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Everything posted by Axius

  1. Ahh i see. Thank you for clarifying ^-^
  2. Axius

    Honestly even tho i like this song
  3. LOL avenged sevenfold XD not really kinda ASF is like more dark and metal although that would be a great match up id pay to see that?? What he sounds like is kinda like your average medieval related singer except Japanese studio wise anyways >.>
  4. Oh you sweet sweet vocalist. Ive been looking those looks since day one This band is the weirdest yet intriguing band ive ever listened to
  5. Intresting pick i never expected this
  6. Wow i didnt even know that. Those camera tricks seem to work well
  7. Axius

    Danm it i was gunna say that XD lol i was gunna say welp time to by the re-re-release of skyrim 2.0 beta
  8. Honestly mamireta it slowly turning into a band i always wanted from vkei. A band that can make each of there songs sound very different from one another. Honestly the many pvs surprised me.
  9. Axius

    Um no vocalist or is this like a project still?
  10. Axius

    Hold on puase. The drummer is not in these shots???? This is intresting. Same for some of the previous shots.
  11. I miss カルディア(Cardia)

  12. Axius

    Lets hope this band doesnt fall apart. First the bassist now this
  13. WHAT >.< how do you go from a band like ARCHEMI to purple stone to this Was 影丸 (Kagemaru) in Shounenki? was there a drummer for the band cause the bloom beautifully pv i hear a drummer but is not visually shown at all??? And in reviva you see the drummer anyone got a bio? Interesting taste in music that drummer has i tip my hat to him also him being a good drummer its a good pick
  14. Axius

    Honestly wayy better then the album and 3th single. Made a good come back. I hope the rest of the maxi single is good.
  15. I just like the studio version. I seen the live version of his work it seems meh. I agree
  16. Meh monotne addition oh well it seems promising lets hope they stick to what nil under rain was putting out
  17. Axius

    Thank mean a band that is either 2006 or 2005 era or later so nothing more.
  18. This band is inconsistent with there releases and i love it XD Each one is different
  19. A light mini album unexpected hope to see the heavyness back soon
  20. Axius

    Probably a separate band from them the 2008 band to be honest.
  21. These guys need to STOP DOING LIMITED LIVE CDS. I swear there cds are gunna end up being relics in 10 years time.
  22. Axius

    Hmm i definitely get Nihilizm vibes from them where the instrumentals are slightly off and its a bit annoying to be honest. Screw did better and hopfully this band releases better stuff maybe its just a rocky start.
  23. Axius

    I am like months late for this WHAT
  24. Axius

    >.< wow just wow never knew vkei would resort to such toxic mesures
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