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qotka last won the day on June 30 2017

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About qotka

  • Rank
    Kisaki's Errand Boy
  • Birthday July 27

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  1. So tonight's MUCC live felt for the first time like a real rock concert. Idk how to explain it? It was in a tiny club, they were cosplaying themselves from 18 years ago but it didn't have that... v-kei pretentiousness? Which I usually dig, don't get me wrong. But this was a lot more like a 'western' rock concert at a local shitty run-down club, where the toilets are full of posters to hide the peeling walls. I never thought I would get to see them like that, and even when I got the ticket I still didn't think it would feel authentic. But it did. 


    Setlist from Twitter this time because I'm busy healing my soul and my shoulders (my punishment for being that tall gaijin standing up front is obviously to lift all the short girls when they wanna crowdsurf): 



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tokage




      and also what @ crowdsurfing bangya

    3. emmny


      whats with mucc and their crowd surfing grannies OMFG

    4. WhirlingBlack


      Awesome setlist, I'm attending the tour later down the line for three dates so this is very exciting news. I expect tomorrow to be more Homura Uta heavy since the first day seems to focus on Tsuuzetsu. Seems those 15.000yen a piece tickets will be worthwhile afterall.

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