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Posts posted by sybil

  1. 10 hours ago, CloudyTree said:

    Not yet, but I'll see them on the Crimzon-Label-Live in October. Will pm you my impressions then :) 


    How exciting! Thank you, I'm looking forward to knowing your impressions!


    5 minutes ago, kareta-uta said:

    i haven't seen them in quite a while because i'm not in japan anymore but i did go to their lives on a regular basis last year. so i can give a few details.

    to me their concept is quite interesting because it focusses on bangya and their way of admiring bandmen. like.. falling in love with them, about tsunagari and about their relationships in the fandom with other fans and things like that. so it focusses (more or less) on the daily life of a bangya.

    at their lives aoshi walks around in the live house to "purify" fans or to bind them to the band (with a rope xD)


    tbh, i haven't figured out that well how it's connected to the priest concept but maybe it's because for some banyga bandmen are almost like gods? open for interpretations here xD it's difficult to keep track when you're not in japan..


    i guess fans who are in japan or especially osaka can probably give you more details on it. i started to like them as otoiroha and went over to zigzag as well which i like pretty much. but i was in japan when they were still in their project period,  so they didn't even have proper merch or even cds back then for quite some months. i was told they have grown quite a lot during the past year ^^


    That's soooo interesting.....I love this omg !!!! Now, that's something I would've never known without your input so thank you so much for all the info! I wonder how bangya reacted to the satirical interpretation lol I hope to hear more about them. I'm glad they're doing well ~

    I think their "繋がりたい。” t-shirt went kind of viral  at point on twitter haha maybe that helped a bit! 

  2. The songs for the REQUEST album have been decided (based on the fans' votes)!


    【REQUEST songs】

    1.Eternal Symphony

    2.風の鳥 (Kaze No Tori)

    3.alkaroid showcase

    4.アポトーシス (Apoptosis)

    5.瑠璃色で描く虹 (Ruri Iro De Egaku Niji)

    6.ローンデイジー (Lawn Daisy)

    7.Murder Scope

    8.悲哀とメランコリー (Hiai To Melancholy)



    (in order)


    I'm surprised (and  somehow not so surprised) that most songs are from their indies days lol there's great choices on the list! Sono seemed surprised to see Kaze No Tori, it's such an old song. 

    Also,  my pick (#5) made it on the list, wehh ! ♫

  3. 6 hours ago, Ai Chan said:

    I know they chooses Insanity Injection and Dadaroma for visual shocks. But for music genre. I wish the they choose more variety and diversity. 


    I totally agree.

    I feel like something "à l'Occidentale" like Versailles, Kaya or Lareine would've been fun. They kind of neglected that side of vk which gets a lot of people interested in the scene (through lolita/harajuku fashion) and is more familiar to people from the West. And then something darker,  good compositions... something from Rentrer En Soi, D'espairsRay or Deluhi.  Anyways, they  did say that there's many different sounds and vibes but it would've been cool if they had shown that in the video. 


    Insanity Injection is kind of a new "old school vk" band so instead of showing Aliene Ma'riage (which would've gotten a similar reaction honestly, kyouka is fcked up), they showed something "actual" and that's good. Gazetto was a safe choice and DADAROMA's a pretty damn popular bangya-magnet so that's representative of a side of the scene.


    I don't think the video's bad at all, though. We could argue for hours about what band they should've shown but at least they did choose bands that are undeniably "visual kei". And like some people said earlier in the thread, this kind of exposure's always cool. I don't think vk could ever become the next kpop (15 years old bts stans are not mentally prepared for this lmao) but if it can introduce the scene to people who would enjoy it, then that's great \o/ 

  4. Yu from NEGA is/ was? a huge T.O.P (BIGBANG) fanboy ! Back in 2012, he used to blog about his experience at their concerts and he posted many pictures of the venue and of his goodies lol  

    I remember he also tweeted one of the professional drummers that played at BIGBANG's show to compliment him on his skills lol so cute  T T

  5. I don't understand anything about their concept but I need to know more lol the music's not quite there for me but the whole mystery around them is exciting somehow. I guess that's why they're like that in the first place..? The members are just regular bandoman, from what I recall.  I used to love the, when they were in RayoC, they were the softest bbs........ They're not particularly artistic people so I'm not 100% convinced their concept is that "deep" lol     

    Anyone who saw them live recently?   

  6. They look so lovely, my holy trinity !!!!

    every year I read about the deep sanctuary lives i want to die................ so perfect rip I'd kill to go to one. They could make maaaad money if they released a DVD of this event, seriously.  

    Also I had no idea yu~ki was the one who sang Transylvania, that's great!!!! ♥ 


    It'd be great if Moi Dix Mois released a new album (not a remake of already perfect songs honestly)...

  7. ehhh hello, my name is sybil ! i'm 22 and i'm from mtl, canada! 


    I've been a vk fan since 2008 i think and after a few years of ups-and-downs, i can finally say I'm back ♫.

    I got into vk through bands like gazette and ancafe but only became an actual fan when I got into malice mizer, moi dix mois and then later, Versailles.  I was in an "aristocrat"-ish phase back then lol.

    Uhh through Versailles I got to discover Matenrou Opera, my absolute favorite band, and I've been following their activities since then (the good ol' indies days aaaah). 

    My favorite bands are Matenrou Opera, Malice Mizer and I'm a fan of everything Satsuki (Rentrer En Soi, included). I need to say I love Baiser, Lareine and Metis Gretel, too...! ♥ (Also, I got into Acid Black Cherry this year and I'm a total fan.)

    I'd say I'm an "old vk" fan because I pretty much adore anything cringey and kotekotekotekotekote (Key Party records ayyy) but I don't really like the "snobbish" elitist attitude that comes with it. My favorite band is not from the 90s/2000s and I've been getting more and more interested in new bands (which is why I decided to come on this forum and discover new sound). Bands like More, Arlequin and Gallo really sparked my curiosity and I'm really excited to see if I can find more bands like that.



    i havent been on a forum in the longest time i hope i still have the gist of it 

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