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Everything posted by Seelentau

  1. Seelentau

    "Today (December 4) DIR EN GREY had a meeting. We all discussed plans for the next year. Now I'm agitated. We are waiting for new performances and tours. And we have to finish our tenth album." - Die on his mobile site.
  2. Seelentau

    It's amazing, the death growls were a nice surprise. Besides, I don't know the original, so it's more like a new sukekiyo song to me, not so much a cover.
  3. Seelentau

    Yup, that's the rerelease. There are two initial releases (I think), but I don't have a lot of info on those. I'm not even sure if they were both released in 98. ._. Same for MISSA - 97, 99 and 01 releases exist, but I'm not 100% sure if the 99 version is really from that year.
  4. Seelentau

    Does someone here have a JEALOUS single with a barcode that ends in 35? I need some information for Discogs, but I have the re-release only :/
  5. Seelentau

    Yeah, I don't understand the whole scenario anyway. He was the one who gave me a lot of information, terekos etc. And then suddenly, a couple of days ago, he deleted his Twitter account, the seesa DEG wiki and sold all his rarities on Yahoo Auction. I've tried to reach him to get the terekos if he doesn't need them anymore, but he won't reply ._. At least I managed to snatch some promo tapes (now I have the Yurameki tape 3x and Akuro no Oka 2x), better than nothing, I guess. Still, I'm going to miss him, he was the most knowledgable DEG fan I've ever met.
  6. Seelentau

    GAUZE LP was sold for 16500 Yen, Myaku LP for 20000 Yen. Meh. I was outbid everywhere, too. Stupid thing is, I told this guy that if he ever should sell his collection, he should ask me first... -.-
  7. Seelentau

    Na, it's still on its way, should arrive in a week. But I can't play them anyway, I don't have an LP player lol I'm really more of a collector, I plan on buying some kind of wall case to put them in, when I have an actual place to stay for longer than some years.
  8. Seelentau

    Well I'm a hikikomori anyway, I don't spend my money on clubs, drugs or anything like that. So aside of normal living costs, I usually have enough money to buy these things. But the recent GAUZE purchase has blown a large hole in my savings, otherwise, I'd already bid on the LPs etc. Aside of that, I just really love DEG, especially the early days^^ I wish you'd buy it, just to know that it's in save hands. Or maybe the other VHS tapes I linked? They've content that has yet to be released to the fans, I think.
  9. Seelentau

    Well the auction is one day only. I doubt it will even go higher than my copy. I'd buy the other stuff in a heartbeat as well, especially since I know the person who's selling them. Apparently, they have suddenly stopped being interested in DEG, I have no idea why, though. They were the one who had the DEG wiki on sesaa wiki (if anyone here happens to know what that is^^) and they also had a huge tereko collection... but I can't contact them anymore to ask for the tereko .__.
  10. Seelentau

    Because they're too high for you? Or too low? I mean, from an objective point of view, they are SUPER low.
  11. Seelentau

    Yoo, some guy is selling his entire collection on Yahoo Auction and there are some sick rarities among them: GAUZE LP for 10k Yen (<100$/€) - https://ord.yahoo.co.jp/o/auction/RV=1/RU=aHR0cHM6Ly9wYWdlLmF1Y3Rpb25zLnlhaG9vLmNvLmpwL2pwL2F1Y3Rpb24vYzYzNzk3MjE2Ng--;_ylt=A7dPDiRkiiFa4zMAfFahGzx8 (Of course this only pops up AFTER I paid 300€ for a opy of this LP, wtf man -.-) Myaku LP for 5k Yen - https://ord.yahoo.co.jp/o/auction/RV=1/RU=aHR0cHM6Ly9wYWdlLmF1Y3Rpb25zLnlhaG9vLmNvLmpwL2pwL2F1Y3Rpb24vcTE4NTE3MDMyMQ--;_ylt=A7dPDiRkiiFa4zMAdVahGzx8 Amakuchi, DEG in Taiwan for 10k Yen (ultra rare) - https://ord.yahoo.co.jp/o/auction/RV=1/RU=aHR0cHM6Ly9wYWdlLmF1Y3Rpb25zLnlhaG9vLmNvLmpwL2pwL2F1Y3Rpb24vZjI0NDkwMzQzNw--;_ylt=A7dPDiRkiiFa4zMAaFahGzx8
  12. Seelentau

    Artist Photo: First Press: Regular:
  13. Seelentau

    I mean, they only have ten albums, so being in the top five is not that hard xD In other news, I hope this is worth it.
  14. Seelentau

    https://item.mercari.com/jp/m42628534012/ Hey, vote for your favourite DEG album here: http://www.strawpoll.me/14467776 :]
  15. Seelentau

    Black: https://item.mercari.com/jp/m42011592863/ Red: https://item.mercari.com/jp/m612673600/ 9.500 JPN for both. 85$ w/o shipping etc.
  16. Seelentau

    https://www.discogs.com/Dir-en-grey-改-Kai-/release/11070960 https://www.discogs.com/Dir-en-grey-改-Kai-/release/10814304
  17. Seelentau

    As long as there's no special release like the Myaku LP or the -KAI- LPs, no Kisou LP should exist. But what does exist is a cassette promo tape of the album Yup, a red and a black one, the latter is very rare (and cost me 6.500 JPN ._.), since it was only sold at a single concert. You can check discogs for those (and a LOT more rare DEG stuff), added and supervised by yours truly
  18. Seelentau

    Yeah, I do so as well (my DSS is even signed by all band members), but the GAUZE, VULGAR and signed UROBOROS LPs are all limited (100/10/5) and were only given out in raffles, so they're like ten times the worth of a regular LP release^^
  19. Seelentau

    There are also 5 UROBOROS LPs signed by the members that were given out to the fans in a raffle. Now that I've found VULGAR's LP pictures, I need to find those for UROBOROS... 5 COPIES MAN .__.
  20. Seelentau

    Me too, but I'd need about ~250€ more to afford it, that's why I asked if anyone want a copy of my COWBOY WORLD or Yurameki promo tapes xD Other than that, I don't have any means to get the money :/ By the way, so far I have discovered four different numbers: 00030, 00032, 00061 and 00092. But they're all in possession of other people already. Interestingly, the one on Rakuten has an unknown number, so yeah... wish I could ask the seller for a picture^^
  21. Seelentau

    on rakuten for 100k JPN: https://rakuma.rakuten.co.jp/item/f8336046191412134142 Edit: I can't see the price for the VULGAR LP, but I suppose it was even higher, considering there are only ten copies
  22. Seelentau

    lol no, I could never afford it, I can't even afford the GAUZE LP that is being sold at the moment
  23. Seelentau

    Yes, ten copies exist in total. And yes, that entry was made by me^^ I've been hunting the LP for some time and finally figured out how to acquire the pictures
  24. Seelentau

  25. Seelentau

    That would be 初回封入特典, right? I saw it on a poster for DEG's debut singles, it said that as 初回封入特典, photo cards were included, with lyrics on the back. But a friend said that it's not first press...
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