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Posts posted by ぺるしゃ猫

  1. 17 minutes ago, DarkWater said:

    do you have ticket already?



    I want too but then 2 friends are still in tokyo too.



    but Im also up to meet people on those days/evenings from MH!!~ 

    No I'm not in Japan for that :( But I love DEZERT and their lives are really really fun so if I could go, I would go to that one live for sure.

  2. A lot of this stuff is true (as someone familiar to bangya culture due to having many foreign and Japanese bangya friends) but it's different for each band, really. I feel like they are just getting one perspective though; they should have interviewed multiple bangya for a better picture.

    Visual kei is wild though, what do you expect from this type of music? :lol:

  3. 20 hours ago, anakuro said:

    did you see them when you were here back in november? how did i not hear about that?? lol

    mikoto always stops him before he can get to us to exercise us but he's always dangerously close to us by then :') he hasn't tied me up yet but I'm just waiting for that day to come. last time he was hitting some girls with a fan too lol beating the evil spirits out of them i guess 


    I see Aoshi after XAA-XAA a lot handing out flyers (they're always perfumed LOL) and one time i was joking like "tsunagaritai" as we were walking away and we did the hand sign and then we turned around and there he was standing so seriously with his hand up doing the sign and so I did CLAP CLAP CLAP "TSUNAGARITAI" and aoshi died laughing


    as for other thoughts (still about zigzag): what will zigzag's next joke be?

    and when will we get the WASSHOI WASSHOI song on CD because literally the best 

    I did! I didn't even know you liked them until now!! LOL
    LMAOOOOO I was actually trying to hide from him because I knew I was DRUNK AF and didn't want to make a fool out of myself.. But it happened lolol
    He beat their asses with a fan? I'd laugh and cry LOL

    You're the best comedian LOL

    Ohh I need to buy some of their music, I didn't get a chance to in November but next time I see them live (hopefully) I can buy something because I haven't seen anyone selling their stuff anywhere!

  4. I honestly hate myself because I got into them after being to Japan twice when they had a show and didn't go. :( Hope they'll still be together next year when I go back. They are one of my top bands and I love them so much, I listen to them erry day. Musou is the jam of life and so is BOUTIQUE BEELZEBUB  :starry:

  5. 16 hours ago, anakuro said:

    whenever someone is purified/exercised by aoshi my friend says "~got their zag zigged" lol


    speaking of i'm still waiting for aoshi to purify/exercise me and/or my friends

    he's had his eyes set on us the past few times i've seen them 

    last time he was literally rolling around the floor trying to get to us

    also how did zigzag manage to make a song where you sit the whole time so fun??


    ps xaa-xaa and shellmy are also killing it in the kansai scene¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    YES omg it was a hilarious experience because I was wasted AF and I was the first one in the crowd who he used the rope on so I wasn't expecting it. haha

    Oh yeah Shellmy is good too. I think xaa-xaa are talented but I haven't had chance to listen to them thoroughly, but I will some time soon :) 

  6. Biggest wtf for me was when Soan bitched about Moran not becoming famuz and then he breaks them up and he just does projects now.
    Like what was the point even?
    Any Moran fans up in hurr pls correct me if I got the wrong info 

    And sidenote Manew getting arrested still makes me laugh loool the amount of $ i spent at Velu ya'll...

  7. On 8/4/2016 at 1:16 AM, emmny said:

    zigzag remind me of how i felt when i first discovered avelcain and dezert...aka they're batshit crazy and GASP original. its great news their profile is increasing, they have a fuckton of potential (more so than the rest of osaka trash kei)

    And this is why I only like Tokyo and Nagoya bands atm minus ziggyzaggy but maybe it's because my zag got zigged 

  8. 14 hours ago, Carmelzors said:


    Gazette has a nice record of similarity cases actually (no youtube links, just a few I can get out of my chest for now):


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    Defective Tragedy -> Luna Sea - FEEL

    Ruder -> SADS - Liberation

    Agony -> Limp Bizkit - Pollution  and Korn - Wicked (intro, whammy guitars)

    Ogre -> Slipknot - Disasterpiece and Slipknot - People = Shit

    Cassis -> Ryuichi Kawamura (Luna Sea's vocalist) - Sugar Lady



    And that's just a small batch with obvious connections to Gazette's influences.

    I'm totally going to listen to and compare these songs!

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