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Posts posted by ぺるしゃ猫

  1. 1 hour ago, saltofstones said:

    I'm not sure how to explain it but I feel like VK has a problem with  choruses. So often I hear songs that sound amazing only to be ruined by a boring chorus that doesn't seem to organically connect with the rest of the song, sounds uncharacteristically happy like an explosion of kittens and rainbows in musical form or is just bland and lacks the kind of punch you would expect from a chorus. Then when it's time to go back to the verses, the transition is all awkward. To me, the verses and bridge are usually more memorable than the choruses and I only seem to have this experience with VK. When I listen to a new song and it's shaping up to be a good one, I always have this concern that they'll go for this type of chorus and ruin everything and more often than not I am right. A good example of this would be SCAPEGOAT - 幼女A~Hide and Seek~ . Their Nemurenai something song is the same. It's frustrating to have everything in a song work except the chorus.

     THIS when I first started listening to VK I was like "wtf why do all their choruses sound like crap compared to the beginning?" LOL compared to Dir en grey (the band I started listening to vk with who imo got better at the choruses) but now I'm totally used to it

  2. I always say そんな感じ even if it's not right in the sentence cuz lbr my Japanese is shit LOLOL
    and 無理

    OFC ペルシャ猫 because it's my name LOL


    also my boyfriend is an Osaka boi so I also like kansaiben words like なんでやねん of course and あかん (but add わぁ at the end) 

  3. 2 minutes ago, SilverEspeon__ said:

    I've noticed that. :/ But I knew this was the case from the start (I did my research back when I first discovered YOHIO)


    Well, you have a point... But I think we should wait and see what will happen.

    Either that or it's gonna be a flop
    One or the other
    There is no inbetween
    Japanese bangya are wild

  4. I agree with @Komorebisince Islam is so strict, metal (and even some rock) is pretty much frowned upon. I remember watching a documentary about Iranian metal bands practicing in secret.

    They have an abundance of pop music though which I don't understand. I can't speak for the entire ME but since I'm Iranian I know that many popular Iranian musicians are based from elsewhere (America, Europe, etc).

  5. Well most non-Japanese vk fans don't give 2 shits abt YOHIO
    And all Japanese gya I know don't give a shit either

    13 hours ago, Nagisa said:

    According to the FAQ, you can support an artist by sending "LO▼U" to them. You get 1 LO▼U every fifteen minutes, and it is free but you can buy V points in the store and exchange it for more LO▼U (12 V points for 1 LO▼U). There are artist rankings updated every hour by how much LO▼U they have received and there is also a gya ranking for fans (lol) according to how much LO▼U they have sent. There will be monthly events with artists performing and fans can receive invitations to them and presents.


    This seems like it's gonna spiral outta control real quick if it's dealing with indiefag Japanese VK bands
    Like let's be real all their mitsus that work in the ~adult entertainment industry~ will have all the money and get their bands all the points, therefore they have more say/control in how much/what the band is able to do, right?
    How is this any different than in real life other than exposing who has the most time and money for them? LOL

  6. Honestly I feel like even after watching the video most people will STILL not give a shit about current VK
    All those comments, "Where's X Japan?" 
    "Where's girugamesh?" and shit like that lmao ya'll... Even people that like(d) vk don't wanna see new shit byeeeeee

  7. On 8/12/2016 at 1:06 AM, Bear said:

    Wait a minute. Are you saying that X Japan couldn't start VK because no-one sounds like them? Now I don't know nor give a fuck, but saying a band didn't start something because no-one sounds like them are dumb as fuck. If that's what you're doing.


    Anyway, there's a lot of (speed/thrash/power) metal bands that took after (early) X Japan in the late 80's and early 90's both music- and image-wise. This is a known fact.

    I'm saying they weren't the only ones that started Visual Kei, but they coined the term "visual shock rock" and nothing else.

    On 8/12/2016 at 1:06 AM, Bear said:

    Now I don't know nor give a fuck


    Then why did you reply and tell me what I'm saying is "dumb as fuck" ??? lol 

    I don't agree with X starting VK if everyone else in the 80s looked like them, and no other big bands after the 80s actually sounded like them (eg LUNA SEA and Kuroyume took influence from DEAD END). X surely didn't start the kote kei movement or anything else after. So why are they getting credit when everyone else was doing the same thing? Because one of them had pink hair? They get credit because they were more famous than COLOR, DEAD END, D'ERLANGER and Gargoyle. And let me tell you all of them sounded more VK than X and looked as VK as X. 

     Sure metal bands sounded/looked like them but were they Visual Kei? Being a vk band is not limited to wearing makeup and looking like a girl, especially in the 80s and 90s when everyone was doing it. There was a fine line between vk (LUNA SEA) and non-vk (L'Arc~en~Ciel).

  8. 2 hours ago, pinkmakona said:

    Well...!  ;p

    I do like DEZERT though.


    I'm not really that big on Moran tbh. I prefer Fatima lol.  :oops:  Dunno if you do?

    Hmm sometimes I rather listen to Fatima, but since I started listening to Moran when they had their original line up and already saw them twice they have a special place in my heart *-* along with special songs lol 

  9. NAH MAN visual kei is still A++++ I've been into VK since 2006, and I barely listened to new bands since 2010-2015 (because I mostly just listened to Moran/Fatima/bands I knew from before) And this year I started listening to a ton of new bands, and they are awesome.

    It's different when you can actually go to lives in Japan and see bands often because that's what keeps you in the scene. Unfortunately most people living outside of Japan can't experience that and lose interest. Yeah, maybe some bands are not musically so great but who cares if their lives are fun right? That's a big chunk of visual kei, you know, the visual part and the live performance part?

    Like others have mentioned before, VK is only interesting if you want to find new bands and make an effort. And I'm not the type of person that says "This is good and this is bad" because I love trash kei.

    I pretty much went off topic but those are my thoughts. It's easy for people to say "visual kei sucks nowadays" when they aren't deep in the *current* scene

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