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Everything posted by Axius

  1. Axius

    Archemi has made the top 5 best vkei bands in my eyes or is at least getting there im waiting for an album drop so badly. I heard the 5th single and i love it all its great. This video is interesting i like the vocals a bit its slightly not far off from typical high pitched vocals but the execution of the song makes up for that. Its different. And you didn't like track 3 of Archenmis 5th single? Weird i thought it was on par with the rest of the single. Either way that is off topic i wanna say i have high hopes if they do make an album but getting back on topic i notice what you said about Awoi's 五月の思ひ出 (配布CD) as the worst release. The reason why i put it there is because of the poor musical quality in the cd not so much the songs themselves it honestly sounds like it was recorded off some random persons phone. As for the songs i feel as tho they could have been remastered onto the best album as full released songs. I honestly would have loved to hear that but they didnt. Also track 3 and 4 being very incomplete like it switchs songs outta no where and its all over the place they should have made it a bit more organized.
  2. Axius

    well that was quick
  3. Axius

    Please bring the old Koichi back i miss him
  4. Axius

    Sounds about right. I noticed most bands with this type of style leave for some reason idk why
  5. Well sht I hope the members can continue this was beginning to be one of the best new bands even tho its just dispina slapped with a new name in my book
  6. Axius

    Hope they sounds good idk about said members to me I.D.A looks like a tomato band
  7. Yup lol naru is back at it again
  8. BP records really knows how to pick members well dispite that fall out in londboy
  9. Axius

    Um thats some american looking outfits ??? im confused
  10. Axius

  11. Axius

    Was it Charlotte? http://www.jpopasia.com/charlotte/
  12. Axius

  13. These guys are like a up and down all over the place with there music. The most inconsistant band i ever known but still pretty solid its either you love them or hate them
  14. What happened to クロノギア?

    1. Alkaloid


      According to their Twitter, they paused activities on January 12, 2017.  Must have flown under the radar somehow.


  15. Axius

    Probally becuase of haitus and they prepared everything before hand?
  16. Axius

    nvm my mistake
  17. Axius

    Well here the thing narrowing it down it could be either bands from DR records or not but seeing as how most of these disbanded off the label, Vocalist wise of members it cannot be is: EX- Devise ( In Mathilda) , Merry badend/lil.y (due to the vocalist condition), isk;m (ex- gaga) (Vocalist retired but theres a small chance for him to come back from who knows), The 3rd brithday(L - in MEME) With means possible band vocals left from ex bands from D.R records: Lustknot, Heartless, Decola hopping, Oneness or i can be wrong this can mean a whole new wave of members who are unknown but DR records wise those are chances of happening.
  18. Axius

    Okay now thats a surprise. Sounds good hopefully they fix there audio on there pvs this time
  19. Axius

    I agree. I miss them they were the best band on the label.
  20. Axius

    This is just a straight up weird line up and bland music. Also did the vocalist face change or something?
  21. These guys deserve it. They are awesome. The singer looks on point 👌
  22. Tensai ^-^ i love you guys. Just a question didnt the bassist leave or something confused on the line up for this band would someone clarify for me thank you
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