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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. BrenGun

    @jaymeeI never really supported bigger bands, so can't speak for it. But if you like small bands it's simply better to not talk with band members in public. otherwise at least one of them will turn jealous. Or the atmosphere really should be amazing, but I guess you only can know that if you live in Japan an go to a bands live more than once. Japanese fans can be a pain in the ass. As for myself I love to promote a band, I like to get a band a few new fans. But well, if a band loves that that you are doing that it also makes some fans jealous. (-_-)// Don't know but it really feels as if I supported the wrong bands. well maybe good bands, just with the "wrong fans" However it only kinda happens to vkei bands. if I go to a punk gig or something like that, everyone is one big family, jealousy doesn't even exist. Furi's can be fun. But sometimes I just wanna headbang and fist in the air only. Also furi's are the most fun if a band has more than 30 fans? because then it also really start looks cool. However, sometimes I go to a live event, which a bunch of bands or sessions are played. It really feels awkward if nobody in the front row move his/her ass. So sometimes I just jump in the front row and move on with the music they make. whenever I like them or not. Band just wanna see you to enjoy the gig.
  2. BrenGun

    easy, if you get too much attention on Social media from their favo band or bandman. They will also be jealous. They even can complain to their bandman about it. and of course the fan will block you everywhere. you don't need to be crazy. But just never flash out any "real" feeling. (jokes are also not smart. Japanese often understand them wrong) . also to say that you don't like a CD or whatever not really hurt thing already can piss a gya off. But it only happened to me with visual kei bands with max 50~100 fans. but yet, be carefull. Even if a woman looks so nice, even if she doesn't like the same bandman. Never tell that person any thing which can make her jealous or pissed off. Maybe then she be your friend and if lucky she will send you rare stuff. also it doesn't need to be a gya who follows the band everywhere. It are mosly the gyas who don't have many other gyas as their friend. and it can be a young fan but even (much) older fans. age doesn't really that matter. I am not a crazy fan, I always follow the rules if I attent any live in Japan. never had a problem over there. I have met kind fans, but I never tried to be a friend. gyas always contacted me first. But a bunch of gyas always got jealous because bandman loved to interact on twitter, thats also a reason why some bands do not chat (anymore) on twitter. because of fan jealousy. Also when I attent a live, I only get angry eyes from a few. And I simply ignore them. but thats all. I don't care if a bandman gives someone more attention. I really won't hate him or the fan for such thing. But sadly fans do, and sadly you cannot enjoy a band with all fans as a big family. Also its wonderful if a band also gives overseas fans attention. they cannot attent every live, they cannot buy every shit. So a bit more online talking...? only shit thing is most bandman don't have that twitter DM option. which only leaves you to twitter in public. I just want to say. be carefull who you befriend. be carefull what you share on twitter. gyas can go crazy even if you didn't do anything wrong. I myself didn't befriend any gya from any vkei band for a couple of years. Also I don't use twitter anymore. I still have it, but I share 0. I don't even retweet or like tweets. it gave too much trouble in the past. well maybe I like the bands with the crazy fans? lol
  3. BrenGun

    Well, as a fan not living in Japan, band members will dis your ass if a Japanese fan make a problem with you. Because they never would tell the Japanese fan to shut up. because well, they Japanese fan is more important than you living 100000 of kilometers away, because the Japanese fan will support them by going to the lives and buying band shit. They even could tell you "I love your support, but because to not having trouble you will be banned from our gig". Even tho they actually have to "ban" that Japanese fan. They only ban "Japanese" fan if they also make trouble to other "Japanese" fan. But they wouldn't protect a gaijin that fast. So I highly recommend to never ever be a friend with any fan of the band you want to support. If those "bitches" complain, it's almost impossible to win. After all it's about money. Just stay away from any female "visual kei" fan. male fans are okay. Just don't befriend the female fans. and I mean NEVER. even if a girl looks so nice. Even if she doesn't support the same "guy". Of course there are fans who never would be "jealous" and really would love if a band would be kind to gaijin. But in my life I only did meet 2 so far. But I still need to "watch out" what I say. I even have deleted my personal twitter, because I got crazy because of those stupid woman, who always get jealous about everything.
  4. BrenGun

    I decided to never befriend a "bangya" anymore, who fan the same "member". Whenever you are female or a guy. It's simply not smart. As a Gaijin fans get very fast jealous, if their favorite bandman or band talks to you a lot more. Of course it is fun to have Japanese fan to be your friend, however never share your feelings with any Japanese fangirl! Also the "furi", participate some things. However also be crazy and handbang, fistbumping how you always would do. Because bands also love if someone says "F*CK" to some furi's.
  5. Ah a comet guitar!! But yes! They are one of my favo Starwave Band now
  6. BrenGun

    sounds basically that they are pretty much a new band. since not really anything released under the current new line-up. They are just kinda "use" an old name to be "known" better I guess? Still hopefully this "new" start will last longer.
  7. BrenGun

    but this logo isn't that better. If you small down this logo it gives many problems. but oh well as so long the band likes it?! Yeah we wait already too long for a new album and a new guitarist. Hope things will be all announced at Sep 1 and that we shouldn't wait that long for a brand new CD!
  8. BrenGun

