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Everything posted by Axius

  1. Honestly who is liking jigsaw right now? Even tho they are secretly dispina and technically only released 4 songs?

    favorite release so far


  2. Axius

    THANK YOU ^-^ Really good as hell of a drummer btw
  3. Axius

    I get avanchick vibes from there snyth at first then at just got like weird and all over the place >.< what is this
  4. Axius

    He looks like a cardboard cut out XD
  5. Axius

    Want to buy any of the following: Mejibray ARCHEMI BIOSPHIA black gene for the next scene born delacriox (re:do album only) Codomo Dragon Dio Distruaght Overlord MORRIGAN Plunklock triggah Ribelio
  6. Axius

    The only 2 ways i can think of is a japanese spotify or itunes. Or grab an sd for cheap card and pop it in your phone. For organization offline i use an app called Blackplayer (You can grab the free ver.) to help organize everything. They Have as bunch of tabs from by track, artist and album. I prefer using the artist tab its polished nicely and they take most album art and some artist pictures from last.fm in the Manually search album or artist. Just make sure you get the names right (Kanji is preferred). If you cant find what your looking for you can always tap and hold down for a second or two on the album, song and artist you want and hit "edit"to edit tags. Another option tap and hold the song, album and artist hit the "Manually search album art" or artist. If your not having any luck hit "get from gallery" and download the image off google or just properly tag in windows. (note: Sometimes Transfering songs from back and forth from windows to android screws the tags i would prefer using the app and the instructions i gave.) I hope this helps
  7. I know they arent but still sad with ains having one band who is haitus. Hopfully they come back as a as repolished ver of valluna
  8. IM CRRYIINNGGGG. Why i just got into them like laast year
  9. Why is vkei falling apart ains dont leave me
  10. Axius

    I personally like it it kinda breaks vkei outta its comfort zone by throwing english at you
  11. Good god i couldn't stand this band this bands vocalist. Good riddence
  12. Axius

    Wow a lot of good band on this thred >.< im excited
  13. Axius

    Finially a full album defiantly checking this out
  14. Axius

    Definitely coming back to this
  15. I noticed there are a lot of old posts about Awoi translations/ unorganized or dead links. I decided to compile a list of English translations from various different awoi releases into a nice organized folder list thingy. Please note I did not translate these and credits goes to this blog for all of the translations: https://awoi.livejournal.com. You can view this yourself and take look it is relatively old so take it with a grain of salt if you want to. I believe this person did a tremendous job on it compared to others ive seen in the past. Let me know any thoughts below. Here is the file (These are in rtf format any basic windows computer can open these files)
  16. Axius

    - Updated Correct awoi discography (Credits to https://awoi.livejournal.com/750.html)
  17. Axius

    Prays for as good female vkei singer simllar to old Exist trace. This is far is not it
  18. O_O this single might probally be there best single
  19. Sits in a corner praying for an album which i know might not ever happen.
  20. Axius

    @xriko I know about crazy shampoo i loved them and i always wondered why they quit. But then again we wouldn't have dadaroma if it weren't for that. Either way yea always struck me as why those tracks are unfinished on the cd if he played them during the months of may strikes me as weird. I wonder if theres a live dvd of those lives. If so id probally request this in the forums to extract a 192 kbps mp3 from it. Otherwise thats interesting to know. Anti-music Funny Man and unhappy birthday to me are great i love those too i felt those were a different take on the music its self i feel as those Otogi wrote and produced those. Also tell me if you agree that 深き胎動 and フェル sounds similar to some songs from the zacro album. Like if they were to extend that mini album they use those songs. I always found those different as well.
  21. Axius

    I never knew this which songs are they? Even tho i probably heard it. I love all of the awoi best collection anyway It is decent but i wouldn't call it high quality. I was comparing the quality to studio versions of songs because mainly ive never really listen to live cds. So im not really familiar on the recording process i didn't know at all. Also you are right during the time of 2006 it was expensive to record in an environment expescally being indie. But the one thing will remain is that they should have made it a bit more organized i still dont know why tracks 3 and 4 are song parts not full songs in a way it is an improper live cd Although they did do there best from what they had so i do commend them on it. I wasnt trying to bash on the songs as much I just haven't heard a studio version/better quality version of it and i didnt know. Therefore im taking back my statement that it was the worst release because its a live cd and and the conditions are different then the other releases. Also a side note i realized that you like older awoi more better and i like newer awoi stuff
  22. Axius

    That aside i hope the drummer really knows what hes doing because in the thirteen i dont hear him drumming most the time he is drowned out by the vocalist. They need to turn him up. Also in CHIYU i feel like he is too skilled for that band altho i like him in the band a bit so far i wouldnt mind so much eh but i feel as tho he should just be support for dadaroma he would fit there more better they are in need.
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