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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. BrenGun

    E.T will hold a oneman at 2017.12.13 at ikebukuro EDGE Also their 1st full album will be released this fall.
  2. BrenGun

    not allowed to show a picture?! well then you can write it down what it is! beside condom and pornography, or band photo with guys without make-up. it can't be worse for a band.
  3. BrenGun

    As so long it's not a condom you can show us.
  4. BrenGun

    and if you want to know how to dance on the song! very laughable! watch it!
  5. BrenGun

    It's a nice song, I dig it.
  6. BrenGun

    single details [limited edition](CD+DVD) 2000yen tax out [CD] 1.Fallin' Night 2.VOICE [DVD] 「Fallin' Night」(MUSIC CLIP) [CD ONLY ] 1500yen tax out 1.Fallin' Night 2.VOICE 3.KARERU
  7. BrenGun

    Ah they did not? Then they called it just a hiatus? Then yes, it sounds as something sudden happened which they need to deal with. Or they still call it like this, to be able to drive off the path... We will see, if they will return someday or not. (^_^) Until then we can safe up money!
  8. I like kirin the most. He is so fabulous! no.666 is the drummer called. Merry badend will continue with a support drummer. and who knows, that no.666 will return someday. But after their upcoming oneman he is out of the running for a long while. Poor him.
  9. Also don't forget the drummer, he is in pain, so his drumming also sounds not perfect, also they used software to add drums. (At least if I listen to the preview I think they did) Or at least, the level of his part has been down grated, maybe that's why it also sounds not that good. But I'm curious to the full songs. and he has sadly to leave the band, because of his pain in his waist (>_<)
  10. It's often hard to tell with only a short preview.
  11. BrenGun

    It is a disbandment, just named different. if a band says indefinite hiatus it's 99% meant to be a disbandment. And if they will return ever again, if you can keep up that hope. You know what to do with your pocket, to collect money to buy their return release if they ever come back. But until then... it's a bless for your pocket
  12. BrenGun

    can someone just start?
  13. BrenGun

    Health can be fuckt up. And it seems that Steff might not will be much longer under us.
  14. BrenGun

    xaa-xaa will release their first video DVD at 2017/06/07 which is named "Hare nochi ame nochi kumori nochi arashi" This DVD will be only sold at live venues and first selling date is at 6/7 at takadanobaba area and only a limited amount is available. Also the band will release a new single, 2 types at 2017/07/26 「○と×」 CD only ¥1,500- (tax-out) 【CD】 1.⚪︎と× 2.黒い猫ちゃん 3.透明人間 「○と×」 CD+DVD ¥1,800- (tax-out) 【CD】 1.⚪︎と× 2.黒い猫ちゃん 【DVD】 1,⚪︎と×(ミュージックビデオ) 2.オフショット
  15. BrenGun

    Also Cinema Bizarre
  16. BrenGun

    2017.5.31(水) 3rd single 『虐』Release
  17. True that, then it's simply fan made yeah. But it's still weird to see someone "earn money???" by designing unofficial fan made stuff. Anyway please be careful, bands still have the right to not allow this.
  18. BrenGun

    Holyshit, even jailed!! Alright, then yeah it's maybe because of Trump.
  19. BrenGun

    Yeah, or maybe they "forgot" a document. But usually the band also shares that they are on the WAY to US or to EUROPE. but if you check Akira's twitter you only see him apology that the tour got canceled. and on the official facebook there was also nothing about that they started their TRIP to the US. (aka, usually they share a photo of the airport) which is also a bit odd. And isn't it that visa can be denied even if you are not yet in the US? That they can tell you exactly if your papers are right to enter? But well paperwork, also the person who wanted to bring them to the US, that manager also should do his homework better and to be sure that a band got the right papers.
  20. BrenGun

    Trump didn't change anything for artists? I believe he didn't even change a thing yet. So whatever reason, it's strange that there are troubles now, But people say that they were not allowed to enter the country 3 times before this time too.(In all the years they went to the US, so the past 20-30 years.) Well, hopefully they will be able to tour a different time. But Trump can't be the reason.
  21. BrenGun

    Both had a big fight with each other and decided not to continue, maybe even both did fall for the same girl... or already made a girl pregnant before the start. lol Anyway, It's a before wedding disbandment.
  22. 君が世は TRACKLIST: 01. 花添え唄 02. 般若心経理解度Lv1 03. 君が世は kiss me girl and your old one TRACKLIST: 01. どうして? 02. 羊 03. kiss me girl and your old one Also stores will have a bonus for this CD. And maybe even at CDJapan? その他専門店・・・アーティスト写真 - 集合B - all shop details: https://t.co/eiC3iQ8ixT Also small Q&A (3 will be added later this month) http://v-kei.jp/pickup/?pickupId=95
  23. BrenGun

    preview sounds amazing ^^ Much better than expected.
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