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Everything posted by returnal

  1. returnal

    musically not interesting to me, but the spectacle is clearly at the forefront. they make a mean pisstake (VOCALIST TOTALLY SWIPING バッタ-ERA TENTEN'S SWAG THO) (maybe on purpose? or not? or totally?)
  2. returnal

    omg i didn't know nakamura had a new record, i love her! and mondo grosso joint is gooooOOooOod, even if the video is a total campanella style rip and thx for the Koochewsen tip, this is totally my thing, some sorta HINTO/Yoshida Ichiro Untouchable World kinda steez i love also s/o grimoire always snatching
  3. returnal

    i think so, i can't find anything Confirming it, but the sound of their voice and some of their twitter looks points toward that?
  4. returnal

    oh BTW, they dropped a song a couple months back. recording's pretty rough, but i see something there so i'll definitely keep track of them and the looks are poppin', tho i'm not into that third eye LOL
  5. goatbed is Exactly My Kinda shit my excuse for taking so long to get to it is SHUJIS RELEASED SO MUCH STUFF I S2G

  6. returnal

    s/o strawberry switchblade tho
  7. returnal

    it's right behind you!
  8. returnal

    you had me thinking it was actually out for a hot second LOOOOOL actually no from now on since it's now june 30th let's all act like it's actually out now
  9. label probably had someone at the door checking IDs and turning away okaa-sans
  10. returnal

    you're saying that like it's a bad thing~!
  11. returnal

    snatched! snatched! snatched!
  12. neither is super special to me (especially compared to say, ファンタジア) but i definitely fuck with them also s/o the promos and the mv using the same set as Maison book girl
  13. returnal

    not surprised at how single heavy it is but anyway GHHHHHHHHGHHHHHHHH FINNALLLYY IM BLESSED
  14. returnal

    *prays they don't fall off*
  15. returnal

    lasted not even a year, smh sucks tho, they had potential
  16. i'd say more "gay bar denizen parodying a subway pervert" YEAH
  17. ^the definition of iconic^
  18. returnal

    treading similar territory to 「うそつき」 but that's definitely good territory to repeat yourself nya
  19. everybody's favorite Johannes (→ CROW(璃和) → 苺69(そら) → メロウ☆ぴんきぃ→ meth.(空→sora) → cocklobin(sora) → Develop One's Faculties) definitely comes to mind, while also making total sense couple notes—would consider the title of this thread to be a bit clickbaity? a lot of these strike me as rather natural evolutions, or at least not Super Wild? just my imo, though and i'd say Cornelius's whole thing isn't that crazy, it seems like it makes sense given the trajectory from FG through his earliest solo records into Fantasma and into Point and so on... (also i consider myself a staunch defender of Ryo's direction and of autotune in general, LOL and a staunch defender of both eras of Ziyoou-vachi) (that being said, i find the Eliphas Levi -> vinett transformation endlessly fascinating)
  20. face: melted rerecordings of tulpa and gensou sounding tight too
  21. returnal

    a track that represents the perfect confluence of two of my main interests: caramelldansen and funkot
  22. ジャルダン is breaking up bc they got re-arrested, actually. mcgruff says: vkei crime doesn't pay!

    so much 4 the jailbreak

    1. suji


      kusomen 4 life 🤘🤘🤘

    2. returnal


      deadass what if they were legit arrested

      organized ore ore sagi or smth

    3. nekkichi


      remember when tha real vk bands, tha bands of our youth (idk how old you're but let's ~assume~, okay) would just release a single titled Re:ArresT* and go back to scamming grannies pronto


      *alternate title: LAST SCENE (c/w re:arrest)

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