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Status Updates posted by heresytrash

  1. I'm gonna see ONE OK ROCK now. Wow.

  2. My coworker tried to snitch on me today lmao good thing I'm good friends with the customer service lady.

  3. I gave Ruki a stuffed fennec fox and he didn't know if he should pick it up lmao 

  4. As fun as the Dallas show was, I met great people, I realized how crazy some GazettE fans actually are. 

    But hey I met a Utah fan so yeet.

  5. My biggest regret will always be never going to Jrock Revolution way back in like 2007 when Kagrra, came. That would have been my only chance, but since I was only a teenager my parents weren't going to let me make the trip. :C 

  6. Oh man I went back and screenshotted the messages and wowwwwie I'm so glad I did not see this woman in Texas.

  7. Well, I guess I'm seeing HYDE. Might stay for the whole set, but honestly just plan on seeing him and bailing. Or just drinking the rest of the show lmao 

  8. It's going to be weird for me to see HYDE honestly, cause I used to use him as a faceclaim for an OC in a RP where he was a magi and a knight so.

  9. It was so weird growing up mormon and then getting into vkei


  10. I hate the feeling that my friends don't even want to talk to me, causing me to isolate myself once again. 

  11. Okay had to go to instacare last night, RIP 

  12. Anyone else here ever been subjected to dave and ava? I dont get to listen to any of my music anymore, my life is full of nursery rhymes.

  13. Someone who didnt draw a comic, changed one part of the dialog is now demanding people dont repost because they 'worked hard to make it on mematic' 😒😒


    Was it too much of me to call them out on it?

  14. I lowkey want to start a thread somewhere about this certain person, but it's such a heavy topic I don't know if this site is the place to discuss it.

  15. Seeing HYDE tonight.

  16. I missed the Anime convention I attended every year for almost 10 years this year, and I'm kind of glad I did. I didn't miss the screaming, perhaps I'm getting too old for that crowd. Though I have fond memories, it is where I met my nerd of a boyfriend after all.

  17. I can probably lose complete interest in the GazettE, and Aoi will still have my heart. 

  18. Oh my god I was supposed to do a Visual Kei panel for a convention three years ago, and I found my powerpoint. This did not age well. Though I'm wondering if I should try again, though would like someone to help me with some of the history as some of the stuff I got was just from Wiki lolol

  19. Dear anyone playing pokemon sword or shield, what's the best strategy for beating leon 

  20. I'm already planning my next tattoo, even found the artist I want to do it. Yaaaay.

  21. Had a flashback to when my sister referred Visual Kei as Digital Kei, probably because she couldn't really care to remember the culture I was into. 

  22. Somehow with the little content we got with the WT documentary, I ended up on the Dallas portion of it. Thanks GazettE, I look pissed AF. 

  23. So we had an earthquake earlier where I live. We were doing our morning stretches and I felt the ground shake, plus all our roll up doors were shaking too. 


    2020, if you're gonna kill me just do it already.

  24. I have issues trying to decide what my animal crossing character will look like. 

  25. If any of you wanna be friends on animal crossing, lemme know and I'll DM you my friend code. 

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