    They better could stick to their old logo. the new logo isn't greater at all. Hopefully the new designs would be much greater. The guys who did design it, his works looks like that he designed some DEVILOOF works before. Which make me think he could do better. But well. maybe he created some other great logo's which the and didn't like. Hopefully their announcement of Sep1 will be a new release. A new release which will sound greater than what they created before. We will see.
  9. BrenGun

    Oh it's a restart?! When where they active before? any details about that?
  10. Which vkei bands are the most popular now in the overseas VKEI world?


    The Gazette





    DIR EN GREY ?? <- or can they be kicked off by new comers?

    ALICE NINE (A9) even tho I believe the hype is over?

    NIGHTMARE <- maybe they can be kicked off the list? XD




    Avalchain Karma ? 



    I need 10~15 names.

    So any suggestions?


    I wonder to put NightingeiL on the list? they restarted, where loved. Cell was also nice loved.

    1. Biopanda


      Pentagon? They seem to be doing pretty well for themselves, especially with their recent US live.

    2. BrenGun


      @BiopandaOh.. totally forgot about them! but yes I guess. 

      Which more newer bands? 
      Maybe VRZEL or DISPINA? 

    3. Biopanda


      NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST and especially JILUKA have quite the overseas following as well.

    4. Show next comments  147 more
  11. I've no clue how it will be available at all. But official homepage is: https://tokami1000.amebaownd.com/ But could be available here. But who knows it will be available at some "other" stores too. https://tokami.shop-pro.jp/ (however only ships within Japan) I already asked them for oversea selling. But didn't got an answer (yet). Hibiki is very busy at the moment! But well it's not on sale yet anyway. (^_^) So Let's wait a bit. ____ Hibiki twitter: https://twitter.com/THG_Hibiki 1000 Twitter https://twitter.com/tokami1000 Official website: https://tokami1000.amebaownd.com/ OFficial webshop: https://tokami.shop-pro.jp/ Offical youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXQuvr5kMelM17SZfVR_yGA
  12. 1st mini album [SARRMATH] 2017.10.10 Release 2 Type release diskno.: SMCD-001 Label / distributor: 山田商店 PRICE TYPE-DELUXE: 4000 yen CD+DVD + Photobooklet PRICE TYPE-CD ONLY: 500 yen CD only ■CD TRACKLIST: 01:罪深き鼓動 (Tsumibukaki kodou) 02:憎悪のリザード zouo no lizard 03:目覚め無き目覚め mezame naki mezame 04:無慈悲なる正義 mujihi naru seigi 05:銀色の夜に giniru no yoru ni ■DVD TRACKLIST (only TYPE-DELUXE) 01:罪深き鼓動(MV) 02:無慈悲なる正義(MV) ■PHOTOBOOKET (only TYPE-DELUXE) ・Offshot / Lyrics ・Member comment ・Recording members comment – 裕(THE SOUND BEE HD) – 誓悟(Different Act) – Reno(ex.Tokami) – シゲ(ex.Tokami) – π(Meat garden) – 山田大学(Meat garden)
  13. I hope someone can help a bit with the translation: Since it's from the PV, I'm not sure if the sentences are flowing correctly PV 罪深き鼓動 (kanji) Romaji: English: (raw translation) Again, a nicely hard song to translate written song by Hibiki. Any correction is welcome. My thought's; I think that the first part, it tells us a bit of that we are pretty much all sheep's and following the society while getting destroyed pretty much, while losing our identity, while we get unlucky and lonely, which simply destroy's us. At least I really think that he means with "mechanism" "people". 堕ち Hibiki used that kanji often for "fallen angel". So I guess he means the "kids" who will turn their back to the society, to the people who follows others. However the song has also a murder feeling inside. 苦痛に歪むオマエの顔を見せろ "seeing/looking at your painful destroyed face" Also If I check the sentence "憎悪のドレスに焼かれ纏い踊れ" A dress which was burned, was put in fire? the hate full dress? And then the story of that if you died, that you will be born as a child again? That you need to go sleep to embrace your sinful heart beat with your mothers heartbeat. Also feels like "you killed someone". Well what do you think?
  14. BrenGun

    sadly Hibiki decided to go on a break again. The band will continue someday in the future. 8/31 live at ikebukuro chop will be the last for a while. However we still got Sarrmath.
  15. BrenGun

