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reminiscing2004 last won the day on January 2

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About reminiscing2004

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    Kisaki's Errand Boy

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  1. I don't understand why the bass level is so low in Leda's projects. I just assume that someone who was such a heavyweight sick bassist would want some sick bass action on their recordings. For DELUHI, I can kind of understand, as Aggy seemed to be a pretty barebones, unnoticeable bass player, but ryu from FED seems to be pretty great. *seems* because I can hardly ever hear him, but it looks like hes doing some tough shit in the live dvd


    Oh well, the new FED single slams, so I finally care :-P

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    2. chemicalpictures


      It really bothers me aswell, but I've accepted that this is just the way he intends for his music to sound. Yggdalive was a beast of release crippled by some real poor mixing table decisions, and this is more or less the case for everything after that. He also does that to the drums, which further proves my point. it's like he separates the base/percussion to serve as stepping stone to guitar lines and vocals. That's why everything he does sounds better live (he can't damp Sujk live, lol). and the thing with the 8-string does make sense, listen to Inhale's 03:02~03:30. The bass is there, you can listen to it in several moments, but the base guitar basically does the job for it. Nadir is another song with some killer bass lines that could've gotten some spotlight. The oddness in all of this is that Leda was a bassist in first place, so it's not like that's just guitarrists being guitarrists, lol

    3. Zeus


      DELUHI is why i use the equalizer now

    4. Wakarimashita


      I have to admit I do too... and I love DELUHI. LOL!

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