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Status Updates posted by K-x-H

  1. I hope things goes well today for my birthday within this day.

    1. 蝉時雨色 -semishigureiro-

      蝉時雨色 -semishigureiro-

      I wish you luck for that! Anyway happy birthday! :)

    2. K-x-H


      @蝉時雨色 -semishuguriro: i guess it maybe a litttle but thank you. :D

  2. I was expecting to have a quiz today in school, although the teacher was absent for somehow, he was already absent since yesterday and i don't know why.

  3. I'm a bit sad for being inactive in Ameba Pigg and  i feel lonely for leaving my friends in Pigg because i already have school in my country but, it was for the  best so that i could focus on my studies and the time i graduate arrives. And hopefully, i'll get to Play Pigg and see them again on October.

  4. I'm really bored and i couldn't think of anime to watch for next month. please suggest me one title of an Anime by posting here or feel free to send me a PM, any anime will do except on-going animes, because i don't watch on-going anime in the current season.

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    2. CAT5


      Gundam IBO. 

    3. platy


      Assassination Classroom

      Prison School

      Sakamoto Desu Ga

      Gugure Kokkuri San

      Hoozuki no Reitetsu

      Space Dandy

    4. K-x-H


      All suggestions are great but although, there are some animes in here that i've already watched but some only I'll keep some of them in mind which one to watch first though. :D

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  5. I've finally graduated as college university student yesterday. yes i did it.

    1. plastic_rainbow
    2. K-x-H


      @plastic_rainbow: thanks!

    3. platy


      Congratulations!! You survived, it's no small feat :D

  6. It's kinda late for me to say this in my timeline but, Merry XMAS to MH then.

    1. Mamo


      Merry Christmas!!!!

    2. suji


      And a Merry Christmas to you as well~♥

  7. Its good to know that Jin is also the drummer in Byo's new band KHRYST + this feels like SCREW all over again, hoping to hear more songs from them in the future.

  8. Lately, i kind of want to watch an anime but i couldn't think of one right now since theres too many of these shows to watch, can anyone suggest me an anime from the recent time that i haven't watched even from the previous seasons as well except on-going ones, because i do not watch a current on-going anime in the current season until it's officially complete, i only watch an anime  of the current season within the next or every 2 seasons.

    1. platy


      Mahou Shoujo Ore, Steins;Gate 0 if you've seen the first season, Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii

  9. LAVANS' new vocalist Shion sounded great in their new song in this preview here and, i think he sounds better than NaNa does, but NaNa is also okay but i like Shion more.

  10. My Finals exam next week is a Job Interview and i stilll what i'm going to say on the day of my interview, i'm really nervous.

  11. My flight to japan is at 2:00 AM in the Philippine timeline.

    1. K-x-H


      @yakihiko yes but just only a few though.

    2. K-x-H


      @yakihiko yes i'm not kidding, they made the Lovots since the late last year for home appliance.

    3. K-x-H


      @yakihiko  here's the figurines i got from japan.tumblr_plmv43TPLh1wqihoho1_540.jpg

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  12. My internet is F*CKING Slow, and i can't use it properly cause its delaying the loading process. >:(

  13. My trip to Japan is coming in 2 weeks later and next month as in early January 2019, this is gonna be my 1st time visiting Japan.

    1. monkeybanana4


      That's awesome! Where in Japan will you be going?

    2. K-x-H


      @monkeybanana4 we will be tour sight seeing there, i plan on going to Akihabara just for anime, i also plan going to Tokyo Disneyland and Hello Kitty land because my cousin was planning to invite me there, i also plan on going to other places like Shibuya, Shinjuku and in some parts of Tokyo to find some Cd's for Visual kei. I might as well see Mt. Fuji.

    3. yakihiko


      Akihabara is my dream, my wish to get the most action figure I can from some games and animes.

  14. Next week, i'm finally back to Ameba Pigg, can't wait for my return oh yes, i'm so excited.

  15. Nothing really interests me much these days from the Download forum. 😑

  16. OMG, I'm so excited to get another iTunes Japan Gift worth 10,000 Yen just like last year, my father is going to buy me 1 in 3 months later when my father goes to japan by November.

  17. only 3 months left, i can finally play Ameba Pigg again and watch anime again in the Halloween season.

  18. Right now, i'm really enjoying this JRPG game called Akashic Records (アカシックリコード), an RPG game that was developed by SQUARE ENIX Co.,Ltd.  for Android / iOS. ogp_image.jpg

    1. platy


      I'll check it out!

    2. platy


      not available in my country </3

    3. K-x-H


      @Platyits actually an exclusive game in japan, you can only play this game in japanese account only if your an iOS user, but if your an android user you can download this in Qoo App. https://www.qoo-app.com/?lang=en

  19. Right now, i've just started watching the 1st 2 episodes of Netsuzou Trap today, i was really enjoying this anime and its kinda entertaining because of Yuri.

  20. RIP Kuroyuri Tokage, RIBELIO, and to some other bands that announced to disband soon just recently. D:

  21. Since my trip to japan starts in 3 days later, this is my 1st time going to japan and also my 1st time buying visual kei cds, can anyone recommend me stores and locations where to buy them, recommend me at least 5 visual kei cd stores.

    1. monkeybanana4


      There's some VK CD shops in Shibuya and Shinjuku. Puresound, Like an Edison, Zeal Link, and ClosetChild have stores in Shinjuku.  I think Zeal Link also has another branch located in Shibuya. 


      If you have a chance, ClosetChild has another branch in Ikebukuro. Brand-X is located there as well.

    2. K-x-H


      @yakihikoeven the recent live limited release can be found at ClosetChild and Puresound as well? just my question.

    3. yakihiko


      I really can't say that, but mostly depends on what band you are looking for.

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  22. Some idiot in the internet from a Different Fandom just pisses me off.

    1. K-x-H


      the person with this avatar outside of MH is the main reason why i'm pissedmLU_ZRDZ_400x400.jpg

    2. Chi


      what did the poor anime man do to you

    3. K-x-H


      @Chiwell he's not actually an anime man just because of the avatar. He's actually someone from Hong Kong, he actually uploads all sorts BGM from mobile Rythm games, the reason why i'm pissed as hell because he did not upload these 2 song backgrounds on the wikia i'm editing at right now latest?cb=20170629163518


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  23. Somehow, i'm kinda sad since Fairy Tail is already coming to an end since the anime is already on its season finale, at least i'm hoping for Fairy Tail to have a good ending on its Season Finale, hoping for Hiro Mashima's new project Edens Zero to be good as Fairy Tail.

  24. somehow.... i feel useless at some point.

    1. YuyoDrift


      I believe we all do at some point. Life is hard.

      What you shouldn't do is let that define you.


  25. Sometimes, i really hate it whenever i'm listening to music if my wireless headphones says before it shuts down " Low power, please charge." its kinda pissing me off whenever it does that so, i'm force to charge it.

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