    and you can purchase them at closet child Trasher http://www.closetchild-cd.jp/product/59380 Pressure http://www.closetchild-cd.jp/product/59379
  16. Sorry, no time to write it in roman!~ CD will come in 3 types. CD only (3 tracks) 1500+tax CD+DVD (2 tracks) 2000 yen + tax CD only (limited sold at takadanobaba area) 1000yen + tax DVD will have 22 tracks (2disks) and will be 4800yen + tax <- will be sold national wide. And new look: and see other member twitter / HP 神・名古屋系バンド「メリーバッドエンド」NEW SINGLE「もう無理。」発売決定!! 誰も知らない奇凛の心の病み・・・ 2周年記念単独公演決定!! 2017.12.24(SUN)東高円寺二万電圧 ---------------------------- メリーバッドエンド NEW SINGLE「もう無理。」 2017.11.15 2TYPE RELEASE!! [A TYPE](CD+DVD) [CD]未発表新曲を含む全2曲収録 [DVD]「もう無理。」(MUSIC CLIP)付き二枚組仕様!! DRRD-059A 価格¥2,000(税抜き) ※トレーディングカードA1枚(全5種類)ランダム封入 発売元:Double River Record 販売元:FWD [CD] 1.もう無理。 2.タイトル未定 [DVD] 「もう無理。」(MUSIC CLIP) ------------------------------ [B TYPE](CDのみ) 未発表新曲を含む全3曲収録 DRRD-059B 価格¥1,500(税抜き) ※トレーディングカードB1枚(全5種類)ランダム封入 発売元:Double River Record 販売元:FWD CD 1.もう無理。 2.タイトル未定 3.タイトル未定 ----------------------------------- そして!前代未聞!! 高田馬場のみ現れるあのロキムのテーマソング「デスロキム」をカップリングにしたバージョンも発売決定!! メリーバッドエンド NEW SINGLE「もう無理。-ロキムエディション-」 [T TYPE](CDのみ)※高田馬場地域限定発売!! 未発表新曲を含む全2曲収録 DRRD-059T 価格¥1,000(税抜き) ※トレーディングカードT1枚(全4種類)ランダム封入 発売元・販売元:Double River Record CD 1.もう無理。 2.デスロキム ---------------------------- メリーバッドエンド東京初単独公演、恵比寿club aimのLIVE DVDが発売決定!! タイトル:メリーバッドエンドCD発売記念ツアーファイナル単独公演「君が世は」/「kiss me, girl, and your old one」 発売日:2017.10.11 RELEASE!! 形態:LIVE DVD [価格]4,800円(税別)※2枚組み仕様 (2017年6月24日に恵比寿club aimにて行われたメリーバッドエンド東京初単独公演1部、2部を完全収録!!全22曲の2枚組みの永久保存版!!収録時間約150分大ヴォリューム!!) 発売元:Double River Record 販売元:FWD 品番:DRDV-007 メリーバッドエンド単独公演「君が世は」at 2017.6.24(SAT)恵比寿club aim 1.君が世は 2.神ツ実 3.サクラメント 4.Mの憂鬱 5.般若心経理解度Lv1 6.鬼サンコチラ手ノ鳴ル方へ 7.蠱毒 8.遺書 9.scarification 10.花添え唄 メリーバッドエンド単独公演「kiss me, girl, and your old one」at 2017.6.24(SAT)恵比寿club aim 1.kiss me girl and your old one 2.デウス=エクス=マキナ 3.シンデレラ 4.Absolute 5.羊 6.Caucasus 7.Why? 8.失敗作は夢を見る 9.狂化-EX- 10.G.D.F 11.どうして?
  17. BrenGun

  18. BrenGun

    Check out SCARY MONSTER (@SCARY___MONSTER): https://twitter.com/SCARY___MONSTER?s=09 however its yet unknowm who the members are.
  19. BrenGun

    there will be a second press of this single because the first one is sold out! NAME 「もっとN・G・Y」 (motto N・G・Y) TRACKLLIST 1.きしめん 2.N・G・Y 3.天下布武 4.ちょっといいこと Release date 9/6
  20. BrenGun

    2 Maxi single 「Thrasher」and「Pressure」 tracklist and info can be found at youtube below the video. (I can't copy paste it, because no access to PC) both singles will be released at Nemoto birthday event at 8/10 and the singles will be avaiable to purchase at closet child.
  21. BrenGun

    7/25東京公演 7/29名古屋公演につきましては メリーバッドエンドのBa.ヒロムを迎えて出演する運びになり 7/27大阪公演はスゥイートホォムのBa.akitoを迎え出演させて頂きます。 本日も宜しくお願い致します。 \(^-^)/ 7/25, 7/29 bass gitarist Hiroki from merrybadend will play as bass. and at 7/27 bass gitarist akito from Sweet x Home will play the bass!!!!
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