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About echo

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    Wataru's Punching Bag
  • Birthday February 5

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  1. debating if I want to see Miyuu Dangan bad enough to go to a taiban by myself.... it's been a while since I've done that.... uggghhhh

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    2. echo


      @anakuro haha tbh I haven't been this fangirly over any bandmen in idk how long lolol it's ridiculous. I'm like a high school girl all over again ahaha


      omg grandma bangya is the best kind of bangya!! maybe I'll bring my kindle too d(゚ε゚*)


      thanks for the tip and encouragement!! (^^) I've asked before (like once or twice??).. I'm just.. idk. awkward af haha but once I ask it's no big deal really.. I guess once I get there it'll be fine.. I just need to figure out how to know when the heck they go up >.> I still don't get how everyone knows!!

    3. anakuro


      I miss that feeling. Enjoy it man!!!

      Syuma's back but GARAK'S only plays in Tokyo so I haven't seen his new band yet.

      And with Roji in XAA-XAA I'm pissed off at him more than I am happy with him sooo lol


      I've been bangya for 4+ years now like at this point I do hatsu for fun get a number in the 10s and go "eh, I'm showing up late to this live tho oops???" or just stay in the back regardless because i don't really care anymore................

      but yeah i'd bring my kindle more except i almost always run into people i know so no point now. it's not a bad idea if you can put it safely to the side during your band. Like during XAA-XAA no where is safe if they play Lalalala or Kanden so I def. don't bring it to them


      no problem!! you get more used to it the more often you do it :)  If you ever have any questions about anything like that...once again I've been doing this 4+ years i'm happy to give any advice I might have!!

    4. echo


      @anakuro omg thank you!! <333 bangya-sempai!! teach me your ways!! m(_ _)m

      actually I do have a question! How do you get saizen??? Like I know you talk to the shikiri, but what are you supposed to say?? The shikiri for TRA TRA TRA has told me to just let her know cos there's usually an opening, but at the last live I saw her and was like... uhhhh what am I supposed to say?? and just gave up haha (also my friend was with me and didn't wanna be saizen lol)


      I hope you feel the stupid giddiness again soon~! Don't get too jaded! lolol I had forgotten what this feels like (>//<)

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