.  haha




    Today's vkei is fun.

    But I only listen to those who really make good music, but I don't care for the looks (anymore). since looks aren't important anymore if you grow up older. XD

  2. When did sound jpop japanese?

    I don't think you can say something sounds more like the west..

    ]sometimes jpop is just a bit more crazy but.. still for me the only difference is that japanse pop is sung in Japanese.. just no more differences.

    I think the MV's are a bit more Japanese. But crazyness also happens inside western pop.

  3. tumblr_inline_nqsbyc1JQr1r68tzn_500.gif


    True somehow....

    But I guess Kiwamu wrote that because Misaruka sells much CD's. some CD's are even SOLD OUT. (1000 limited press)




    I think it's pretty ironic that a band with a concept called "World Domination Project" releases something that's limited to 30 copies.

    Maybe in da future they will sell stuff with a limited press of 1000 :P

  4. WDP ?

    World Domination Project



    But 3000 yen for 3 PV's is expensive kinda 1000 yen per PV..

    Well then it's not that expensive anymore.. haha. but still..



    Misaruka WDP is the new formation of the singer Rui and the lead guitarist Rin from Misaruka. Misaruka is a Visual Kei band form Japan, they started their activities in 2008. Since they joined the record company Starwave Records in 2011, their popularity never stopped to increase. After many CD/DVD releases, many videos and a bunch of difference concerts as one-man lives around all Japan, they are now well known from the Visual Kei audience for their dynamic performances and respected by all in the industry. Misaruka WPD, which contains the 2 most popular members from Misaruka, is ready to rule the world!




    NEVER supporting SW bands?

    Well that's actually impossible.

    But for Tokami I'm happy to make an exception.  I also know that Tokami 1000 is also doing a lot with video editing etc. So I don't doubt that the guys don't get "enough" money passed inside the Tokami "money bottle". Which for me is important that a band under a "small" label get what they need to get.


    I follow Tokami since their first release under Starwave Records. I was highly impressed back then... but their music wasn't my cup of tea for 100%.

    Still back then Tokami had one more member, so the music still sounded good enough for me. However after that member did leave Tokami the band had an area of releasing only "so so so" music.

    But since KAZUHA did joined Tokami the band found their REAL VIPE and power. Their music sound finished and not just as... something unfinished.


    Paradox was released yesterday official in stores and online als legal download and as always also on Spotify.

    So of course I checked them out.


    The first track Unconscious is an SE. However this instrumental track sounds a bit trashy and it's not that nice for my ears, so I skip this song...

    Track 6 Metempsychosis is also an SE. (PIANO loop playing)

    The other 5 tracks are full songs.


    02. Radiant (heavy song, grunting and clean vocal)
    03. 葬影-送リ火ノ空- (slightly heavy, clean vocal only)
    04. Day after day (a bit heavy, clean vocal only)

    05. CORE (heavy song, grunting and clean vocal)
    07. Lost memory   (Slower song, clean vocal only)


    Clean sining, grunting, heavy guitar, heaviness in drum. it all fits together.

    CORE is a lesser nice song however somehow the song also has a good vibe but it's not a song which I will ever really love.

    What should I say more about it?

    Tokami proofs again that they are a great band and that it was a good decision that Kazuha joined the band, which I even until today really surprised at. Because I didn't like Kazuha in Blood or Sound Bee at all.

    Agato's voice is truly beautiful his grunting is also good.


    Tokami isn't a meijibray or grieva or something similar to these 2 bands.. (lucky they are not). But I guess if you like that kind of bands you also can enjoy Tokami. Just give them a try even if they are under SW.

    To me, they are together with CQ and nüe the best SW bands which we should support with BUYING their music. 



    Favorite tracks:

    Radiant and Lost Memory


    Mini album rating:











    BUY at Starwave shop

    CDBABY (FLAC available) (they charge a bit of extra tax, (The tax currency of your country) But still highly recommend!)

  6. D.I.D. RANT continue




    Issei: You weren’t there [on 6/19] so you have no right to hear these songs in the first place. We even wrote on the CD “Don’t upload these songs on Youtube!!”. We’ve sent a deletion request. Those who don’t take it down should get a $5000 fine. Those who knew it was forbidden and yet continued to listen to the leaked songs also deserve to pay $5000.



  7. @@acbpn

    You are not the reaon... it happens once a while when bands get NUTS.....

    I think it's funny that D.I.D went pissed off... They only show us fans that they are such fuckers who only care about those who go to the GIG. and they simply forget about those who cannot be there.

    I still don't get why bands not simply give a CD for free at the LIVE and then later that they put it on their WEBSITE for free too.

    Because it would be sad if fans only would go to their lives because of that FREE CD... then you also can better QUIT your band....



    Nope some people are not ELITE.

    For me ELITE are people who CAN SHARE but who simply don't SHARE.

    @acbpn is not an ELITE and will never be.



    I don't want that this topic is a discussion topic.


    © copyright copyright. That's what artist do have if they created a CD even if it's a FREE CD. They still own the copyright. For them FREE means, FREE for the people who went to the concert. Other people simply can fuck off. But keep in mind that all over Japan are also fans which cannot get every LIVE LIMITED (FREE) CD too.

    But Copyright is Copyright.

    So bands GET mad if something will be shared. Not only Japanese bands, European and American bands also get often not that amused.  LAW is LAW and in the worst case you should pay a high amount of money or even spent time in JAIL because of sharing THEIR music.

    The only way to BREAK that law, yes there is one is to play the song in the background and telling your opinion ABOUT the song. (However youtube still can take it down, but you didn't broke the law)


    everyone should watch this video:




    Anyway, do more people have samples of bands who went mad?!

  8. As I said, NO debate, no discussion. BUT POST's from BANDS who asked/RANTED about it to FANS. that they HATE that their stuff or other things (like live reports) are published online by fans.


    Live reports?

    Yes, lot's of Japanese Acid Black Cherry fans said that Yasu said in a MC at a live gig that Yasu doesn't like if "Japanese" fan write live report. and if people want to see him live that fans should go to his live. (which isn't possible easy since his gigs are almost pretty sold out...). One of the reasons fans said that Yasu doesn't like it, is that fans wrote NEGATIVE live reports.



    Also I saw resent Tokami 1000 writing on his blog that he didn't like that someone uploaded THEIR PV to youtube and that he was truly angry about it that someone DARE'S to do it.

    I can understand him, because he does help Kiwamu also a lot with video editing and stuff.

    But I still think they should upload more to youtube than trying to sell it on DVD.




    So... what I've asked for are stories from BANDS who hate it. Not only your opinion about it, because this topic isn't meant to be a debate topic. 

  9. Let's start with D.I.D.


    From D.I.D support tumblr.

    At the 6.19 live, Akane kindly asked people not to upload the songs to Youtube. It was even written in English on the CD itself. If you are the one who uploaded it to Youtube anyway, I urge you to take it down as soon as possible. The band is aware and is not happy.This is why we can’t have nice things.

    and whoops it's shared....

    But in how far should we care of bands wishes for not uploading their music. not uploading their live limited CD's etc?

    Or should we really say to the bands "f*ck you it's 2015 now and it's impossible to ask if people won't upload it/share it"

    So in how far should we have respect for the band?

    In how far should we care to not be able to listen to a release? Should we really want everything?

    In how far are they old fashioned?

    Should bands gain their money with other merchandise/live gigs only? Should music actually be free?


    And nope its not a debat, just share the thoughts, askings of bands who asked fans to not upload/share their work.

    And if wanted you can share your opinion. But please don't debat.

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