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Everything posted by Seelentau

  1. Seelentau

    Just yesterday I listened to the remixes of that song. They both sound winter-y, especially if it's snowing where you are. Give them a try :] As for re-recordings, I could've seen dead tree on that list. And as for Kisou, I didn't like it for the longest time. When I really got into DEG, they had just released DSS and I was in my core-phase, so anything that sounded remotely electronic or different was a no-no for me. But in the last months, I came to enjoy DEG's early days more and more, so now GAUZE is my favourite and I like Kisou a lot as well. But I can still see why one wouldn't like it. It sounds like in-between their VK-era and their western metal-era.
  2. Seelentau

    Incoherent? Na. The lyrics are the same as the normal song. And I'm not sure about the piano. Kyo said that the recording process was special, in some way.
  3. Seelentau

    The "unplugged" version of ASoM is pretty nice, especially live. I still wonder how they pulled it off...
  4. Seelentau

    @Itowe know^^ It was obvious what Kyo meant with Fukai being "that version". Can't wait to finally hear it in studio quality. :]
  5. Seelentau

    Interesting that you like sukekiyo's first album, but not TMOAB. I think the general opinion on here (or was it on last.fm?) is that IMMORTALIS is pretty bad, production-wise. I can't see it myself, though.
  6. Seelentau

    I mean the names, not the band members I always use "Shinemon" as a reminder that Shinya is the drummer, lol.
  7. Seelentau

    tbh I wouldn't even be able to name most of DEG's songs xD Just yesterday, I listened to MISSA and I couldn't remember the name of track 2 at all And I still sometimes mix up Shinya and Toshiya ._. I'm a bad bangai (or whatever the male form of bangya is lol)
  8. Seelentau

    While I do like embryo (both versions), I find -saku- to be one of their worst songs, actually. It's just boring. I think I generally dislike that era the most, tbh. I really love their early era with UDaL, JEALOUS and MISSA/GAUZE, up until VULGAR, but Wtd. and TMOAB are their weakest releases, tbh. Wtd. still has some songs that are super nice (dead tree, Kodou), but TMOAB is a mess. Then it goes upwards again, but UROBOROS didn't age well and DSS is almost like TMOAB. But I like what they released in between their albums. For some reason, their singles and EPs stand out stronger than the actual albums, to me. Especially considering how they butchered the album versions of the DSS singles...
  9. Seelentau

    BABYMETAL should to Tsumi to Batsu (New Ver.) tbh
  10. Seelentau

    ANDROGYNOS is meh, going from the bonus CDs. Same live performance as always, nothing to make the songs stand out or anything.
  11. Seelentau

    Even then it would be completely overkill. I haven't paid 40€ for the limited version. I have never seen any release by any band for a price as high as that, tbh.
  12. Seelentau

    https://www.ebay.com/itm/Dir-En-Grey-Unraveling-CD-New/142628652915?epid=168185561&hash=item2135548773:g:YyUAAOSweM1aNxsX lmao https://www.ebay.com/itm/Unraveling-Dir-En-Grey-2013-CD-NEUF/263392906051?hash=item3d5370cb43:g:zVYAAOSwbwlW~a8S lmaoo wtf xD https://www.ebay.com/itm/Unraveling-Dir-En-Grey-2013-CD-NEU/173038333267?hash=item2849e36d53:g:~sYAAOSwJQdW~cJg I mean wtf, how do they calculate these prices?
  13. Seelentau

    What? Where? Gimme! O_o Do you have more info on it? An auction link or anything? :x
  14. Seelentau

    Oh, so you were the one who outbid me, hm? On topic, I have DEG's GAUZE, UROBOROS and a signed DSS on vinyl.
  15. Seelentau

    Yeah, I can definitely see the similarities. Even the sentence at the beginning-thing is similar xD
  16. Seelentau

    What of UDaL/Setsuna is a rip-off?
  17. Seelentau

    The lyrics translations of DEG and sukekiyo are awkward to read because translating Japanese song lyrics into English is incredibly difficult. Kyo often leaves things open, doesn't make clear who is saying what or who the lyrics are about etc. So even the official translations tend to be weird, although I assume the translator can at least ask Kyo directly... if Kyo answers is a different question, ofc^^
  18. Seelentau

    That's what a literal translation is.^^
  19. Seelentau

    HYDRA -666- is lit tho
  20. Seelentau

  21. Seelentau

    The following (the cat numbers are different, depending on where you take them from): Cat.-Numbers on booklet's back, inlay back, plastic sleeve's back, on the CD itself and on the CD matrix: Mastering SID Code: IFPI L??? Mould SID Code: IFPI ???? I think the best would be HQ photos so I can see for myself. Maybe you can help me out here as well? :]
  22. Seelentau

    Fukai will at least have new lyrics.
  23. Seelentau

    ANDROGYNOS will be released in five days and we still don't have a cover...
  24. Seelentau

    "Today (December 4) DIR EN GREY had a meeting. We all discussed plans for the next year. Now I'm agitated. We are waiting for new performances and tours. And we have to finish our tenth album." - Die on his mobile site.
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