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Everything posted by geist

  1. geist

    Now we’re at the crux of the issue. Not only are you musically ignorant, you also don’t like the direction the band has gone (*cough* metal *cough*). Which is fine, you don’t have to like the direction Dir en grey has gone musically; but when you make arguments out of ignorance to inflate the importance of your half-baked opinion, it warrants correction. Just keep that in mind. Also, please keep your silly American politics out of this thread, thanks.
  2. geist

    Who said Dir en grey's musical style being predominantly metal was "carved in stone"? I get the point you're trying to make; but let's stop pretending Dir en grey are not a 'metal' band when over 80% of their catalog is classified as 'metal'. Ah yes, the "true metal" argument. This is one of those arguments people slap around when they evidently know very little of the style of music being discussed (see: your comments on "Djent"). It's an abstract non-argument where you're not actually saying anything despite the fact you're stringing sentences together. Please, define for us "true metal" and how that is distinguished from a band like Dir en grey who are apparently not "true metal". I don't recall ever specifically defining Dir en grey as "progressive metal", whom are you quoting? No offense; but it's difficult to discuss music with people who are unable to distinguish between guitars chugging in C# (Gaika) and an A minor/diminished half-step riff (you, know, a staple within the 'extreme metal' style) built on two guitar harmonies outlining a i-v (A, E) chord progression and a tri-tone. Not only are they different harmonically, they're entirely different in how they're introduced in the song. Saying Dir en grey "aped" the outro to Gaika demonstrates clear ignorance of music and musical form.
  3. geist

    If you think the outros to gaika and Inferno sound anything alike, I suggest you get your ears checked because you might be tone deaf. And yes, Dir en grey is a metal band. I don’t see how that is remotely in dispute. Perhaps that’s tied to being tone deaf? Though this IS coming from the same person who didn’t know “Djent” started with Meshuggah, sooo..... 👌
  4. geist

    Juuyoku and Decayed Crow are both tunes that I like; but imo The Inferno is infinitely superior. The lyrics aren't a garbled mess with Kyo trying to fit as many syllables within one measure as humanly possible, there's an excellent contrast of screams and growls, and the instrumentation is far more interesting to me -- ESPECIALLY the outro, which takes the song to new heights and makes it a cut above most of the material they've been releasing of late. Hell, I'd take The Inferno over a lot of their older catalog even just due to how mature it sounds in relation to their earlier efforts into the metal genre which at times could feel "unconvincing".
  5. geist

    Fukkatsu was a forum started by Dir en grey fans because Batsu, another forum, was dying. The community (most of which were friends) migrated over to the free board fukkatsu, and it eventually died because people lost interest. I am still close friends with one of the two admins and they’ve completely abandoned the site. At the end of its life the forum started getting bombarded with adds, and everyone was too lazy to invest time into it, so it disappeared into the abyss.
  6. geist

    Asking someone to cite all of the "Djent" bands they know of that use 7 strings in a discussion about the predominance of 8 string guitars within the style seems rather appropriate for the conversation, no? I also don't see how identifying Djent as copying the unique style of Meshuggah -- which objectively speaking, it is -- to be "vexing" either. That's a bit unclear to me.
  7. geist

    tbh, fam, the only one getting "vexed" here is you. Everything was cordial until the pants pissing began.
  8. geist

    Name them. All of them. "Djent" is not defined by number of strings, sure; but do you know what it is defined by? Blatant copying of Meshuggah, whose use of 8 string guitars defined the "djent" sound and provided the template for all other bands to copy. Simply put: "Djent" as we know it today didn't exist until Meshuggah changed their sound and switched to 8 string guitars. Legitimately every band described as "Djent" appeared on the scene after Meshuggah's "Nothing" (when they switched to 8 string guitars), released in 2002. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Djent#List_of_artists This is a pretty bad list though, tbh, because I wouldn't necessarily describe many of these as being inherently "Djent", but perhaps at points in their careers they've pulled from that style.
  9. geist

    "Djent" is typically on 8 string guitars, not 7 see: Meshuggah
  10. geist

  11. geist

    And here I miss the simple days of admiring Kyo’s boner poking through his track pants... We all know that non-Japanese female VK fans are the worst, so let’s implement male-only lives again! That’ll eliminate most of the problems tbh
  12. geist

    Are you kidding me? They even came out to GDS? I heard one song by these guys years ago I thought was good; but jesus.....
  13. geist

    It's like almost every trend in Japanese music: 5 years too late. As Crossfaith hit the scene, the initial Metalcore craze was largely over with so I guess they scratch a musical itch for some people that has largely been abandoned by groups like Bring Me The Horizon -- one of the core influences of the style.
  14. geist

    I’ve always been puzzled by those sentiments because if you’re a band that writes, promotes, releases, and tours music — your entire purpose is to maximize how many people are buying your products and for how much. These guys don’t do it for free, they expect that you’ll give them money in return for whatever they’re selling and promoting. To criticize ANYTHING as being a “cash grab” in popular music just seems weird to me because that’s the whole point.
  15. geist

    I like the setlist and LOVE the cheesy low-budget Horror movie covers.
  16. geist

    an 11 year tease is too much for me. Just go fuck my parents already! God!
  17. geist

    That would be awesome, though there appears to be one or two remasters which I don’t like, such as Yurameki. Yurameki sounds better on Gauze, tbh. The “remaster” totally sucked the life out of the bass and drums and they don’t have the same “punch” that they do on Gauze.
  18. geist

    I definitely will, for some reason I constantly have issues with CDJapan. My most recent purchase was a song book and a set of Uruha signature ESP-brand guitar picks (they were $3.50, I couldn't say no!) that I ordered back in October, and only the book arrived.
  19. geist

    I chose EMS through CDJapan and also haven't heard anything yet. I'm hoping they forgot to provide tracking information and the package is bound to magically arrive any moment now.
  20. geist

    That's why you need a 4th disc with nothing but Jealous on it
  21. geist

    Man, I need to get a set-up like that. Wtf
  22. geist

    1. Acoustic 2. Two Electrics?????? Does he really switch electric guitars midway through Macabre? I imagine he needs his baritone (or 7 string) guitar for the latter half; but that's what I mean: he only needs two (acoustic, 7 string), but at that point it could just be a comfort issue. Sometimes musicians will make things more difficult for themselves simply because they're more comfortable that way.
  23. geist

    Keep in mind the material also needs to be practical to play live. There is nothing worse than having to switch instruments after every song due to having material that ranges wildly in tuning. Though, they have roadies, so I guess it could be worse. The beauty of playing 7 strings is they don’t NEED to downtune or constantly switch guitars, but they do both anyway. All of their VULGAR material could be played on their 7 strings because of the tuning they use (ADADGBe), but I believe they stick to their six strings for those that they haven’t re-made.
  24. geist

    I completely forgot about Macabre! Another excellent remake, no doubt.
  25. geist

    I think I agree with you. I'm trying to think of another remake I prefer over Kiri to Mayu; but can't think of any at the top of my head. Certainly nothing on Unraveling, that's for sure.
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