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Status Updates posted by Himeaimichu

  1. If anyone wants a cool spin on a classic Pokemon game, look up Pokemon Crystal Clear. It's basically an open world Pokemon Crystal with a ton of improvements, such as automatically turning around after healing, running, more starters to choose from (even challenge ones like Smeargle and Magikarp), and tons of other cool touches that make the game better. The people making it are always adding new things, and they're working on a mechanic that lets you walk with a pokemon like in Yellow and HGSS.

  2. Well I finally escaped my abusive family and am living with my partner. 

  3. I just tried out Choke and I love them now

  4. Does anyone know who this "Chris McCartney" who is credited as the "Total Produce" on Memento Mori's CDs is?

  5. The person who engineered Memento Mori's stuff, and the person who produced Kuroyuri to Kage's last single, are both named Sakura. I wonder if they're the same person. I originally thought the latter was Sakura from Gibkiy Gibkiy Gibkiy, but now I wonder

  6. Tbh, Vkei bands should do collaborations with eachother more often. Like, yeah, those bands are close, but why not make a song together? 

  7. Happy Halloween. I wore proper visualkei makeup for the first time. It looks like Shironuri, but it's actually just foundation too pale for me lol

  8. I find it funny when people act all pseudo intellectual over a newage track that some dude probably made by taking the "Asian Dreams" vst and randomly putting it together in a trial version of FL studio. 
    You're not channeling some ancient art, you're just believing stereotypes

  9. Does anyone know if DJ D-Nice from Boogie Down Productions made any music or produced anything since he left the group in '92?

    It seems like most of the careers of the members, minus KRS-One, ended after 1992. Especially the ones who left before the release of Sex and Violence

  10. Does anyone know if a larger, more hi-res version of this picture of The GazettE exists somewhere?


  11. I've seriously been sleeping on STEREO.C.K. They're really good, and sort of keep the Kagerou sound, but with a twist

  12. Recently got back into Devil Kitty. Except this time, I'm actually taking the time to listen to their full discography instead of just listening to Hello Katty and DQN on repeat lol

  13. I love Devil Kitty and Deadly Sanctuary... but what is up with those drum samples Yuuga uses? 

    Like, they sound like the default drums on a children's keyboard or on a SNES Game

  14. Did Green Herb Straight Tea Time ever released anything? They seem to be the leftover members of what was the Gazetto-Cuartet-Casuga collective. 

  15. My friend bought me Cuartet's 2nd single, 『CORE』-code 219/344 . Expect some lossless rips and some scans soon. 

  16. Can anyone recognise the members in the first band on this? All I recognise is Saki (Cuartet) and Shin (Cuartet) and Satsuki (Mist of Rouge). I'm wanting to know so I can list the band name on the members' histories on vk.gy. So far, the only members I know were in the band were the people I listed, Ruki and Uruha from The GazettE, and of course, Yayoi. 

    For those who don't know, it's Sakae Hebi-zoku, the session band for Eternal records. Even though it's safe to assume all Eternal bandmen were once in it, it's safer just to list the confirmed ones.


  17. Mo Bamba by Sheck Wes is just the 2018 version of the musical disaster that is Turn my Swag On by Soulja Boy

  18. I heard that AINS may be bought out by some company. Is that true?

  19. What's the difference in content between the VHS's, "Cuartet 2004.1.7目黒鹿鳴館 Symphony of 「Creativity」-Blue「-」Ogre-)" and "Cuartet 2004.1.8目黒鹿鳴館 Symphony of 「Destruction」-Red「-」Ogre-)"

    Like, which songs does each have on them?

  20. Interesting, I think I found the guitarist who seemed to really inspire a lot of Guruguru Eigakan's music, especially Amano's guitar playing. He's  a famous Ryukoka/Enka musician



  21. I'm trying to make a mashup of the old and new versions of Zan by Dir en Grey, but I have no idea what the key is for either song. Can someone help?

  22. I still can't determine whether I think the new Kiryu single is a nice throwback to their earlier history, 
    or I think that it's a sign that they're starting to run out of ideas. 

  23. I sure hope Gulu Gulu opens a fanclub, because I'd definitely would join it.

  24. Not long until the Gulu Gulu single is released!

  25. I fucking hate the fact that food companies don't have to specifically say what "natural flavors" they put in their shit. I found this really nice chai flavored protein drink, and it'd be perfect if it weren't for the fact it gives me an allergic reaction. The ingredients list is all stuff that's mostly benign and I'm not allergic to, so the only suspect is the "natural flavors". 

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