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Everything posted by BrenGun

  1. BrenGun

    holyshit, they changed their look so much
  2. we will see how this album will be. I don't care of clean vocals. I usually hate clean vocals. Because they don't fit to the grunthing parts melody at all. (only few bands do it right) yet if there aren't clean vocals music still need go be good. which wasn't at their past releases. looking forward to it, Because they say It's totally different.
  3. BrenGun

    this is also what I did got in Japan, just randomly somewhere in some stores.
  4. BrenGun

    are there still fans of nextrade here? https://twitter.com/NEXTRADE_info Also that mini album is great!
  5. BrenGun

    More here btw It's not my own art. But original art from the real brengun. He is my brother on deviantart his name is "BrenGun" and on twitter he use the same name as on instagram please follow and support his beautiful art!
  6. BrenGun

    Suuu lives in Osaka Japan. But I guess she is actually from Australia? And Chaoticharmony I believe is from the USA?
  7. BrenGun

    via your proxy? I guess if you ask a proxy seller to help you out with only a banktranser they will help you too. Or maybe there is even someone here living in Japan willing to help you out?!
  8. BrenGun

    this one https://www.facebook.com/realiveofficial/
  9. BrenGun

    winamp, windows media player. also windows 10 has a new player. it's all fast and easy. but winamp can play almost all audio, or maybe even all? I guess windows media player also can play all now days. its okay for playing music as long you don't use it to rip files into mp3. but yet itunes cannot play .wav files (-""-;) and some other too.
  10. oh thanks, also seems that news website just announced them today on twitter. as many others. Didn't know that, that vkei twitter also had an website Thanks for sharing!
  11. BrenGun

    that's pretty fast...
  12. yeah, and sometimes a band joined after joining it as a guest. we will see, but somehow I got a feeling that he will join starwave next year. even if he started his own label. also he fits pretty much in starwave. we will see, but we shouldn't be shocked if it happens.
  13. next year I guess he will, since he will be the guest act of starwave only band event. that anniversary gig. Just too much starwave lately around him. So it wouldn't surprise me if it happens next year.
  14. I still think he gonna join starwave records next year.
  15. yes, that's why I am asking o.o
  16. do they have any twitter? Where did you find those information? I can't find anything on twitter. @Alkaloidhow did you found this band?!
  17. BrenGun

    hahaha... it's so lovely. bandman get butthurt so easy about nothing XD
  18. BrenGun

  19. BrenGun

    There where some good vkei bands around some years ago. However the good ones died nowdays. I still think Tokio Hotel was a bit of visual and also let's not forget Cinema bizzare. Yet all Japanese vkei bandman have their own opinion. And if someone starts a vkei band outside of Japan, their language can be their own or just English. no need for Japanese! Then you also will reach more people.
  20. they will disband at the 26th at ikebukuro ruido k3
  21. maybe they will. Last pv they didn't share but who knows they will this time. also Last time they didn't release a CD with a Pv at all.
  22. guess the guy did say "f#$k you" to Kiwamu. But to quit with music, we will see, band people say that more often that they stop, however then they show up anyway in a different band. for example " TOKAMI 1000"
  23. If I understand it right: DEVIZE and Merry badend will release a (prototype) free single 「NEO PUPA'18」at the DR SUMMIT 2017 tour; 2017年11月3日(金)巣鴨獅子王 2017年11月4日(土)仙台spacezero 2017年11月17日(金)福岡DRUM SON 2017年11月19日(日)大阪FANJ 2017年12月2日(土)HOLIDAY NEXT NAGOYA On those days, after the show, the CD will be handed by one of the band members to each visitor. Then later on 2018/01/02 you can grab the actually CD for free at national indie CD stores. CD info: price: free / limited to 3000 distribution: national wide 2 songs: (each band 1 song) 01. DEVIZE / CRIME 02. Merry badend / 失敗作は夢を見る shippaisaku wa yume o miru
  24. And the tracklist/etc of the new single is as following メリーバッドエンド NEW SINGLE「もう無理。」 2017.11.15 RELEASE!! [A TYPE](CD+DVD) [CD]未発表新曲を含む全2曲収録 [DVD]「もう無理。」(MUSIC CLIP)付き二枚組仕様!! DRRD-059A 価格¥2,000(税抜き) ※トレーディングカードA1枚(全5種類)ランダム封入 発売元:Double River Record 販売元:FWD [CD] 1.もう無理。 2.誓約 [DVD] 「もう無理。」(MUSIC CLIP) ---------------------------------- [B TYPE](CDのみ) 未発表新曲を含む全3曲収録 DRRD-059B 価格¥1,500(税抜き) ※トレーディングカードB1枚(全5種類)ランダム封入 発売元:Double River Record 販売元:FWD CD 1.もう無理。 2.誓約 3.Eraser ----------------------------------- そして!前代未聞!! 高田馬場のみ現れるあのロキムのテーマソング「デスロキム」をカップリングにしたバージョンも発売決定!! メリーバッドエンド NEW SINGLE「もう無理。-ロキムエディション-」 [T TYPE](CDのみ)※高田馬場地域限定発売!! 未発表新曲を含む全2曲収録 DRRD-059T 価格¥1,000(税抜き) ※トレーディングカードT1枚(全4種類)ランダム封入 発売元・販売元:Double River Record CD 1.もう無理。 2.デスロキム
  25. BrenGun

    It was also not that expensive, so I did grab it all shows?! that's crazy bangya touring around! I would never do that. XD
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